ch.40- hungover?

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*next morning*

I wake up and turn around to see my baby smiling at me. "Morning babe" he says pecking my lips. "Mor-" I try to say before getting up and going to the bathroom to heave anything I had from last night. Justin ran behind me and held my hair back. "Oh god!!" I shout sitting next to the toilet. "Hungover?" He chuckles to himself before brushing his teeth. "it pains me to walk cuz of last night" I say trying to get up to brush my teeth. He rinses his mouth and helps me up. When we finished he carried me to the bed. "Since you can't walk guess we are stuck here for the day" he smiles cheekily to me. I playfully punch his chest "you said it yourself I can't walk. I don't want to make it worse!" I shout laughing. "It was worth a shot" he says in a low tone rubbing his chest. we moved downstairs into the living room. The whole day we watched movies and cuddled on the sofa. I kept throwing up every now and then. We also ordered Chinese takeout. We were in the middle of the vow when I was falling asleep. "You sleepy babe?" He asks pushing my hair up from my forehead to kiss it. I was laying on top of him my back on his chest looking at the tv. "A little" I yawn out stretching my arms out moving around on top of him to get comfy. He chuckles "Lets just go upstairs. Come on ill take you" he says trying to get up. "No lets stay like this. Its perfect" I'm now completely on top of him. My head under his chin. Us being chest to chest. My eyes closed trying to fall asleep. I can feel Jerry poking up my vagina. I couldn't help but laugh. "Whats so funny?" He asks. I open my eyes and look up at him "nothing....I um...I feel you" I laugh even harder. "I'm sorry I just can't help but to get hard when we are in this position" he admits blushing. "Aww its fine baby. Lets just sleep" I whisper kissing him before looking back down closing my eyes. "Night yn" he says wrapping his arms around me. "Night" I muffle snuggling my head into his neck.

*next morning*

I wake up and see Justin still sleeping under me. I kiss his lips softly before carefully getting up to not wake him. I go upstairs brush my teeth then back down and into the kitchen. I started cooking pancakes. When I set them on the coffee table in the living room Justin wakes up. "Morning sunshine" he says. I couldn't help but to giggle at the word he called me. "I love that giggle. So adorable" he says stretching out his arms and legs. "Eat up I made us pancakes and orange juice" I say before running to the bathroom to throw up. "Still hungover?" He asks worried. But I was afraid myself at what the reason could be. 1.maybe Chinese at night was a bad idea or 2....

I was pregnant

fuck it im young(a justin bieber story) *IM BACK!!!!!*Where stories live. Discover now