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(Remember that this is a fanfiction. Any foul language, abuse, and or smut is not directed toward real life Louis Tomlinson and in that manor, this story is in no way meant to damage the image of him or any of the One Direction boys. This is all surreal, they are actually against bullying. Just a friendly reminder to keep that in mind. Thank you for reading.)

Cami's P.O.V.

You know what it feels like? To constantly have someone so beautiful, but a monster on the inside, act like you're a piece of shit? To constantly get taunted, picked on and not be able to do anything about it?

Sometimes its like I can physically feel the pain... but I'm used to it by now. All the names thrown at me, all the things people actually throw at me in the halls, I'm immune to reaction. Even the slaps, punches or kicks every once in a while don't faze me anymore. 

I don't understand why people hate me so much. I used to have tons of friends, went to tons of parties, had tons of sleepovers. That was freshman year. It all ended after he came back different sophomore year. He was darker, meaner. I never knew why. It was like he held too many secrets, and when I tried to find out I would get hurt even more, sometimes the hits even more severe and the names meaner that flowed easily out of those beautiful pink lips.

He used to be my best friend when we were kids. We would share lemonade under that willow tree in my back yard, and hide away from the girl next door that couldn't take no for an answer. He'd invite me over to his tree house, and we'd stay up all hours of the night; our parents thought we were just at a sleepover nonetheless. He'd lure me into the athletic wing and we'd play football games when the field was closed for the night, tackling us both into mud piles. I couldn't take no when I was around him; we were invincible. 

But who he once was, is now only a fleeting memory. 

I always come back to the same answers.

I shouldn't be here anymore. 

But that wouldn't help anything. Even though I wouldn't be feeling the mental infliction anymore, I won't have to see this assholes ever again after senior year. I'll live my life, go to Oxford college like I was planning, buy a small house with my family's fortune and settle down. I wouldn't be able to do that if I actually killed myself last year like I tried, but sadly, my sister walked in.

I'm glad I didn't. I really am. I also have no idea how the whole entire school found out either when it happened. Maybe he saw from his window that was across from mine. He lives right next to me. I always keep my blinds shut to make sure he can never see what I'm doing. But he always finds a way.

I want to forget. I want to lock all his memories in a box and push them further and further back in my head, as far as they could go.

 This is the beginning of senior year, we've only been a week into school. I've gotten beaten many times--don't worry-- by his friends. He wasn't there the first week, just the first day, and he ignored me, thank god. At least I thought he did. Who knows.

I just make myself go numb. I block it out.

My mother always asks about the bruises when I come home from school.

I just say I fell down the stairs or ran into a wall. I'm always clumsy, she believes it.

I'm used to telling lies by now.

I'm ready for the next week of school, a few days closer to freedom. As I walk down this busy road, I can't help but think if he knows I'm a prisoner. 

I pass by the bookstore while walking and look up in the window seeing 'Perks of Being A Wallflower' standing up on the windowsill. I'm about to walk into the store when my phone vibrates in my pocket. 

And the phone number doesn't lie.

Fuck. How does he keep getting my number?


Hey twat. Look behind you. Miss me over the summer?

My palms begin to perspire and I can already feel my legs shaking from fear. I squeeze my eyes shut and turn towards him, literally so close I can feel his hot breath on my face; the asshole who has made my last few years a living hell.

Blue meets mine and I know.

Louis. William. Tomlinson.

Broken Walls *AU*// L.T.Where stories live. Discover now