Daddy Dolan//18

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Grayson's POV

I've been out with Cameron hitting up a couple parties. I knew Emma got home today and I was nervous to see her. Not only has she been ignoring me all week while she was away, but she hit me with the 'we need to talk' text. I didn't think anything was wrong between us, but everyone knows that a text like that usually means its over.

I ended up coming back around 230 am. I told Cam he could stay at the apartment tonight since he was in no condition to drive. We both drank more than needed.

We got up to the apartment door and tried to be quiet, not to wake anyone up. Cam walked in and tripped over some shoes laying by the door, causing a loud thud when he hit the ground.

"seriously..." I rolled my eyes at him.

He quickly recovered from the fall, "why do you guys leave so many shoes out?"

"just be quiet, you can crash on the couch, ill go grab you a blanket." I was still wanting to avoiding Emma, so its probably best I stay in my own room tonight.

I went into my room and grabbed an extra blanket and pillow and took it out to Cameron. Even though I was afraid of what Emma wanted to talk about I still wanted to see her, its been a week.

I quietly went to her door and opened it softly to see her asleep. Her lights were still on and she was on top of the covers curled up in a ball. I went over and lifted her up so I could pull the blankets back, I laid her back down and covered her, kissing her forehead. Poor thing still looked sick. I was turning off the light and was about to shut the door when I heard a little voice.

"Gray? Is that you?" She said softly rubbing her eyes.

I went back into her room and sat down next to her, "Sorry I didn't mean to wake you up..."

She smiled, "oh it's okay, I missed you a ton this week!" Maybe I was overreacting about the text.

"I missed you too Em," I leaned down kissing her.

"did you just get home? What time is it?"

I checked my phone, "its almost 3, and yeah I was out with Cam... are you okay? What was that text about?"

She was dosing back into sleep, "Oh, we can just talk in the morning, you're staying in here right?" she grabbed my hand. I thought she was upset with me...

"yeah of course," I kicked off my shoes and took my shirt off. I crawled behind her pulling her into my arms. "I thought you were mad at me...'' I waited for her to reply, but she was already back asleep.


I woke up to the sound of Emma slamming the bathroom door shut.

I got up and went to check on her, I'm surprised she's still sick. I tapped on the door, "can I come in?"

I could hear her throwing up, which kind of grossed me out, but I feel so bad for her. "no, please don't I'm fi—" she cut her self off, throwing up again.

"I'm coming in Emma," I opened the door to see her sitting on the floor, her eyes were blood shot and her hair was a mess, covering most of her face.

She looked at me pouting as tears slowly ran down her flushed cheeks, "I said I was fine..."

"Well you're not, let me help you." I went and sat behind her so she was in between my legs, and I pulled her hair back. "Baby I hate seeing you like this." I said hugging her from behind and placing my head on her shoulder.

"I hate being like this..." She looks miserable. She turned around and faced me, "Gray, I need to talk to you about something..."

I took a deep breath, knowing I might fear what she has to say, "Emma please don't end this, I need you in my life. I don't want to be without you." She looked at me with a small smirk on her face.

"Grayson... I am not breaking up with you, you're crazy if you think I would do that!" She laughed at me, causing me to smile. I lost the bad feeling that was at the pit of my stomach. "but I do have something serious to talk to you about, and I need you to not freak out..."

How could I be calm with her saying that, "Okay I promise I will try not to, what's up."

She was sitting on her knees on front of me as she looked away, fiddling with her lip. She was trying to figure out how to say it. "okay, sooo.." she grabbed my hands, making me even more nervous for what she was about to say. "how do you feel about being called 'daddy'?" What kind of question is that?

I gave her a confused look, "I mean I guess its kinda hot but, I've always thought it was super creepy when girls call their boyfriends that."

She burst into laughter falling on my chest. She sat back up after a minute smiling, her eyes still red.. "not like that you goof ball," I looked up at her with a serious face.

"Emma..." I knew what she meant.

"Gray, you're going to be a daddy..." I froze, shocked by her words.

Emma's POV

Grayson sat there starring at me, not moving. Oh my god I shouldn't have told him. I should have moved to Colorado and let him live his life.

I could see the panic in his eyes. "I'm sorry Grayson...'' I wanted to cry, he didn't want this. I looked down as another tear dropped from my cheek.

I felt his hands cup my face as he pulled it up to look me in the eyes, "Emma, no... why are you sorry. This is going to be great!" He was smiling. "I was just a little shocked, I mean we are kinda young but its okay! I wanna do this... I wanna do this with you." He pulled me in kissing my forehead. "We can do this..."

"I thought you were going to hate me..."

"No! Never! I'm happy! I'm so happy. I love you so much," he looked down at my stomach, placing his hand over it, "and I'm going to love this little bean just as much."

I smiled back at him. "But we haven't really told your fans we are dating, its going to be confusing when you have a little baby."

Even if we did release the news of just us dating things would be difficult. I would defiantly be getting hate from his fans, and as if the picture of me naked on a bar doesn't give them enough reason to call me a slut, getting pregnant for sure would.

"Well let's just start out slowly, ill post a picture on Instagram or something... we just wont say its you. Then we can see how people react and eventually we can announce the pregnancy." He thinks is going to be so easy.

"What about Ethan and Jaxon...." They were going to hate the idea of having a screaming baby in the apartment, but I know they would both be great uncles.

"I think they will be happy for us! I know Ethan will, Jaxon might kick my ass again, but hey i'll live." He said laughing.

"I want to tell them in a cute way! Then they can't be as mad!" he smiled at me, pulling me onto his lap and into a hug.

"I'm excited!" His grin would not go away. I was so happy to know he was happy with everything, that this was all going to work out.


Grayson's Post

Grayson's Post

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