Chapter Twenty Three

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"Angel! Angel stay with me baby girl! Keep your eyes open Angel!" Dashawn yelled.

I tried to keep them open, but it was so hard. I was in so much pain. He shot me. He actually shot me. "No Angel keep them open!" I wish he would stop yelling at me! Sheesh I'm trying. I just want to sleep right now. I felt myself being lifted up onto something and that's when I gave up trying to keep my eyes open.


*Dashawn's P.O.V*

"Angel! Angel stay with me baby girl! Keep your eyes open Angel!" I yelled as we waited for the police. I swear Angel if dies I'm gonna kill that guy. I remember his face. I don't give a fuck about the other guy because he didn't pull the trigger, but that other one is dead.

"No Angel keep them open!" Did y'all forget she was pregnant? She's losing so much blood and that's not good for our baby! Finally the ambulance came and put her in the truck. I told them I would follow behind them. I really wanted to be in the truck with her, but I wasn't leaving my car there for it to be towed or stolen.

"Hey mama." I said frantically into the phone.


"Angel was shot and I need you and Chewey to come to the hospital."


"Alright bye." I hung up and dialed Angel's Dad.

"Hey Mr. Fernando get down to the hospital. Angel's been shot. I'll explain everything once you get there. My mom, Chewey, and Shawna are on their way."


"Alright, see you." I said then hung the phone up."

I pulled into the parking lot and jumped out of the car. By the time I got in, they were talking her to the back. I tried to go with her but the nurse held me back. I hope they know that she is pregnant. She's showing a little but no too much. I don't want to lose her or our child. I don't know what I would do without her. I love that girl with everything in me. She's my other half, my rib. She holds a piece of my heart that even my mom can't get to. If she dies, I die.

"Dashawn! What's going on?"

"Daddy where mommy go?"

"What happened to my niece?"

"What happened to my daughter!?"

Questions were being thrown at me left and right. My head was in my hands and tears fell. I felt hands touch mine and I looked up to see my baby girl. "Why daddy cry?" She asked and I sat her on my lap. Everyone else sat down in the chairs next to me.

"Mommy got hurt and daddy doesn't knoe If she's okay or not. Your little brother or sister is in her tummy and I don't know if she or he is okay either." I said looking down at her.

"Mommy ate my baby bwothew or Sistwer?" She asked causing me to laugh. "No baby girl." I said and she nodded,

"Dashawn what happened to my daughter?" Mr. Fernando asked me. "We were at the courthouse. When we were walking out, two men were standing there. We exchanged words and walked away. We turned around when he called out to Angel and he shot her. The two guys were Alvaro's friends. They were mad that he got locked up." I said while putting Shawna in my lap.

"Oh my God. I hope my two babies are okay." Mr. Fernando said and we all fell silent.


*Hours later*

"The family of Angel Stevenson." We all jumped up and walked over. Shawna was asleep in my arms and it was about five now.

"Angel lost a lot of blood and nearly lost the baby, but they are both fine. She had a bullet lodged into her side. She passed out when she lost all that blood. Angle is O negative. Are any of you that blood type and are willing to give a pint of blood?" The doctor said.

"I'm O negative. She's my niece so I'll do it." Chewey said stepping up. "Okay, just follow me." The doctor said and they walked away.


*Angel's P.O.V.*

I woke up still a little drowsy. Oh my gosh this bed is so uncomfortable. I sat up and screamed in pain holding my side. "Are you okay babe?" I looked to see Dashawn hovering over me with a concerned face and then I panicked. "What happened? Why am I here? Is the baby fine? Oh God I lost the baby. Oh God Oh-"

"Angel slow down." I heard and looked beside me. I saw Shawndrea, Shawna, my dad, and Uncle Chewey. "The baby is fine and you got shot by one of Alvaro's friends." Shawndrea added and I sighed. I swear I am ready to be with my mom right now. All the shit going on, a seventeen year old shouldn't be going through.

"I'm so happy you're okay baby. I love you so much and if I lost you and the baby I would die. I can't live without-"

"I love you too baby." I said and kissed him on the lips. We stopped when I pulled away and smiled at each other. I swear I love this boy with all my heart. And the crazy thing is, I didn't believe in love at first sight. I always said it took about a good six months to a year for me to determine if I love your or not, but with Dashawn, it only took a few weeks. That's my rib right there.

They all stayed a little longer, then they left but Dashawn stayed with me. Luckily Shawna was asleep or she would have thrown a tantrum. But that's my baby girl and I love her, just like I love her daddy.

"I swear I thought I lost the both of you." He said looking at me while rubbing my stomach. He had tears in his eyes and I internally went "awwwww". He's so freaking sweet man.

"I thought I was gone when I fainted." I said as I winced. I pushed the button and made the pain medicine shoot into m body. This pain was horrible, but I've felt a lot worse. Try living with a broken heart everyday and you'll see what I mean.

"I'm just happy that both of my babies are fine. Chewey said the police are looking for the guys that did this and they better pray to God our father thou art in heaven that they find them before I do. I swear if I see the dud that shot you, I'm gonna kill him. I don't care about anything but the safety of my family. I almost lost you two again and I'm fed up with this. Angel I swear I will protect you until the day I die. You, and both of my children." He said with tears in his eyes while mine were flowing freely. He wiped my tears away and kissed me with so much passion that you would think we had been married for years and are still more in love than the day we met.

We pulled away and looked in each other's eyes.

"I love you so much. I wouldn't even think about leaving you for anyone else." He said and I smiled.

"I love you so much more Dasahwn and I wouldn't replace you for any other nigga on this planet." I said and he laughed causing me to smile.

"Impossible. I have more love for you than you'll ever know." He kissed me one last time, and then we fell asleep. And for the first time in a while, I went to sleep with a smile on my face.

Despite the fact that I'm in a hospital bed, despite the fact that I could've died, and despite the fact that I could have lost my baby, I still went to sleep with this big smile on my face. All thanks to my bae, boo, boyfriend, and future husband.


Happy Valentine's Day niggas! I wasn't gonna update, but I'm updating because my Crunchaay wanted me to ^.^

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*** Queen_GoldChains ***

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