25. Outsider

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Cami P.O.V.

I feel like an outsider.

I don't know what I've done wrong, but all day people have been calling me horrible names.






And they just keep getting worse and worse. After the fight with Louis this morning, I had gotten to school and I was back to being the center of attention. But it wasn't a good center. It was the worst.

I had Harry by my side except for in Biology with Louis. For the past two weeks I had been ignoring him and doing any project we had together bymyself while he talked to Niall. I ignored him today too but I kept getting paper thrown at the side of my head and jokes being made about me by everyone in the back. I am planning on asking our teacher if I may move seats because I can't take this anymore. I unwrapped one of the pieces of paper to see somebody had written in all black : CAMI IS A WHORE.

I was mortified and I asked to go to the bathroom. I left Louis to do the project himself and I took my books which I hardly had any, with me and I'm hiding in the stalls until lunchtime. In so scared to be in that lunchroom , but I have to eat. Zayn didn't come to school today, and neither did Liam. Thank god, I dont need more humiliation.

Maybe I can just stay in here till the end of the day. Odds are, nobody will come look for me. I'm still confused on how anyone knows that I am with Harry now. It just happened last night and he nor I had told anyone. Louis has been the one starting all these rumours probably. I don't understand anything.

If he likes me, then why does he treat me like shit? Maybe that's what I am. I'm worthless, I'm not good enough. Am I really that ugly like he says? Do I sleep with everyone? The funny thing is, they are right. I'm not a virgin. I lost at the end of ninth grade. God I am so stupid. Maybe I am "that easy".

Maybe if I ask my mum , I can live in Doncaster with my grandmum. I can go to a private collage up there with her. Then when I graduate, I can go to Oxford University like I've been dreaming of. I don't need anyone here. I don't need to be here. I have no friends, no one likes me, only Harry counts. I like him, I really do, and I don't want to leave him, but I have to do what's best for me. I am done getting mad fun of.

I don't want to leave though not knowing what I've done to anyone at this school. I especially want to know what I did to Louis. I don't want to leave not knowing.

Before I can stop them, I feel tears falling down my cheeks and I laugh histerically. I am so fucking pathetic. God, the world hates me.

I am pathetic like Louis said. I'm a worthless pathetic prick. I don't deserve anything or anybody. I'm crying over what? A little name calling? But no matter how hard I try to hold my tears in, it just gets worse and my body is shaking as I break down into sobs.

I hug my knees close and try to keep my breathing under control but i cant , and I feel like I'm having a breakdown. My chest is closing in and I fall to the floor in a ball and I can't stop the tears from falling freely.

I hear somebody open the bathroom door, but I don't stop crying. I don't give a shit who it is, they can deal with my sobs. I've held this in for too long to stop now.

"Cami? Cami are you okay?" I hear a raspy voice and I suck in a huge intake of air only to cough it out again. I feel like the walls are closing in around me and I'm stuck in a small space. All I hear is pounding in my ears.

I see a blurry image of somebody reaching over the stall door and unlocking it from the inside. I see a boy open up the door and I can make out green eyes as they drop to the floor and drag me out of the stall.

"Cami! Cami! Calm down! I'm right here, its okay. Cam! Can you hear me?" I can tell the boy is Harry and he pulls me to his chest, caressing my hair. Through my tears, it looks like he is about to cry but its not possible that he would cry over me. I'm not worth the tears.

"Delilah, She's having a panic attack! Go get help!" I hear Harry yell but its more like screaming to my pounding head. I'm heaving and I feel like my heart is about to burst. I can barely breath.

"Cami, please. Calm down, I'm right here. It's okay baby. What wrong? Cami please talk to me."

I can hear his voice breaking and he sounds like he's crying as he caresses my hair. I feel my vision blurring worse then before and my cries are getting heavier then before it was possible.

What was Delilah doing with him? My thoughts are fuzzy and I can't focus. He was probably cheating on me with her. Because she's better then me. Even Harry can't love me.

I don't even know why I am still in this world. All it does is cause me pain.

My vision is now barely there and I see the sides of black forming. I physically can't breathe and I feel like I'm walking on air.

I feel somebody yell for me not to fall asleep and let the pain take over but I have to. I'd rather fade into the dark then stay in this prison they call the world.

It's like there's several people touching me and I can see the slight face of Louis in my vison as I hear Harry scream "Fuck off". He's balling with tears , at least what I can make out. I see a nurse rushing into the bathroom as my eyes close and the black rushes in, as my breathing shortens.

All I can make out is a crying Louis in the corner before I fade into a place I'm unfamiliar with.

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