Chapter 29

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"I'm thirsty" I stated harshly earning pain in my neck instantly making my anger grow. Any rebelling or fighting to get free would hurt me. This wasn't fair. I wanted- no needed the blood or I was going to lose it. That's all I could think about and he didn't care at all.

Isn't this what vampires do?

"You need to control yourself" he stated out calmly holding me with my back against his chest. Control? I was thirsty and I only had two bags of blood not two hundred.

"I will once I have some-" "No you will now. You're letting the blood control you. I'm not giving you another one" I growled rolling my eyes. I tried my hardest not to lose my temper because I knew he wasn't lying. He was stubborn.

I swallowed hard not responding as he leaned his head down and kissed my shoulder gently gripping me tighter. His lips moved up to my neck giving me goosebumps as I felt his light breath.

I closed my eyes biting my lips as I let my head drop.

Now I was fighting with two strong feelings.

"Just relax. Listen to my voice, breath in and out" he whispered.

I felt his breathing on my neck and it started to stir the heat in my lower region instantly taking a bit of the urge to drink away. I tried to listen to him as best as I could knowing I had no choice but to calm down. He wasn't going to let me go if I didn't fight it and calm down.

It was killing me though.

"I know it's hard but, you can do it. Focus on something else" I tried thinking about anything but, my mind kept slipping back to it. It was so good and my throat was starting to bothering me again. I wasn't sure how I was going to get through this.

I know he would be here to help but, how can you control the thirst. I feel like this was going to be hell.

"We can go downstairs with everyone else" he suggested and I nodded. Maybe it would help. I just needed something to stop this urge.

He let go of me and grabbed my hand bringing it up to his lips to kiss it as I stood there trying to keep myself together. I just needed to make myself busy. Maybe talking and being around others now like me will help.

They have all went through this, I'm sure they had some advice.

He gave me a reassuring smile and led me downstairs as I heard everyone downstairs talking but once we made it to the doors. there was silence.

I felt awkward seeing everyone watching us smiling. I felt more of an outsider than before weirdly. "Seems like she doing good" I looked up to see Sophie smiling at me and I couldn't help but return it even if it wasn't true.

I sure they heard us upstairs but, I appreciated the encouragement.

"The first months are hard but, it will get easier. You'll be fine. You have a full house of vampires here to support you" She continued and I nodded looking down taking a deep breath.

Cam squeezed my hand gently making me look up to him again. Calmness took over making me relax suddenly. Was this his emotions? Was he just calming me? Was it knowing that I had a support system helping? I wasn't sure but, I'll take it.

This was my new life.


After a bit, everyone started talking again like nothing happen thankfully. I stayed quiet but, listened around occasionally laughing with them but, I mostly listened to Cam's voice, heartbeat and felt him. I sighed smiling as he kissed my head gently just because.

I looked over to Sarah who gave me a reassuring smile. I wasn't sure how to feel. I mean I knew what I did but to me I still felt I was in some long crazy dream. But of course I knew it wasn't. The sounds overwhelming me, the perfect vision, the sensations I felt and burning in my throat confirmed it.

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