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Jaxon, Grayson and Ethan are currently on a plane to Colorado. Jaxon told me I need to be at the airport at 8:15 am, it takes me about an hour to get from Loveland to DIA (Denver International Airport). I looked at the clock, its 7:45, great... I suck at being on time. I grabbed my car keys, hopefully they are running late! I started driving to the airport and went over my mental checklist I made in my head. Kade had already been packed up and moved to Oregon. We sold a lot of things we had in our house, since my mom died and my dad was in jail and would be for a while, the house went into Hannah's name and we all decided we should put it up for sale and split the money from it, we even gave Brecken a share of the money and put it into a back account, we all still had so much hope. I felt bad for leaving everything and selling the house, what if one day Breck made her way back to the house and none of us were there. I would be terrified if I were her.

I realize that there's a chance she's gone forever but until we have proof and something is found I think we will all have her on our minds always.

But now it was time to move forward with my life. I got to the airport around 8:20, what can I say, I kind of speed, very often.

Lucky for me the guys had yet to land, I was quick to park and head into the airport and find their arriving location. I was so excited to see Jaxon again, I missed him so much. He's always been such a great brother.

A ton of people were coming out, meeting up with their families, I didn't see Jaxon or the twins, I don't really know what they look like, I haven't seen them since they were 15, maybe puberty hit them hard, maybe they are super hot or maybe the complete opposite. A couple of my friends watched their videos and were obsessed but I never really checked it out. I was always jealous how popular Jaxon and the twins were. Girls everywhere knew them; I wouldn't be surprised if those three got bombarded leaving this airport.

I looked over and saw a couple more people come out, and then Jaxon!

I ran to my brother and gave him the biggest hug I think I've ever gave anyone; I was so happy. I even teared up a bit. I had Hannah and Kade at home this whole time, but I needed my big brother with me. He always protected me, my entire life, then he just left one day.

"Jaxon I really don't think you realized how much I missed you!" I still had yet to release him from my death grip hug!

He kissed my forehead, "Trust me I missed you more!" He let me hug him just a little longer than requested that he would be released. I hadn't even noticed the two boys, I mean 6 foot giants next to him. Jaxon's tall but the twins were just a little taller.

"Hey kid," The shorter one said, he was gorgeous. They both were almost god like, I could see why my friends were obsessed with them. He pulled me in for a side hug, I couldn't tell if it was Ethan or Grayson but I didn't want to ask and look stupid. "How you been cutie?"

Okay so maybe the whole "don't get with my roommates" thing might be harder then I thought.

I blushed a little, great I'm embarrassing myself, good job Emma. I looked like I've never talked to a guy before. As I stood there like an idiot I some how managed to reply, "oh I-I've just been... dandy!" Great, good, but dandy really Emma get it together. I was slightly ashamed of myself.

Just as he laughed at me the other twin chimed in, "wow you've really grown up, you were so young last time I saw you, puberty definitely did you justice." He said as he gave a cute little smirk and winked at me. Im pretty sure I'm just a bright red tomato at this point. He was right though, I was an extremely awkward kid, and I don't think I knew what a hair brush was at the time. It was all ponytails and knotted hair for this girl.

Jaxon punched him in the shoulder, "What did I say, my sister is off limits, we all have to live together." The taller twin just laughed at him, he didn't seem to eager to listen to Jaxon's requests.

The twins looked so similar but so different at the same time the first one had darker hair, was a little shorted and had a little birth mark on his cheek and eye. The other twin was taller, had blonde mix into his dark brown hair, and had a birth mark on his chin. I still couldn't remember which one was which.

We headed to the car, they didn't have any luggage other than their carry-ons, they were just here to help me pack the truck and take a road trip to my new home. I'm glad Jaxon brought the twins, we would have to drive my car and the moving truck we were renting, so this way two could take the truck and two could drive my car to my new awaiting home.

Jaxon wanted to drive my car back home from the airport so I sat on the passenger seat and the twins sat in the back. This gave me more range of motions being able to look back at the boys while we caught up on the past 7 years. They were both 21, and on the 16th of next month they would be turning 22, like Jaxon.

They were so kind and easy to talk to, I finally found a way to ask them who they were without it being to awkward. "You guys look so similar! How do people tell you apart now a days!?" at least my conversation attempts were getting a tad less awkward.

"Oh that's easy," the taller one said, "Ethan has a birthmark next to his eye, our mom use to say 'Ethan – eye', and now I have blonde in my hair and I'm the taller one." Okay so the blonde one was Grayson. He seemed to point out he was taller like it was an achievement. I bet they bicker a lot about who's oldest or who's taller, it might be fun living with these two.

Jaxon chimed in, "You'll get use to who is who, once you're around them more you start to notice different features."

Ethan replied, "What the hell are you talking about Jax, you still have trouble telling us apart," he said laughing and continued, "we took that video of you and the guys trying to tell us apart and you were the only one who couldn't!" Jaxon seemed to be a little embarrassed that their newer friend could tell them apart and he couldn't.

"Emma, do you watch our videos?" Grayson asked, of course I didn't, but I obviously should have, then I would have known I was picking up my new super attractive roommates, maybe then I would have actually attempted to look decent.

I decided just to be honest with them, "I have actually never seen a single one of your videos..." I looked away from them, I felt like a terrible roommate already.

"I think she's just upset I've never included her in a video," Jaxon wasn't wrong, but it was more that I was jealous. He doesn't even ever mention any of us actually its like he didn't want people to know he was a human being with a family. "I think that will have to change, huh?" Jaxon asked.

The twins replied, their words in sync, "Definitely!"

I looked back at them and smiled, I think things are finally looking up for me.

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