Oh Baby.//17

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Hannah's POV

I can't believe it... my little sister is pregnant.

California has changed her. She was so true to her self before she moved, so innocent and pure. My little Emma is gone.

"I can't believe you Emma..." I glared at her as she sat on the table. We were waiting for the doctor to come back in.

She sat there looking down at her hands, crying. "Hannah, its not like I did this on purpose! I don't know how this happened.''

"Really, 'you don't know how this happened?' Emma, you had sex, you're not that stupid. Mom would have been so disappointed in you." I felt no shame in saying it to her, we both knew it was true. "Do you even know who the father is?"

It probably happened when she was drunk, not surprising. Emma has always been a partier, I thought she would have settled down by now. Even though I knew she drank like that she's always been an angel in my eyes, and she's always been the one to want to wait till marriage.

"Of course I do Hannah! I'm not a slut! I have only been with one guy! Seriously you think I would be like that, god you're so stupid!" Emma was getting on my last nerve.

I sat there shaking my head at her. I took a deep breath trying to calm down. "Who's baby is it Emma?"

She looked up from her hands to look at me, "I don't want to tell you, you'll get mad."

Why would I get mad...?

Emma's POV

Hannah is so mad at me; she's making me hate myself for what I did. I feel nothing but shame. This is going to ruin Grayson's life; he wont be able to follow his dreams. I don't know if im going to be able to tell him.

"Hannah, I don't think I want him to know I'm pregnant. It would be a burden." I starred at her waiting for a response.

Her face turned from angry to sad. "Emma, you can't do this by yourself..." She stood up and walked over to me, hugging me. "I won't tell anyone, just figure things out okay?"

Figure things out? I don't know what to do... I could raise it on my own and just not tell Grayson at all. I feel like he's going to hate me if I tell him. Not only him, but Ethan and Jaxon. This could ruin all of their careers. I should have just stayed in Colorado.

"Thanks..." i want to tell her who's it was but i was afraid of the judgment. She's already mad though so might as well throw it out there, "it's Grayson's Baby."

She looked back at my face immediately, "Grayson Dolan!? As in our brothers best friend?!" She glared at me with disappointment in her eyes. "Seriously Emma!? You had to sleep with Grayson, of all people." Hannah was lit... "you're more than welcome to stay with us, as long as you need, but you need to figure this mess out on your own. Jaxon is going to be so mad at you..."

"I'm aware," was all I could say. I shouldn't have to explain myself to her.

Hannah had decided to adopt Brecken and raise her as her own. I didn't plan on leaving Brecken anytime soon anyways. I might have to make the move back to Colorado, but I don't want to leave Grayson...

Why can't life be easier?


It's been about a week since I came to Colorado. Brecken was being released from the hospital and Jaxon and I are flying back to L.A. today.

I don't want to leave though, once I do everything becomes real again. Ill have to do something about the little being growing inside of me, and I'm scarred to face Grayson. I've been avoiding his texts lately. Trying to push him away.

I decide moving here might not be the worst idea but I need to think more about it.

We took Brecken home and made sure she had everything she needed. She is now asleep in her new bed. Jaxon came out to the living room where I was.

"Ready to go home?" He asked sitting next to me on the couch.

"I think I might stay..." he looked at me worried, "I don't want to leave her alone."

"She's not alone Emma, she has Declan and Hannah. I don't want to leave her either but she safe now, we have to continue our lives." I trusted Hannah and Declan with her, but she wasn't the real reason I was avoiding home. "She can come visit and stay with us if you want her to, we have Grayson's room as a spare now."

Me and Grayson practically share a room now, but I was so conflicted with what would happen. Jaxon has no clue that we might have to make that spare room into a nursery. I wish I could tell Jaxon what was going on with me, but I know he couldn't keep it from Gray. He just got over the fact we are even together; this might also make him even more mad.

"I know she's okay, but I think I wanna stay another week." He looked frustrated with me.

"Just come with me, we can fly Brecken out as soon as possible." He wasn't going to let me stay. Why?! Ughhhh! Jaxon really pushes my buttons. "Emma, if you stay I'm afraid you'll never leave here, you wanted out for a reason."

He was right, I probably wouldn't go back... I don't want to face what is happening.

"Fine, but we are planning her trip before we leave today! Got it!" I needed to know I would see her again.


We finally arrived at the airport, we said our goodbyes to our sisters. There were tears, of course, I hate the fact that we finally got our baby back and we have to leave her so soon. I wanted to stay with her...

We got on our plane, I planned to sleep the whole flight, that way I wouldn't have to think about the things that were about to happen.


We were home. Ethan came and picked us up in my jeep. None of the guys had cars so we all kind of just shared mine, which I really didn't mind.

"I'm glad you guys are home, its been so boring!" Ethan was carrying my bags for me as we walked into the apartment. "How was seeing Brecken again?" he asked timidly.

"Oh it was great, she was so happy to see us and she's healing quickly" Jaxon replied.

"Yeah, I couldn't stop smiling when I saw her. She went through a lot." Brecken was taken from us. A woman grabbed her that Halloween night, thankfully she wasn't trying to hurt Brecken. The lady was defiantly crazy and had mental problems, but took her because she wanted a kid. It was crazy that this whole time she was 3 hours from us in another town. I thank god that she was able to get away and try to find her way home.

The woman had been arrested once Brecken told the police everything and where she was. She was obviously a psychopath. What was she planning to do when Breck grew up, just hope she wouldn't say anything about being kidnapped?

"That's awesome to hear! We should have her come out here for awhile!" Ethan exclaimed.

"We were hoping that would be okay with you and Gray" Jaxon asked questioningly.

Where even is Grayson, I would have imagined he would have came to pick us up.

"oh yeah of course its okay! She's your sister man!" Ethan and Jaxon carried on their convo as I went to my room to check for Gray.

He was no where to be found. I wasn't complaining though, this way I could relax and think things through. My head was still everywhere.

I laid back onto my bed and rubbed my belly. There wasn't much of a bump yet, but just knowing there was a little peanut in there made it so sentimental.

I decided to text Gray...

Emma: Hey Gray we need to talk...

I locked my phone and placed it on the side table. I leaned back and slowly dosed off, praying that I might dream about a way to tell him.

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