Chapter Twenty Five

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"Yes. And you're the one who Dashawn has raising my daughter huh? Why is she calling you mommy when you know damn well that ain't your daughter?" She said and I got heated.

"Phoebe, take the kids to the food court. I'll meet you there." I said not taking my eyes off of Stephanie.

"No Angel, I'm not gonna let you kill her!" She said and I wanted to laugh but this was no laughing matter. "I'm not gonna kill her, were just gonna have a little chat I promise." I said still not taking my eye off of her. Phoebe sighed and I watched her and the kids walk away. I turned my head back towards Stephanie and looked at her hard.

"First of all, who has been taking care of her and helping with her since she was eight months old? Who did she call mommy when she wanted something? Who bathed her and bought her clothes when Dashawn and Shanwdrea were busy? Who planned her first and second birthday parties which she had fun at? Oh that's right, me. Because you weren't woman enough to take care of your responsibilities. So don't come at me sideways because you didn't want her. Now you see her all happy, healthy, and beautiful and you mad? Why you mad? I ain't mad!" I said and she sighed.

"Look, you don't understand what happened. You don't know what was going on in my life at that point in time. I loved Dashawn and Shawna and I still do. Its not a day I don't think about the two of them. What our relationship would have been like if I had stayed. I wanted to stay but I couldn't. You have no right to judge me or my decisions." She said looking like she was on the verge of tears.

"You right, I don't know what was going on in your life. But I do know you left your child on his doorstep with a blanket and a note. I don't really care what you were going through, and I don't care about how you feel. Your daughter needed her mother those months you weren't there. So don't get mad that someone is taking care of her. Get mad because YOU didn't do what you needed to do. I'll NEVER take your place because you gave but birth to her. But as of right now, she's my daughter and I'm her mother. You had the chance to be in my position but you ran. A real mother would have handled her business and did what she needed to do to make sure her and her child were straight, but you didn't. Now I'm gonna go eat because I'm hungry. Have a nice day and life Stephanie." I walked away before she could reply and headed straight to the food court. I saw Phoebe and the kids sitting down. I sat where they were and Phoebe looked at me. I knew she was about to ask about it so I shook my head no.

"Did you order?" I asked and she nodded. "I got you a burger and fries with a sweet tea." She said and I nodded. Soon our food was brought to us. I shared my food with Kai. We sat in silence and I thought about why Stephanie was even here. Should I give her my number? I mean, we'll have to tell Shawna one day that I'm not her real mother. I'll talk to Dashawn about this when we get back I guess. I looked at the time on my phone and saw it was three now.

"You ready to go?" Phoebe asked and I nodded. We grabbed the kids and I grabbed my bags and we left. Make It Home by August Alsina came on and I sung the chorus.

"Cause I gotta keep it real whitcha baby. Cause the shit I used to do is what made me. And I'm hopin' I ain't gotta go back to the trap, cause we really know that we don't want that. But if I don't make it home tonight, tell my mama that I love her, leave some flowers for my brother, girl I love ya. But if I don't make it home tonight, take some money to my sister, I don't ever want her chasin' after niggas. Cause where I'm from, niggas ouchea diein' everyday. And they ain't all bad they just tryna make a way. And I ain't no different, so if I get missin', these are my last wishes, I hope you get 'em right girl if I don't make it home tonight."

Then Young Jeezy part came on as I pulled up to Phoebe's house. I turned the music down and hopped out of the car. "Thanks for coming with me today boo. I know yo pregnant ass tired." I said giving her a hug after putting the car seat back in her car and kissing AJ's cheek. "You welcome boo and hell yeah I'm tired. Feet hurt and shit. Santo will be rubbing them or his ass sleeping on the damn  couch." She aid and we laughed. "Tell him I said-"

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