~ Chapter 2 ~

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Status: Edited
Cami's P.O.V.

My hands search through my pockets until they grasp my wallet. I open it and hand the checkout lady my credit card, and she smiles, taking it out of my hand. I smile back and wait for it back, which she hands me a second later.

I grab my bag and tell her to have a nice day, before leaving the store. In the bag, I have clothes for the dinner. I had gone to Forever 21 and bought new black leggings, a new white tank top, and a baby blue blazer with gold buttons on the cuffs. I had also gotten new black toms and some under garments.

I hadn't gone shopping in... 3 months? I guess I was just too cooped up in the house to go, but this is my chance to buy some new clothes for school.

I walk into Wet Seal, once I come across it and looked around. I spot a red varsity jacket and grab it, not caring about the price. I guess thats just the perks of being wealthy.

Some cardigans catch my eye and I pick out a blue, purple, and pink one. They are having a sale on jeans so I got a floral pink and black pair of skinny jeans, a red pair of skinnys, 2 black pairs, and some faded ones. I don't see anything else I want, so I decided to check out and I walked up to the cashier. Oh and none other then Lacy, my old best friend from elementry and middle school and freshman year, was there.

"How may I help you?" She asked looking up from her magazine. She looks shocked and I'm guessing she's pretending she doesn't know me. "Is this all?"

"Yes, it is, Lacy." I smile fakley , placing my items on the counter. She just turns pale and rings up the items. I smile the whole time.

"That comes to 121.50£. Credit or debit?" She asks, looking at the floor.

"Credit. Oh and how have you been?" I asked, sarcastically, handing her the card.

"G-good. How about you?" She stutters, swiping the card.

"How am I? I'm amazing. You know other then the fact that I get beat up everyday, my only friend left me when I had no one to turn to in sophmore year, I tried to commite suicide twice, and I am still alive. So I guess I'm okay." I sighed. She looked dumbfounded and I yanked the credit card out of her hand and grabbed the bag of clothes, walking out of the store.

That felt.. good.

I decided to get something to eat, so I went to the food court and grabbed a slice of pizza and a slushi. I walk all the way at the back of the court and sit in the corner, next to a window overlooking the parking area. I bring the slice to my lips and take a bite and search the lot, seeing people hurry into their cars or load them with shopping backs. I looked at the entrance of the lot and drank some of my slushi. All of a sudden a jeep swerves into the lot , playing music that was so loud, I could hear it through the closed window. "Remember The Name" by Fort Minor was blasting through the speakers and there was two people standing out of the sunroof, pumping their fists. It looked like they were drunk driving, but I don't think they would in the middle of the day. They parked messily next to my car and the two teens lifted themselves out of the sunroof and slid off the car. The driver stepped out and then someone stepped out of the passenger seat.

Louis, clad in rolled up jeans, and a jean jacket. Classic bad boy look.

This always seems to happen. It's one of those places you see everyone everywhere. But I wasn't going to let it happen today.

I stood up and threw my pizza into the garbage, grabbing my bags and my slushi. I practically jog down the escalator, trying to make a escape in case they see me, but they were laughing and heading straight to the mall entrance. I make a beeline for the bathroom, rushing inside. I look and saw no one in here, so I let out a huge breath and walked to the mirror, setting my stuff down. I took a look in the mirror and fixed my hair a bit, making sure it didn't look messy. My make up wasn't smudged and I was glad. I smoothed out pink cami and white shorts, making sure they weren't wrinkled.

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