Chapter Twenty Four

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*One Year Later*

So it's been a year and so much has happened. I finally got to bury my mom and Javion. The service was beautiful and I thanked everyone that was involved. We had a joint funeral for the two of them so that I could save a little bit of the donation money we got from people who helped us. You remember the two anchors from the news? Well they came and visited me like they said they would. They brought there families too. Amanda said I should write a book about my life, and I just might. She says it would be a best seller.

Alvarez is in jail and it will stay that way for the rest of his life. I was so happy when I found out he wouldn't get out. Javion and my mother finally have justice. Drew's mom was a total wreck when she found out he was dead. She invited me to the funeral, but I declined. I wasn't Drew's friend and the fact that he did ehat he did, I might have pulled an Anika Noni Rose. You know how the guy raped her in Four Colored Girls and she went to see his dead body and slapped him? Yea I would have done that so I decided against going. Brittany's parents of course hate me. But I'm Adrianna motherfucking Stevenson. If they think I give even half of a fuck, they are stupid and beyond delusional. We attended Ray's funeral. Poor Santo, I just wanted to give him a hug and never let go. It was so sad that I cried so hard, I thought I was gonna pass out.

Marc is doing real good. His son M.J. is two now, and that's my boo. He is the cutest little thing ever. He loves staying with me because him and Shawna play together. I think they low key like each other. Speaking of Shawna, she's two and about two months old now. That's my big baby. AJ is about to turn one. That's my baby too. All of the babies love them some Angel. Oh and guess what!? Phoebe is pregnant again. And Santo is the dad. I know right! That's crazy like those two absolutely couldn't stand each other. Now I know the true meaning of there's a thin line between love and hate.

Guess what else!!! Shawndrea And Uncle Chewey are dating. I was so shocked when they told us. I was so angry at first because that means that Dreaa is now My "aunt" therefore Dashawn is my "cousin" but shit, we ain't blood plus Dashawn and I were dating first. We're both secretly hoping they will break up. I know that's bad, but it's true.

My dad is dating this woman named Khristina. She's a year younger than him and really nice. She has a son that just turned seventeen last week. They've been dating since I was in the hospital the last time. She was my freaking nurse. I was like really dad? You really just did that? But he's happy again and I'm happy that he's happy.

I've been a little sad lately because I haven't had those dreams in about eight months now. I miss my mom and Jay and I would like to see them again. I still miss Jay a lot, and I visited his grave on his birthday. He'll be, or would've been three in exactly two more weeks.

I'm now nineteen years old. Y'all I wasn't going to school? Well I had to go to summer school and take those classes over. I'm officially done with high school. Dashawn graduated with our class, but didn't apply for any colleges. He wanted to wait for me, but I will be taking online courses. I told him to go on, but he wanted to be with me, Shawna, and the baby. Oh yes my baby BOY. Yes I had another boy. To be honest I wanted a girl because I felt as though I was replacing Jay somehow, but I love my baby boy Just as much as I love Shawna and Jay. His name is Kairo Alexander Merciér and he's three months. He was born July 6. That's another I felt like I was replacing Jay. His birthday is on the sixth also And both of there months start with a "J", but I'm sort of over that now.

Dashawn and I are doing really good. We have arguments like any other couple, but we work through them. My dad moved into my mom's house because I wanted to move out. but I wanted to keep the house just in case. Dashawn and I live in a house in a new subdivision that was built a year ago called "Bryer Wood". The house is beautiful and fit for us. Dashawn and Marc work together at Finish Line in the mall. I still do hair and makeup on the side. I want to get an actual job, but Dashawn won't let me. He's one of those, "You have me, so you don't need to work. Just be a stay at home mom, I got us" kind of guy. I love him for that but I would like to help out a little. He almost didn't let me continue to do the hair and make-up thing. I had to literally beg him to let me keep doing it.

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