Chapter Thirty One

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"Get your stuff and let's go." He handed me my phone and turned the stove and oven off. I rushed to get my shoes and coat and Kai's shoes and car seat. I quickly put his little sweatshirt on him, Then ran downstairs. "Call Detective Hill." He told me as we hopped in the car and I nodded. "Hill it's Angel. I need you to meet me at the hospital NOW!" I said and hung up before she could reply.

The whole ride there we could feel the tension. "Shit!" Dashawn yelled hitting the steering wheel in anger. I couldn't help but feel like this is all my fault. If he had never met me then maybe, well I know for a fact, this wouldn't be happening to his family. A stray tear fell down my cheek and I quickly wiped it way because I shouldn't be the one crying.

We finally reached the hospital and he parked. "I got Kai, you go." I said and he ran through the parking lot into the hospital. I quickly got Kai and walked as fast as I could into the hospital.

I hate being outside at night especially alone.

I walked in and went straight to her room. When I got there Dashawn was beside Shawna's bed talking to the nurse. "Who has been in to see my daughter?" He asked her and I could tell that she could feel his anger. "Nobody but the doctor and myself sir." She said with a shaky breath. "That's a fucking lie! Someone was here in her room and I know they were." He yelled at her and she jumped.

"Dashawn don't yell at her." I said putting Kai down so he could sit on the chair. "Angel right now is not the time for your peacemaker ass." He said with venom in his words. "Well you yelling at her isn't helping the situation dumbass and I'm most definitely not the one you wanna go off on trust and believe that. Now shut up." I said rolling my eyes at him and pulling out my phone. "Now miss, this is a picture of someone standing over top of my daughter. I don't know who it is or why they were there but I need to know if you saw this person anywhere near this room." I said and she looked at the picture closely. "I'm sorry ma'am but no." she said sadly. "Well I want you to tell the other nurses and doctors that no one can be in this room unless it's her dad, her grandmother, or myself." I said and she nodded and walked out.

"You know you were dead wrong for that right?" I said putting Kai in my lap as I sat down. "Angel I really don't give a shit right now. I'm not worried about the nurse, the doctor, or you. I'm worried about my daughter." He said and my heart dropped.

When I didn't reply he looked at me and sighed. "Angel I'm-"

"Dashawn I'm tired of hearing those words. Anyway you're right because if you hadn't met me your life wouldn't be hell right now right?" I said and thankfully before he could reply, Detective Hill walked in.

"Sorry I'm late, what's going on?" I showed her the picture on my phone and let her read the message. "So Alvarez is behind this and no one on this floor saw this mystery person?" She asked. "I guess not. I mean nobody said they did. The nurse that was just in here didn't at least." I said with a sigh and kissed Kai's forehead. "Well did y'all make sure only you guys could get in?" I nodded and she put her hand on her hip. "Do you mind if I take your phone for about 45 minutes?"

"No. Do whatever you can to trace that number." I said before she walked out. "I'll be right back but if you leave, let me know. See you Dashawn." She said then walked out.

A few minutes later, in walks the doctor. "Hello. I heard the news, do you still have the picture?" He asked. "Hi and no. Detective Hill has it which was on my phone." He nodded and checked Shawna's machines. "Well Soldier Girl is doing very well. She's recovering faster than I thought she would which is an extremely good thing. She might even wake up sooner from the coma." He said and I smiled. "That's my baby." Dashawn said smiling as well holding her hand.

"Oh, did you guys request who could visit her just in case?" He asked looking at me. "You already know I did Doc." I said and he laughed. "Well y'all have a nice night." He said shaking our hands. "You too." I said and he smiled at Me. I smiled back and he let my hand go walking out.

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