32. Crying

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Louis P.O.V.

Cami's eyes widened as the knocking continued and she ran into the bathroom, tripping on the sheet on the way, and grabbing her dress and undergarments. I had to hold back a laugh, and she closed the door behind her.

I quickly walked over to the door and unlocked it , seeing a confused Harry. His hair was disheveled and he was holding part of his head. Hungover .

"Is Cami in here?" He asked and he took in that I only had boxers on. His eyes narrowed. "I could swear I heard her in here."

"Uh no.. she's not in here. I uh.. I banged Talyia last night. You must of heard her." I made an excuse , but I could already tell he didn't believe me.

"But Talyia left the party last night after I Never-"

"It was a quick.. bang." I assured him and kept the door as closed as possible to keep him from looking in. "So.. you uh, you stayed over?"

"Yeah.. I kind of passed out on the couch. I feel like shit." He ran a hand through his hair. 'Fuck' sounded from the bathroom and Harry's head snapped up.

"I fucking swear I just heard Cam in there." He gritted his teeth at me and tried to push open the door. "What's funny is.. she left from the game last night and never came back. And so did you. I'm not fucking stupid."

"What exactly are you implying here?" I asked playing stupid and he narrowed his eyes once again.

"Get the fuck out here." He chuckled and this was the first time I had seen him like he was about to kill someone.


"Get out here!" He yelled at me angrily and I quickly stepped out and shut the door so Cami wouldn't hear.

"What the hell is your issue?" I asked crossing my arms.

"No, not again. First Delilah, and now Cami. Am I that gullible? God dammit." He shook his head pulling at the ends. "Did you two... please tell me the answer is no."

"I.. I uh-" I stuttered and he looked up at me his eyes glossy. Harry was tough at times but he's pretty emotional. "No." I lied.

"Then why the fuck was she in there with you?" He asked angrily , clenching his fists at his sides, his eyes turning a darker shade of green. I can't come up with an explanation. What the hell have I gotten myself into.

But, I could take on Harry. For hell she was mine first. Harry wasn't all man yet but I sure as hell am.

"And why does it matter, buddy boy?" I chuckled lowering my tone. I poked a finger into his chest and he backed up a bit. "We all know that if it came between you and I , shed pick me. So why don't you save the trouble of having to put up with her, and just break up with her. I'm sure shed be way happier with me."

I indeed was trying to minipulate him, I mean, who wouldn't over Cami. It's not that I didn't want her to be happy, I'd just like to have something with her instead of feeling guilty afterwards.

"Don't try that backwards shit with me, Tomlinson. I'm not going to break up with her so you can have her. Don't fucking touch her," He pushed me back my shoulders and I fell into the wall. Mother fucker. "Don't look at her, don't go near her without me around."

"Don't you think that'll be hard when I sit next to her in my second period, dumbass?" I laughed.

"I don't give a shit, change seats." He spat and I laughed again. "It doesn't matter because Cami is in love with me. She hates your guts. Just give the fuck up already."

"I don't have to. I've already made her feel on top of the world. Like she was in another. The way she screams my name, is pure-"

I was cut off when I felt somebody's hands around my neck and I was slammed into the wall, and I heard a crack. He broke the fucking plaster. I struggled to breath and I tried to get out of his grip but it was no use.

"Your such a fucking dick! You can't ever find another girl to fuck with? Your ruining another one of my relationships!" He yelled in my face. I tried to spit in his face, but he dodged it.

"I didn't do shit!" I choked and squirmed under his hands.

"Your," *slam*, "Delilah's", *slam* "Exboyfriend!" He let go of my neck and I crumbled to the floor. Oh yeah.. I went with her in what, the eleventh grade? Last year.. I think? I've went with so many girls I can't keep count.

But I really felt like a cunt now. I deserved this treatment. I ruined two of his relationships by making both of them cheat on him with me. It's like this whole group of people is connected in some way. In a ... fucked up way.

"Harry.. I'm sorry." I tried to apologize , but I felt him kick me in the ribs when I looked up. I rolled on my side and groaned in pain. He has one heavy foot.

"Sorry doesn't fucking cut it anymore. Tell Camilla I'm meet her ass back at my house. Tell her to come immediately, you got that dickhead?" He raised an eyebrow at me, and I nodded my head, my teeth clenched in pain. "Good."

I heard steps walk down Zayn's stairwell as soon as Zayn's bedroom door open. Great timing.

"Oh my god, Louis? Are you okay?" She asked frantically and kneeled down, her hands cupping my face , but I slapped them away. A frown overtook her face and I was praying she didn't hear any of that.

"No.. I'm not. Just go Cami. Fucking go back to Harry. He's been looking for you. Leave. Now." I spat and turned away from her.

"But Louis.."

"I.." I have to say it or else she'll never leave, "I don't love you nor want you anymore."

I felt tears prickle my eyes, because I wanted this girl more then I've wanted anyone or anything in my life.

"What? But we.." Her voice cracked and I could hear her sniffle.

"It was all a mistake. Please just go. I won't bother you anymore. That's what you want right? Go back to your boyfriend. This was all a mistake. You were a mistake." Every word I spoke was painful as I saw her stand up and walk toward the stairs.

She looked at me one more time with glossy eyes, before she descended down them, leaving me to drown in my own tears.


Instagram: jess_is_foreveryoung

Twitter: jessiealbabygir

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