ch.32- i promise.....

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I picked out some clothes. Some cute sky blue shorts with a pink shirt that said hi in the front. Bye in the back in gold. I let my curls fall loose. I ran out and shouted "ready!" "Okay lets go" he said grabbing my hand. He we got in the car and drove off. I wonder where we were going. "So since that whole accident happened I missed my rehearsals so I called and had it rescheduled for today. That's where we are going. It starts in 10 minutes" I was surprised about how excited he was about this. Even I forgot about that. "That's great. Your going to be amazing babe" I leaned over and kissed his cheek. We got there in a few minutes. We arrived at a huge mansion. "Holy crap" I said not noticing I said that out loud. "This is not the studio Justin where are we?" I asked. He ignored me and pressed a button on the speaking thingy(don't know what its called) to open the gates "Right on time Mr.Bieber come on in" said someone on the thingy. The gates opened and we went in. Justin parked the car in the front and we stepped out and waited at the door. We waited for like a minute to see the one and only....

I couldn't believe whose house I was at. "Hey what's up. Ready for business?" Said the one and only Michael Jackson! "Hello there...yn right?" I was so shocked. I took his hand and shook it. "That's me :)" "please come in" he lured us into the house. We sat on a couch and Justin laid an arm around my shoulders and I leaned on him. "So your here to talk business. I think your voice can be the next big thing. so what do you say? Can I be your manager?" He stood up and shook his hand "It would be an honor" "okay well lets get to it. Lets go to my studio" Justin interlocked our hands and walked me to the studio. Michael told him to go in and take a seat. And to get ready to record. I sat with Michael outside the recording room. "Ready? Your sheets are right on that stool" Justin nodded and started singing... *3 hours later* they had practiced all day. We had our snacks and little fun. Michael was a really cool person. But now it was time to go home. "Thank you for giving me this opportunity MJ" said Justin giving him a bro hug. "Thank you for having such a voice" he responded. They had their chuckle then Michael hugged me. "It was nice meeting you yn" "oh you too. I had fun" and then we went to the car and drove home. "Babe you were amazing. Your gonna be a teen sensation" I fake smiled. But he can see right through me. "What's wrong. I thought you wanted this" he said confused. Well I did but I'm just afraid "promise me you'll never leave me for some celebrity. Or let papz get in the way or fans or anything" I mentioned on the verge of crying. We arrived home. he parked the car and turned it off. He looked at me and gripped my hand in his "Heyyyy, don't think like that. I love you and I wouldn't leave you for the world. Your the only one I want" he pulled my hair behind my ear and kissed me. I love his kisses. They are always full of love and so soft and passionate. They make me melt inside. I couldn't resist them. He pulled away and whispered "I promise"......

fuck it im young(a justin bieber story) *IM BACK!!!!!*Where stories live. Discover now