Chapter Six

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I woke up at 5:30 to the sound of Jay squealing as usual. I wish he could actually talk. He knows 3 words now. Mama, Nana, and . . . Dashawn. Smh, I guess we say that name around him too much.

I sat up and saw my mom playing with Jay. "What are you doing? It's too early to be playing." I had an attitude. It's close to that time of the month that every girl hates so I don't need to explain it you.

"Well, someone's in a bad mood. That time of the month?" I rolled my eyes.

"Yes mom close to it . . . can you give me a ride to school please? I mean, you're already up, and I don't want to ride the bus." I pleaded.

"Sure, I'll get Jay dressed and fed while you get ready." Wow, that was easier than I thought it would be.

I put Terria Chrishelle's " Don't Leave" on repeat and sang along.

The song ended for the third time and I got out of the shower. I put my clothes on and picked up my phone. I had another message from Dashawn he sent at 1:00a.m.

❤Dashawn❤: Hey, I know it's late, but I'm gonna be late for school tomorrow, so you'll have to ride the bus. :/ Sorry. Goodnight/GoodMorning Angel (: I'll see you at school beautiful ❤

The last part made me smile, but I quickly frowned. What he did last night popped back in my head. What if he gets in trouble? He killed someone and that's 15 or 25 to life in prison.

"Angel come on or you'll be late!" I couldn't care less. Three more days of ASD, and I'll be done! I could be late if I wanted. Might as well if I gotta stay late.

I went downstairs and grabbed a bag of Hot Cheetos. Yes that's my breakfast, problem? Oh.

"Now I KNOW you not eating them for breakfast." She said.

"Well we didn't have Oreos which I'm craving so bad and these were the next best thing."

"You're right it is-" I opened the car door and threw up the hot cheetos I ate.

"Angel are you okay?" I felt light headed a little.

"I'm fine mom, I guess those hot cheetos were expired. Can I have a piece of gum."

She looked at me with a questionable look but gave me a piece and took me to school.

We got there and I took Jay out of his car seat, grabbed our stuff, said bye to my mom, and headed to first block. You wouldn't believe who walked up to me while I was walking to my class.

"Hey Angel." She said. I rolled my eyes. This bitch.

"What do you want Phoebe?" I said with enough annoyance that a normal person would just walk away, but not her.

"Wow, do you have to be so harsh and hostile to your best friend?" No she didn't. She needs to walk away like now.

"Phoebe, we stopped being best friend a while ago. Where have you been?" She took my hand and dragged me into the bathroom.

"Look, Angel I'm sorry! Okay! I'm really sorry! I know what I did was wrong, but I don't have any friends. I need you Angel. Please. Alvaro even broke up with me."

She yelled but when she said please, or was barely a whisper. She had tears in her eyes and it kind of broke my heart. Jay squirmed in my arms and laid his head on my shoulder.

"Phoebe, I loved him! You know I did. You Got caught up in shit with Brittany and turned on me. Got to the point where you fucked my first love and got pregnant. Now he keep calling me begging for me to take him back because you're acting like a bitch to him." I said and the bell rang.

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