Emma's Story//01

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*Flash Forward*

 He pulled my hips up releasing himself from me and pulled me to his side as I collapsed with one of his arms wrapped around my waist, keeping me close to him. He placed his hand over my cheek and pulled me in for a long kiss. We laid there for a couple minutes staring at each other and catching our breath.

"Damn, I think I'm in love with you." he smiled and laughed a bit. I couldn't help the grin that grew on my face.

I think I might love him too.


Okay let me just start off by saying, this is not how I pictured my life going. My name is Emmarie Ethridge. I am 19 and hardly ready to live in this world of adulthood I'm being thrown into. At the moment I live in a town in Colorado named Loveland, sounds cheesy right, well it's a real thing! It's a beautiful place to live, everything here was perfect... but a lot of things have changed for me this past year.

I say was because I did have a perfect life and happy family, I had so many friends and people who cared about me as much as I did them, but after what happened, I don't know what you would consider the status of my life anymore. It was me, both my parents and my four siblings, Hannah who is currently 25 and living with her douche bag of a boyfriend Declan, Jaxon who this passed year left and moved to California at the age of 22 with a couple of his buddies, Kade, my now 16-year-old brother who seems to be forgotten by my parents along with me ever since our youngest sister Brecken has been missing....

Brecken was everything perfect in the world, she was only 6 but the way she acted and talked made her seem like a little teenager full of knowledge. She had long brown hair and piercing blue eyes, she always wanted to be just like me. Brecken would try to match her outfits with mine and always had me do her hair in the exact way mine was done.

 Brecken would try to match her outfits with mine and always had me do her hair in the exact way mine was done

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Back before she was gone, my parents and siblings were all happy and stable, everything is different now. My mom doesn't work anymore, she started to give up when Brecken went missing and everything went down hill from that night. My mother has become suicidal and almost psychotic, she use to be a doctor, a great one at that. Her world revolved around me and my siblings, she spent every moment she could with us, she loved making all of us happy because it made her happy. She was my role model I looked up to her so much! Im extremely sad for her and everything she has been through. My mom is strong but this is something that ripped her apart.

My father is now in jail; he was a great guy before he started getting into drugs. He was a high school history teacher at our school. He was moving up and was offered the principals job. He loved work, he loved taking us to school and being able to stay with us throughout the day. The high school was connected to the elementary and middle school so he took ever chance he had to go visit Breck while she was outside for recess or eating lunch. He was arrested for multiple reasons, most of them revolving around drinking and getting DUI's but the major reason for the most recent arrest was due to one night, he ended up hurting me and my younger brother. We know he didn't mean it, that it was the alcohol talking but because of the incident I was put in the hospital for an extensive time and I now have a hard time getting close to people. Kade wasn't hurt as bad as I was, I tried to hide him at the time things were going down, he was only 15, he wouldn't have been able to take it. If he had been the one in the hospital I don't think he would have made it. He was smaller for his age, just a sweet boy who didn't deserve anything that was going on, none of us did.

You could say almost of everything we did in our family revolved around each other and Brecken seemed to be the glue that held us all together. Everything bad that has happened, was caused by my little baby sister being taken from us. We still have no clue what happened to Brecken, the authorities have found nothing other than her little butterfly wings that she wore on Halloween, that's the night she went missing.

I blame my self for everything. Hannah and Jaxon always use to be in charge of us when we went out trick or treating, they were the oldest, I wasn't far behind in age, but I knew I was suppose to listen to them, this year was a different story. Hannah decided that she wanted to stay with my parents for the night at their annual Halloween bash they threw at the house, and Jaxon was visiting his friends in LA, so it was my turn to take out the younger kids. Kade was 15 at the time and going through his "spending time with family is lame" faze, but Breck had her older brother wrapped around her finger and easily convinced him to go with us. Things were going fine and we were finishing up the route we always took on Halloween, Brecken was holding my hand and Kade was long boarding the entire way. He kept veering away from us and getting out of my line of sight. He wouldn't listen and was making it hard for me to stop with Breck at the houses. She was dressed as a cute little purple butterfly, and had me where a butterfly costume along side of her. 18 as a Butterfly for Halloween wasn't the best idea but I had planned another one for later when I was going to go out with some friends from school. Kade just wore his Lacrosse jersey and decide to be something he already was; he was never thrilled about holidays.

Kade was gone and Brecken was begging to go to this house that was extremely decked out.

"Come on Emma! I wanna go to this one please!" She said pulling on my arm.I was trying to call his cell phone and he wouldn't answer, I redialed and told Breck she could go up to the house by herself,

"Just go ring the doorbell Breck, ill wait right here for you."

I was watching her, there were quite a few people moving up and down the driveway but I was at the bottom of it waiting for her on the sidewalk, I didn't think anything would happen. Kade wasn't answering his cellphone still, I looked down the road to see if I could see him, he was heading back my way riding along the side of the road trying to avoid the kids on the sideewalks. I looked back and saw Brecken walking back from the door of the decked out house, there were only a couple people near her. What seemed like a couple teenagers in some pretty creepy masks, and a woman who had her face covered with face paint and some fake scars with a baby strapped to her chest. All of a sudden a Black Suv came speeding up the street towards the direction of Kade. They swerved towards him trying to scare him as a joke, I was yelling towards him while he fell to the ground.

"KADE!! Oh my god are you okay?!" he got up and jogged closer to me,

"yeah im fine, just some stupid guys from my school, they must of noticed me." Kade said as I was looking at the huge scrape on his elbow. Kade was looking around me and up at the house then asked, "Em, where's Brecken?"

I began to panic, "she.. she was just here, she was just walking towards me!"

I started screaming her name,"BRECKEN! BRECK!" People all around me kept staring, why weren't they helping me?

"Someone help me please!!" I ran up to a couple teenagers walking towards the house. "Did you see the little girl dressed as a butterfly!? Please, anyone, my sister, she was, she was just right here!"

Kade was trying to calm me down to get more information out of me, we ran to the door of the house she was at, the couple there hadn't seen anything, they saw a little girl walking towards me but then shut the door. They called the police for us and I called my parents, Brecken was gone. They had found her butterfly wings in a near by ditch, but no trace of her. Its been about a year now and everyday the same scene replays in my head. I should have gone with her, I should have been next to her holding her hand, she would be here if I had. How could they have found nothing? Is my sister still alive?


Okay this is the first time I've really ever wrote a story, it will have the Dolan twins in it but I needed a good starting story for Emma.

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