Chapter Twenty Two

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"Lil' mama you remind me of something. I don't know what it is. You remind me of something, girl you gotta show me."

"Hello?" I said groggily. "Is this Adrianna Stevenson?" Who is this calling me so damn early asking all these questions? "Yes, who is this?"

"I'm Hakeem Wills, Alvaro's Attorney." When he said that I immediately sat up. "Umm, not to be rude, but why are you calling me?" I hope he didn't think I was coming off as rude. "Well, Alvaro wants you to come to the courthouse early to speak with you. His trial begins at three and he wants you there by two. It is now Twelve." What? Twelve? It feels like five in the morning. "Uhh.. do you think that's a good idea? It sounds shady to me." I know I'm not the only one who thinks this feels shady. "Well no, nothing shady is going on. He just wants to talk with you." He said and I sighed. "Fine I'll be there. Is this your personal number where I can reach you easily?"

"Yes ma'am." Doesbt he know I'm only 17? The ma'am carp is too early. "Well I'll call you when I get there." I said and hung up the phone. I turned on my stomach and screamed as loud  I could in my pillow. I guess it didn't nudge the sounds good enough because Dashawn woke up.

"Good morning to you too babe." He said with a laugh and I turned towards him. He looked happy and very well rested. "Alvaro's lawyer just called me. Him and Alvaro want to talk to me. About what? Your guess is as good as mine." I said closing my eyes and sighing. He kissed my forehead, and I opened my eyes again. "What time Does he want you down th-

" "Lil' mama you remind me of something. I don't know what it is. You remind me of something, girl you gotta show me."

I groaned again. "Hello?"

"You have a collect call from Riverside Regional Jail. Do you choose to accept?" I froze when they said Riverside. I put the phone on speaker and accepted the call.

"Angel?" It was him. I looked over at Dashawn who looked at the phone hard. "Why the he'll are you calling me? I don't want to talk to you and you should know that!" I said raising my voice a little. He sighed and cleared his throat.

"Can you come see me?" He asked and I didn't give any thought on my answer. "No." Was all I said and I headed him sniffle. "Angel Please. I'm sorry for what happ-"

"No you're not! Alvarez my mom would still be here if it wasn't for you! You said you would stay out of our lives, yet you still popped up and did what you did! I hate you with a passion Alvarez. I've never really hated anyone my whole life, but you've broken that record so congratulations. After this phone call, I don't want to ever hear from you again!" I said fighting back the burning tears that were about to fall.

"Angel I'm sorry okay! You and both Katrina knew that I loved her and saw you as my own daughter. I had a reason why I did what I did. I want to see you so I can explain everything." He pleaded and a hot tear rolled down my cheek. "So you had a reason for raping the little girl who called you dad and did fun stuff with you? Alvarez do you know that I blamed myself for what you did to me? Fuck You Alvarez. I'll think about wanting to hear what you have to say. Bye." I said and hung up the phone laying back on my pillow crying. Dashawn put his head on my stomach and held me.

"Daddy." Shawna said reaching her arms out a few minutes later. He picked her up and sat back on the bed. She crawled to me and sat on my tummy. She wiped my tears away and looked at Dashawn. "Daddy why mommy cry?" She asked with her lip picked out. "Mommy has a lot on her mind." He said smiling at her. "Monny hurt? Mommy sick?" I looked at her ans smiled weakly. "I'm mommy isn't sick or hurt. Mommy's heart hurts a little, but she's fine." I said sitting up kissing her forehead. "Can me and Daddy make Mommy heart bettwr?" She said looking up at me with so much hope in those big beautiful eyes. "You already did make it better baby girl." I said with a genuine smile. She laid her head on my chest and I wrapped my arms around her.

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