Chapter One

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I was silent for a few minutes then began to speak. "I wanna start from the beginning." He nodded.

"The part about me "fucking half of the football team" was a rumor that has been held over my head since I was 14."

"I already knew that. You don't look like the type to do something like that Angel." Dashawn said and I lightly smiled.

"Well that rumor ruined me. My first boyfriend Alvaro was my first love. We did everything together. He was actually almost my first time doing ... well you know." I said with a wink. "Let me guess. He believed the rumor and broke up with you."

"Wow! You are great at the guessing game!" I said and he laughed. "Well, you know how I do." He popped his collar. Then he put it back down. I laughed so hard I was in tears!

"Okay, okay let me finish. Not only did he break up with me, but he started dating my ex best friend. He keeps calling and texting my phone talking about how he misses me, how he wish he would've never broke up with me and things like that. But the best part is that she's pregnant and it's his. He only wants me back because she is starting to be a bitch to him, excuse my French."

"Angel may God bless your life because you live in Hell." He said. "You don't even know the half of what I've dealt with. Jay is 9 months old nearly 10. His father is my mom's ex boyfriend. He raped me and Javion was the product. I don't regret having my son at all. I do regret getting rapped though. Alvarez was his name and I looked up to him as a father. He had been in my life since I was 5 years old. When he did what he did to me, I lost all respect for him."

Dashawn looked at me in awe. "I can't believe somebody would do something like that to a girl as beautiful as you Angel." I blushed and looked down when he said that but he just picked my head up.

We started to lean in closer and closer. My heart was hammering in my chest and my stomach was filled with butterflies! Our lips were just inches away.

"Angel can you-" my mom said. We quickly backed away from each other "Did I interrupt something?" "No." Me and Dashawn said in unison.

"Okay well Angel can you do my hair and make up when you two are done talking and you put Jay down for a nap?" "Yes mommy. Do you need it washed too?" "No, I can do that part." "Okay." I said and she went back upstairs.

"Well I think you told me everything." He said. "No, I didn't tell you what the school said. The principal wants to meet with me, my mom, Brittany and her parents tomorrow. Im really scared that they're gonna press charges or I get expelled. I don't know, I'm just filled with anxiety."

"Calm down, everything is gonna be fine. How much damage did you do?" "My mom said it was just a broken nose and a swollen black eye." "That's not even that bad! The worse they'll do is give you detention. Stop stressing yourself."

I sighed. "I'll try but what did they say about you ditching school?" "They said U have after school detention for two days."

"How will you do that when you have to take care of Shawna so your mom can go to work?" "I was going to ask my grandma to watch her."

"You know, I could do it for you if you want. Jay is such a good baby I don't really have to do anything for him and he can play with Shawna."

"You would actually do that?" I nodded. "Thank you Angel. You know that name does suit you. You really are an Angel." "I'm really not but thank you anyway." We smiled at each other.

"Well I need to get going." He said as he stood up and we traded babies. "Bye Shawna. See you tomorrow and the day after pretty baby." I said in my baby voice. She squealed and laughed causing me and Dashawn to laugh too. She's a happy baby too and I like that.

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