Chapter Twenty

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"Y'all cleaned the kitchen and everything right?" I asked and they nodded. Good because I won't going to do it. "Santo your best friend is coming over to have a talk with me." I said poking him in his arm. "Who?" He asked looking at me. "Phoooeeebe." I said and he scoffed. "That ain't my best friend." He said rolling his eyes and I laughed. I picked up Adrian and looked at him. It wouldn't be long before Phoebe came and took him.

"Dashawn can you take a picture of me and Adrian before Phoebe comes and takes him?" He nodded and I handed him my phone. I held Adrian and looked at the camera smiling. He took it and handed me the phone back. The picture was so cute. Adrian made the cutest face. It was like he was trying to wink. I smiled at the picture, then the doorbell rang. My smile faded and I walked to the door. I opened it and there stood Phoebe. She saw me holding Adrian and snatched him from me walking in like I gave her permission. She already testing my patience.

I closed the door saying a silent prayer. I walked in to see everyone looking between me and Phoebe. "Come to the kitchen Phoebe." I said walking in and sitting down. She sat across from me. "What you wanna talk about?" I rolled my eyes. She knows what I wanna talk about. "Let's start off with, when did you want to have everything I had? By everything I mean Alvaro and Dashawn." I said crossing my arms. She looked at me with hate and I couldn't care less right now. "Well, I've always had eyes for Alvaro. I just never told you. I knew one day you would slip up, and he would break up with you, but you were taking too long so I started the rumors. Both of them." She said smirking at me. "And then you got him, kicked me to the curb, had a baby him, then tried to take my new man away from me. Well let me tell you something. Dashawn isn't as stupid as Alvaro is and was. He knows he has a good woman and won't do nothing like sleep with some whore to mess our relationship up." I said making that smirk on her face turn into a grimace. "I'm not a whore Angel." I scoffed. "Oh really? Then who is Adrian's father? Alvaro or Ronald?" I said and her eyes widened. "How do you know about Ronald?" She said and I smiled. "I have my ways. That doesn't matter though. Do you know who his father is?" I said and she nodded. "Of course I do. It's Alvaro. I know who I slept with when I slept with them." She said and Adrian started crying. She rocked him, but he wouldn't stop. She looked so unfit to be a mother. I sighed and walked over to them. "Give him here." I said but she didn't. "I'm his mother, I can handle it." She said as she rocked him more and them put her hand over his mouth. "Phoebe don't do that!" I said snatching him away. "Shhh, Auntie Angel's here." I saw a passi an the counter. I washed it off and gave it to him. He calmed down and I looked at Phoebe. She looked a mess. She had tears in her eyes and her hands were tangled in her messy hair. I shook my head at her. "You didn't even have him twenty minutes yet and you look like that. Phoebe I think it's best that Adrian stays with your mom." I said. Phoebe thought it would be cool for her to live on her own, So her dad bought her an apartment a few blocks away. I thought that was the stupidest idea on the world but hey, she ain't my daughter.

"Oh shut up Angel. Just because your life is perfect doesn't mean you can rub it in my face." I'm fed up with her and her attitude. I walked in the living room and see the boys were listening. They started acting like they were doing something. "Hold him." I told Marc and I walked back into the kitchen.

"Phoebe, My life is nowhere near perfect. I was raped, and the rumors that you spread around ruined my life. I lost my so called best friend and love of my life who I now wish I never met them. I lost my son thanks to Alvaro. I watched my mother die, in front of me. So don't you dare say my life is perfect." I said and she stood up. "Well you walk around here like your the best thing since ice cream that I couldn't tell the difference. I don't like you Angel." She said and I just shook my head. "What did I do to make you hate me Phoebe? We were best friends. Sisters almost. Then all of a sudden you hate me." I said and he stepped closer to me. "You took Alvaro from me." She said and my eyes widened. "What are you talking about Phoebe? We were dating since I was twelve and he was fourteen!" I said raising my voice. "HE LEFT ME FOR YOU! I STARTED DATING ALVARO THREE MONTHS BEFORE YALL STARTED DATING! I FELL IN LOVE WITH ALVARO JUST LIKE YOU DID! I wanted to have his baby one day. Get married to him one day. Move in with him one day. THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN HE BREAKS UP WITH ME FOR YOU! I never told anyone we were dating including you. Now do you understand why I hate you Angel? At least I did get one of the things I wanted. I had his baby." She said and I looked at her in disbelief. "Well you can hate me all you want Phoebe. I'm not going to say I hate you. I'm not going make you feel worthless because trust me I could, but I won't. I'm not going to tell you have a nice life and forget you ever met me. But I'm not doing all of that, because of that little boy. I fell in love with that little boy like he was mine. I want to be in his life. I want to be his Auntie Angel. I want him and Shawna to play together along with this little one growing inside of me now. Just because me and you have stopped being friends, doesn't mean I have to stay out of that baby's life. I made the promise to you to be there for him and I plan to stick to that promise." I said and she looked at me like I had two heads. "So you still want to be in his life even after everything I said. Thank you." I rolled my eyes at her. "Don't thank me. I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this for Adrian. Now come get these clothes. I want my nephew to be fresh everyday." I said walking away. I could hear her footsteps behind me. I got a big blue duffle bag I had in my closet and put all of Jay's clothes and shoes in there. This is my first step to letting him go. A tear slipped but I wiped it away before Phoebe could see.

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