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Cami P.O.V.

The hazelnut engulfed in my senses as I smelled the hot chocolate in my hands. A leaf that color of red ember swirled in the wind at my feet and my smile widened at the sight, the knowledge of fall around me filling my mind.

I walked through the park, children's laughter echoing through my ear, and my scarf billowing with the wind. I spotted a nearby birch bench seated next to the small pond and I walked over, sitting , and placing my book bag next to me.

I tucked my brown hair behind my semi cold ear and looked around at my surroundings seeing Louis in the distance smiling at me, walking up the green hillside. A bike rode past and the bell rang loudly , causing my ears to buzz. I shook my head from the loud sound and stood up, placing my cup next to my bag. He opens his arms wide and I practically ran to him and jumped into his arms , his arms wrapping around my small waist, as he planted a kiss on my temple.

It's been a week since the incident at Cherry's and to be totally honest, it doesn't even feel like Harry and I are a couple anymore. He doesn't pay attention to me, he hardly talks to me, and when I try to be nice he just rolls his eyes. Personally, it's not the Harry that I know and I am frankly sick of it.

Louis has been my only escape for the last week, helping me get over Harry's bitterness towards me only hours before. I don't know what I did to him this time but I never told him about the small kisses i shared with Louis only a week ago. Lou has been the sweetest to me, taking me to the movies, or taking me on lunch 'dates'. I know it sounds absolutley horrible that I enjoy them but I'm starting to enjoy Louis's company , more than Harry's presence across the hall. I'm relieved today is the last day that I will be stating there, as tonight my mum arrives at the airport and I have to pick her up with her car she had left in the driveway , and the keys jingling freely on the inside rack.

" I missed you." He breathed into my hair when his grip loosened around my waist, placing my feet back firmly on the ground. I didn't release my grip from his waist though and kept a firm hold to which he smirked.

"We just saw each other a day ago you silly goose." I giggled and I felt his nose rub with mine. It's pretty obvious the situation I'm in, I don't know where I stand with Harry so why not show affection towards the man that I've been in love with the past few months.

"That doesn't mean that I don't miss you at night Cami, it doesn't mean a single thing, because I can't see you across the window to know that you're safe." He pouted and I chuckled , his fingers raising my shirt up a bit under my coat, as he drew circles on my hips.

"Well you will be able to see me tonight don't worry." I smiled at him and he wiggled his eyebrows. I gasped and hit him in the chest shoving him back. "Not like that you perv!"

"Okay okay, I'm sorry babe." he bit his lip trying to contain his laughter and wrapped his arm around my waist, walking me toward the bench that my bag was on.


"So you are coming home tonight then? I know your mum is, she invited me I've for dinner, my mums working tonight, so it's a no can do." He explained, taking a bite of his pizza and I nodded , poking at the ketchup on my plate with a chip.

"Yeah, I have to pick her up at the airport tonight since she took a taxi when she left." I shrugged. I gazed at the sun peaking out of the red leaves on the birch tree outside of the pizza shop, and the small children arriving out of school.

"Do you mind if I join you? My mum and your's was talking, and apparently, your mum has a huge announcement . That's partially why I was invited over I guess. Plus I think you would be safer driving at night with me around." He explained finishing off the last bite of his pizza left. He took one last sip of his pop before leaning back in satisfaction at the food he had just consumed.

"Yeah, I'd love for you to come. I must get going though, I still have to pack my things from Harry's and-" I started to tell him, looking down at my wristwatch but was cut off with a groan from Louis.

"Good, I'm glad you're leaving that prick. " He bit his lip and leaned forward again, knotting his hands together. I cocked my head to the side looking at his face to which he was very serious .

"Lou- it's not like that-" I started but he just gritted his teeth.

"Yes, yes it is. He's been a dead arse to you all damn week when you did absolutely nothing to that wanker. On Monday he blankly ignored you, Tuesday he refused to eat the food you cooked for dinner, Wednesday he left you, locked out of the house, and I had to come get you and run you a hot bath to defrost you! It is only Friday and it can't get much worse! Plus he's ignoring you at school and- gosh I had that little fucker!" He slammed his fist I'm the table and I placed my small hand on his clenched one. "And have you noticed that he's been getting a little cozy with Delilah? Cam, you deserve so much better then that!"

All his words sunk through me like quicksand , stabbing me countlessly with thorns, and it hurt more because every word was true. He had done those things and he couldn't take them back. I've been abused mentally so much that I just don't have the energy to fight against the ache that has already seeped through me, between Louis and Harry. But right now, Louis was best for me.

"You should of just stayed with me." He shook his head and my grip on his hand tightened.

"Well at the moment it wasn't a certain possibility , if you remember, there were too many complications and infractions to count." I shrugged and I heard a long sigh.

"I know and I like I said I'm sorry. But I've come a long way in a month from who I was and I changed for you. Harry may have changed, but it definitely was not for the better of your well being." He spoke and I smiled a faint smile realizing that this Louis was more gentle then before, I liked this Louis.

"I know. I am just so confused because I love you, and I am not sure if I love Harry anymore, but I am with him." I looked down at the table but looked up when I heard Louis's hard voice.

"Well I've given you enough time Cami. And I think we both know what you have to do." He spoke coldly and I bit my lip in frustration, my voice barely coming out.

"I have to break up with him." I uttered, my tone barely above a whisper.


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