Chapter Twelve

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I dropped the phone and my heart wrenched. I couldn't breathe. My mom grabbed my phone and Dashawn came to my side. That's all I saw before I blacked out.


"Come on Adrianna, wake up!"

"One, two, three, Clear!"

I woke up coughing and sweaty. My throat we sore and it was hard for me to breath. A light was flashed in my eyes and I flinched. Then I started to panic.

"Where am I? Where's my mom? MOM!" I yelled and someone touched my arm.

"Shhh, calm down honey, you're okay. You're in the hospital. Can you tell me your name, age, and your mother's name?"

"Adrianna Stevenson, 17, and Katrina Stevenson."

"Good job. Nurse can you go get her mother and whoever else is with her. I want to make sure she remembers them."

I couldn't see who she was talking to. When I tried to lift my head I grimaced.

"Aahh!" I yelled.

"What's wrong sweety?"

"My head hurts so bad." I cried.

"Okay, this button is for you to push when  you feel pain okay? If anything hurts, push it but only push the button once when you feel the pain."

She did other stuff, but since I'm not a doctor and my head hurts, I don't know wgat she did and I didn't feel like thinking. Soon the door opened. I meant I wasn't going to move my head.

"Angel." I heard my mom's voice and became relieved. I slowly turns towards her. She wasn't alone though.

She was with Dashawn, Shawna, Phoebe, Drew, Ray, Marc, Santo, and my dad. I didn't even know they could let that many people into a hospital room at one time like that.

"Do you remember these people Adrianna?" The nurse asked and I nodded. "That's a very good sign. I'll leave you all alone now." She said before she walked out.

"Before you guys say anything, please keep in mind I have a head ache. So you loud mouthed people need to whisper." I said and they laughed while I smiled despite how much pain I was in.

"Oh Angel, I'm so glad you're okay." My mom said as she brushed my hair out of my face.

"Why am I here?" My mom froze then looked around the room at my friends and family. They looked at her then quickly looked away.

She sighed and grabbed my hand. "I'll tell you later, we just came to check on you."

"Mommy." I heard and looked at Shawna. She was trying her hardest to get to me.

"Bring her over here Day Day." He did and instead of me kissing her this time, she kissed me and squeezed my cheeks. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Hold up, wait a minute, let me put some Phobe ALL up in it." Phoebe dumb ass said emphasizing all. I laughed but quickly stopped when I felt my head start to pound.

"When did you become mommy again?" When she said that it triggered something.

"Mom please tell me what happened. Why am I here!? Is the baby okay!?" I said frantically. I was nearly in tears. I can't lose another child. My heart monitor was going crazy.

"Shhh, calm down. The baby is fine. Nothing happened to the baby at all." I calmed down and so did the monitor.

"What baby!?" Everyone said together and I sighed. I didn't want them to find out just yet.

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