11. Parties Part 2

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Cami's P.O.V.

His lips met mine and he held the back of my neck to hold me in place. I was caught off guard and my eyes went wide in shock. Zayn doesn't like me.. he could never like me. He wouldn't do that to Louis would he?

I've never liked Zayn in that way and I never could. Him and I were never close, in fact I only knew a bit about him in Freshman year and we talked in classes, but that's it. I mean.. what am I even doing?!?! This is so wrong and I'm just sitting here.

I could tell he wanted some reaction from me when he moved his lips against mine but I pushed him away. He looked hurt and I honestly could care less right now.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked him and he had a confused expression.

"Cam, I like you. I've liked you since freshman year but I've been too afraid to show it." He explained breathing heavily and taking a step toward me.

"I have a boyfriend!" I shouted at him, pushing him away again.

"Really? I can treat you was better then he can!" He argued and I rolled my eyes.

"I know you probably can, Zayn. But Louis is my boyfriend and I will be loyal to him whether or not he is loyal to me!" I yelled and pushed past him into the bedroom.

"Really? Are you fucking kidding me? Come with me." I heard him practically growl and he took my hand in his, dragging me out the room and down the hallway.

"Zayn where are you-"

"Shut up." He ordered and I did. I had never seen him this angry. Usually he's shy and quiet , even if he was my bully.

He pulled me down the stairs, tightly grasping my hand and through the living room, into another hallway. He opened a door and dropped my hand. What I saw made my heart stop.

"See! I fucking told you! You still believe he is as loyal as you think he is!" He shouted at me, pointing. I felt my body go numb, the hatred coming up my throat again. I felt tears prick my eyes. He didn't change. He will always be the same jerk.

I felt my hand come up to my mouth in shock. Louis was sat back on the bed, Talyia straddling him, his hands in her bum, practically eating his face off. They were making out. He wad indeed cheating on me.

Once Zayn had shouted , Louis had stopped and his ice blue eyes met mine. And they still are. They flooded emotions at once. Guilt, regret, sadness, lust, confusion.

At this point, I don't give a shit anymore. He can have whatever damn girl he wants. Louis drinks, and I can tell he is not drunk now. He knows what he is doing.

He pushed Talyia off of him and she wiped her mouth with a smirk.

"But baby, I thought we were gonna have some fun tonight." She pouted and Louis pushed her off the bed. I had to stifle a laugh.

"Shut up. Cam look-" Louis stood up and started towards me.

"No, Louis. Have fun with Talyia. You're perfect for eachother. Besides, Zayn and I are gonna go "Have some fun" with eachother." I stated and suprised myself with how the words rolled off my tongue. I grabbed Zayn's hand and Louis's eyes narrowed.

"No you are not Cami. We need to talk." Louis stated through clenched teeth. I shook my head and turned around with Zayn, walking out the door.

"Have fun Louis." I chuckled. I'm not sure why I'm taking this so lightly, maybe its because I've been hurt so many times.

"Cam." He croaked behind me and his voice sounded broken. I pang of guilt shot in my chest but I just kept walking. I slammed the door closed with my other hand and walked into the kitchen, through the dining room and out onto a patio. I closed the glass doors behind us and sat at one of the chairs.

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