Chapter Nineteen

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Phoebe hopped in the cab with her purse and phone in her hand. I was serious about her getting up out my house. She a bitch that can't be trusted. I'm glad she let Adrian stay with me though.

I closed the front door and saw Uncle Chewey peacefully sleeping. I walked to the closet and got a big quilt for him. I put it on top of him and kissed his forehead. I walked upstairs to my room to find Day Day watching tv. He looked at me when I walked in, then turned his attention back to the tv. I silently put on my pajamas, and slid my feet into my purple, black, and white Hello Kitty slippers. They were like Uggs I guess you could say ... or Whatever floats your boat. I wrapped my hair and was about to walk out of my room.

"Where you going?" He asked stopping me in my tracks. I turned around and looked at him. "Something happened earlier with my Uncle and I don't trust him to be alone, so I'm going to sleep with him." I answered. "Aww, I have to sleep alone." He said and I smiled. "Well not really. You have Shawna in the bed with you. Good night Day Day." I said. "Good night baby." He replied and I walked out. I walked downstairs to see Uncle Chewey still sleeping. I turned off the lamp, took off my slippers, and climbed in with Uncle Chewey. I closed my eyes, and immediately I was sleep.

"Angel?" I heard. "Angel?" I heard again, but it was a different voice. I opened my eyes and saw my mom looking at me. I looked at her like she was crazy. She smiled at me. "Mommy?" She nodded her head and opened her arms. I ran towards her and gave her the biggest hug you could give someone. "Angel I missed you." She said while I cried. "I missed you too mommy. Why'd you leave me?" I asked pulling away. "I'm going through so much and when I needed you most, you left me. Alvarez is nowhere to be found, Phoebe backstabbed me again, and Uncle Chewey tried to commit suicide and you left. Mom I have to be strong for everyone. Even if I don't want to, I have to and it's not fair!" I said. "Oh Angel. God has a plan for our lives. We might not like it, or want to accept it, but we have to go along with it. Trust me Angel if I didn't have to leave you I wouldn't have. But I had and needed to. I just want you to hang in there like you've been doing, and you'll be just fine. You have Katrina Stevenson in your blood baby girl. You're strong. Stay that way." She said and wiped my tears. Someone cleared their throat and I looked over to see who it was. "Ray!" I said with a gasp. "In the flesh. Or should I say, in the spirit." He said pointing to himself smiling. I smiled back and gave him a hug. "You always did joke around." I said with a playful eye roll. "Well you know how I do." He said with a smirk and I laughed. My smile quickly faded. "You know Santo misses you more than anyone. I can see it in his eyes that he misses you a lot." Ray's smile disappeared. "I know. I miss my brother a lot too. I'm sad that I had to leave him, but he knows that I love him and I'll try my best to protect him."

I didn't realize what was really going on until the scenery around me changed. It went from all white walls to all black ones. "It's funny how you can make people believe anything you want them to isn't it?" I heard and I jumped in surprise. I turned around and there he was. "Yes it's me, Alvarez. I missed you Angel." He said walking closer to me. I backed away and he just kept getting closer. Again I started to feel like the girl in the scary movies that always gets caught. I tripped over freaking air man. I fell right on my butt. He kept getting closer while I kept moving back until I felt the cold wall hit my back. He was right in front of me now. He reached out and was about to touch me until-

"Waaaaa! Waa Waaaaa!" I sat up and saw I wasn't in my room. I looked over and saw Uncle Chewey sleeping.

"Waaaaaaaa!" I jumped out of bed and ran to my room. Dashawn was holding Adrian trying to calm him down and Shawna was sitting on the bed with her hands over her ears. I looked at the clock and saw it was only four. I guess Dashawn heard me come in because he turned around. I shut my door hoping to keep the noise inside so no one will wake up yet.

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