21. Truth

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Cami P.O.V.

I immediately flew open the car door and jumped out, my heart beat racing through my ears as a blood curdling scream echoed through the wind. Cherry.

I ran down the shortpathway that covered the entrance to the bar and swung open the door. I then saw that Cherry was pinned against the wall by a infuriated Zayn.

"What the fuck did you tell her?!? Youre ruining everything Cherry! There was a plan!" He shouted in her face, her eyes wide in fear, her legs dangling freely. Plan?

"I didn't tell her shit Zayn! Now get your grimy hands off me!" She spat and tried to shove him off, but she was slammed back into the wall. This was abuse.

I made my way over and set a hand on Zayn's shoulder, but only to be pushed onto the floor. Zayn dropped his grip on her and she crumbled to the floor. He turned around to glare at the person who touched him, but his features showed suprise when he saw me.

I felt someone grab my arm and hoist me up from the ground and I turned around to see Liam.

"Are you okay?" He asked me and I shrugged. I didn't know what to think about any of this. I turned around quickly.

"Zayn, what do you mean plan?" I asked, hazardously.

"Cam... I um.. I'm sorry I pushed you." He apologized but I shook my head.

"What plan?" I asked again in a firmer voice, my fists clenching at my side's. "Liam?"

"I .. listen, Zayn could tell you. It was his idea." He ushered me towards him and I crossed my arms walking slowly towards him.

"Cam, can I just explain in the car. I never meant for it to go this far, I really like you , for real and this plan-" I cut him off once more.

"What plan Zayn?" I almost shouted at him, my voice breaking. By now I was aware that Bitch Talyia, Louis, and Niall were watching from the sidelines.

"We.. had this plan. Now before I tell you this, listen to me babe-"

"Tell me." I narrowed my eyes with gritted teeth.

"Louis... took my longest girlfriend Perrie away from me. He started a rumour and she broke up with me okay? I was massively in love with her last year. It broke my heart. Now.. he loves you, and I wanted to take something away from him." He spoke gently, his eyes ablaze.

"Wait ... so you were going to break my heart? Or his? How fucked up is that?" I spat and I no longer felt like for this boy, all I felt was hate.

"It was like that at first but I fell for you Cam." He tried to reassure me but my ears weren't listening.

"Woah. Woah, woah. You love her Lou? But I thought you loved me?" I heard Talyia whine and I turned around to see a very angry and annoyed Louis. He was glaring at Zayn.

"Aye, you were just a good fuck. More like annoying as fuck though." He rolled his eyes and I heard her gasp. I couldn't help but smirk inside. But on the outside, I was tearing up.

"And you knew about this?" I asked Niall and Liam. They slowly nodded their heads.

"Cam, we are all friends here. It's not like we were going to do it to you-" Liam started but I cut him off.

"No, no no. You- none of you are my friends. I don't even know what I'm doing here with any of you while I could be at home, snuggling up with my best friend Harry." I spat and I turned around to Zayn once again. "Your a fucking asshole and I hope you know that. I turned down Harry for you and that was obviously a big mistake." I felt a tear run down my cheek. "Don't speak to me. Don't touch me, don't even look at me anymore. I am done with you and your group of friends or whatever the hell this was. God, its one thing after another with all of you! You're all fucked up!" I practically laughed through my tears.

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