33. Leaving

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Cami P.O.V.

I held my jacket over my head, trying to keep dry from the pouring rain. It was cold as hell out here and I thanked the lord when the door to Harry's house was unlocked.

I hung up my jacket on the rack miserably, my tears mixing with the droplets of rain that fell down my face. I feel totally worthless. Maybe that's how I've been making Lou feel. I started up the stairs lazily until I got to the top, biting my fingernail.

I made my way into the dark hallway , down to his room. I desperatly tried to make my eyes less puffier, and the tears to stop, but so far its only lasted two minutes.

He finally gave up on me. I never thought that would happen. He tried so hard, and I just treated him like shit. Maybe he did the same to me, but I never wanted him to give up. No matter how many times I've said it out loud, giving up on me is like ripping my heart out. Is it bad that I love Louis more then Harry? I'm such a horrible human being.

I am prepared for any wrath that I'm going to get from Harry. I deserve all of it. I'm just afraid of what he'll do.

Before I could place my fingers on his doorknob, the door swung open revealing an infuriated Harry. I was roughly grabbed by my arm into his room and the door shut with a heavy slam, my body pressed against it. His nose was flaring, and both his hands were placed on the door, either sides of my head. Yup. He was pissed.

I was shaking , my face felt on fire and I felt myself start to prespire. His dark green eyes bore into mine and I gulped loudly.

"Hey Haz-"

"Don't give me that Haz shit! Where the hell were you last night?" He asked me, his breath harshly fanning my face.

"I.. I passed out in Zayn's room when I was drunk.. and I was having nightmares.. so , Louis came in because I was screaming in .. my sleep? And, he's the only one who knows I have them and-"

"That's the most bullshit excuse I've heard." He spat at me and his lips were pursed. He closed his eyes and sighed shakily. "Cami, did you sleep with him? I just want to know the truth."

I looked down at my hands and nodded. I couldn't lie to Harry , either way he'd break up with me. He knows the truth, there was no excuse for seeing Louis shirtless and probably hearing me in the room with him . The whole situation just looked bad and the way I acted last night and my actions with Louis were unacceptable. I have no idea what I was thinking, that this wouldn't cone back to bite me in the ass.

When I looked up again, Harry was no longer in front of me. He was sitting on the corner of the bed, his hands in a fist, under his chin. His eyes were lighter again and fixed on the blue wall. What he looked like now was such a huge constrast to how he had looked only moments ago. I would think by now he would be screaming at me, but he was as calm as can be.

"Harry.. I'm so sorry. I never meant for it to happen. I was drunk and I am so sorry. I love you Haz, you know that right?" I reassured him. He didn't even look at me. I wouldn't either if I just found out someone I out my whole self into just broke my heart in two.

"No, I don't. Because if you loved me , you wouldn't of slept with him. I've done so much for you and this is how you repay me?" His eyes followed my silhouette and he sighed. "I can't be Mr. Nice guy anymore Camilla."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused. Sure he's saved me from a bully, let me stay here, forgave me for the dance, came and got me from my ruined date, but that's all- wow that is a lot.

He rubbed his hand over his face and stood up, walking over to his closet. He no longer had his tux on, he had grey sweats on and a white t-shirt. His eyes were really red, probably from lack of sleep.

He walked out with a duffle bag. My duffle bag. He set it on the bed and opened up the two drawers I had my clothes in. He placed a pile of clothes in it and I rushed over, grabbing onto his right wrist.

"What are you doing?" I asked and he looked up at me solemnly, yanking his wrist from me. He placed another pile of clothes inside again before speaking.

"You can sleep in the guest room from now on. I don't think we should sleep in the same room anymore for now." He spoke and reached for another pile but I grabbed his wrist once again, his eyes finally locking with mine.

"So you don't want to be with me anymore is that it?" I asked him, my eyes narrowing. He was so sweet and emotional, innocent and I always felt like crap being mean to him, so I couldnt be. "Then why don't I just leave."

I went around him and shoved my clothes in mg duffel bag, then quickly went to the closet and shoved in my vans, Converses, and Toms. I started to the door to his door when I was whirled around.

"Those are my white Converses. The ones you wore the other night were mine. I didn't want to tell you-" I laughed at him and opened up my bag, throwing them at him. He groaned when they hit his shoulder.

"Take them. Goodbye Harry." I spoke and tried to turn around but his grip on my wrist wouldn't loosen.

"No, I don't want you to leave." He spoke pulling me towards him. I fought back and his grip loosened.

"What the fuck is the difference if I'm in the room across from you or at home? It's obvious you don't want me. So ill save you the trouble." I explained and rolled my eyes.

"The difference is I know you're safe. Plus tonight is Halloween and you don't know what could happen. " He spoke sincerely and I started to give in a bit. Actually I'm giving in a lot. Maybe I should stay here.

"Fine. But on one condition. You leave me alone, don't enter the room unless I tell you you can, that's my room for the next week and a half." I told him sternly and he thought about it for a moment, biting his lip.

"Okay." He sighed and I yanked my wrist from him and practically ran across the hallway , slamming the door behind me.

I breathed out shakily at the awkward encounter I had just had with him. I don't know what we are now. I'm pretty sure he doesn't trust me anymore. He looks so broken, I broke his heart. I'm such a asshole.

I set my bag on the bed, sitting next to it and looked around the room, gazing upon the walls. It was purple lilac themed, with purple and white bedcovers , a black coffee table with a flatscreen perched across from the bed. There a cool closet that had the mirror slide open when it was opened. This room looked so modern.

I can't believe what just happened. I may have lost the one person that I know will always keep me safe.And I might not be able to gain them back.

There's one question that I still have, though. Why was Louis on the floor when I came out of Zayn's room. He looked in pain.

Did.. did Harry beat up Louis?


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