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Emma's POV

I thought it was kind of random for Ethan to show up late like this and he suddenly wants to talk, but I was going to listen anyways. We haven't talked at all since he moved out, and we left things in a pretty bad place.

We were walking out side the complex and Ethan stopped at the little tables outside in the courtyard. "Let's just sit down."

"Did Gray tell you to not let me walk?" He was always worried about me and the baby, it was cute, but I know how to make my own decisions.

Ethan laughed as he pulled a chair out for me, "Yeah, but I'd rather sit anyways."

"Yeah sure!" I made sure to sound super sarcastic, "So what did you want to talk about?"

I could tell Eth was nervous, he kept fidgeting with his phone in his hands. "I just wanted to apologize... about the fight."

I smiled and reached over placing my hand over his, "I'm sorry too! I shouldn't be trying to control who you want to date, I was in the wrong and I apologize; but in my defense, my hormones get to my head and I freak out about the little things, which I know isn't an excuse... but I'm hoping it will make you a little less upset with me." I squeezed his hand.

He looked over at my grabbing my hand with both of his, "Well if you don't dictate who I date, who will? I can't be making those decisions on my own!" He laughed, which brought me joy. I missed his smile and the sound of his laugh. I missed my best friend.

I rolled my eyes jokingly. "Alright then I guess I will have to tell you who to date then!"

"So are we okay?"

"I guess sooo!" I smiled at him, as he stood up and pulled me up into a hug.

I could feel his grin as his lips were pressed against my head. "I missed you so much Em!" He pulled back grabbing my shoulders, "one more thing!"

"Oh what now?"

"Can I please move back in! I was excited to have a baby wake me up, now I just have Cam, who by the way, is surprisingly a very messy person."

I was so happy to hear that he wanted to move back in, it was getting too boring in the apartment. All me and Grayson ever did was sleep and watch movies, which honestly can not be that healthy for us to be doing. "Of course you can!!"


I woke up to my phone ringing... it was only 7 am.

E: "hello?"

I didn't even really check to see who it was... I was more focused on the time.

H: "Emma! Were you sleeping?"

Oh great it's Hannah.

E: "Well I was..."

I could feel Grayson shifting around behind me, but after a second he continued snoring.

H: "Sorry I always forget you guys are an hour behind, but anyways did you hear about Kade?"

E: "If you are talking about the vandalization of his principal's car then yes."

H: "What about the part where he is being kicked out of the house?"

E: "whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute. KICKED OUT?"

That's why he was so set on arguing with me yesterday about moving here.

H: "Yeah but I don't have space for him here, with Brecken living here it's hard enough!"

E: "Well then what are we suppose to do!"

I was quietly freaking out. I decided it would be easier to go out to the living room so I didn't wake up Gray.

H: "Well I was hoping you and Jaxon could figure that out, can't he just stay with you for like a month or two until we figure out a solid plan?"

E: "I'm about to have a new baby in the house Hannah I can't take in a 17-year-old delinquent! What about school!? Its his senior year, he can't just keep switching schools!"

H: "Well we are going to have to take this one step at a time. Can he at least stay with you for a couple weeks?"

Great, I'm going to have a teenager and a new baby in the house. Its not that I don't love Kade, he just seems like a lot to handle right now.

E: "I have to talk to Gray... but a couple weeks shouldn't hurt."

H: "Thank you Emma! Besides, maybe Grayson and Ethan will be a good influence for him. I feel like he has kind of lost it since Dad has been gone..."

We never spoke about my father; I was a little thrown back when Hannah mentioned him. After what happened, I haven't even allowed my self to think of him. He hurt me and Kade, and maybe Hannah was right, maybe that's what changed Kade... but it would have to change if he was living here.

E: "Yeah, well I just hope he won't give me any trouble while he is here..."

H: "I'm sure he won't, I think he wants to live with you. So maybe he will change his ways."

E: "I highly doubt it, but ill just call you back once I talk to Grayson and Jaxon."

H: "Alright, talk to you later."

I hung up and walked back into my room, Grayson was awake and on his phone.

"Hey who was that on the phone?" He asked, wide awake. He must have woken up when I got out of bed.

I walked over to the bed and put my phone on the side table. "My sister..." I crawled back into bed and cuddled up next to him laying my head on his chest.

"Why so early?" He ran his fingers through my hair as I laid there.

"I guess Kade got kicked out of my Uncle's house."

"What? Seriously?" I nodded. "So is he moving back to Colorado?"

I knew he wasn't going to like the idea, but I really had no other choice. "Well Hannah wants him to stay with us for awhile..."

He was quiet for a moment or two. "Well I mean I guess he can stay in Jaxon's room, but are you sure you can handle him?"

That was not the reaction I was expecting. I was expecting more of a 'hell no, we can't handle a teenage boy' but defiantly not a 'I guess that's okay."

"Well I don't have much of a choice... I'm going to need your help though, would you be up for it?" I tilted my head up so I could see his face.

He looked calm, once again way unexpected... "Yeah defiantly, we can get a kick start on our parenting!"

I rolled my eyes, which I have been doing way too much lately. "ugh, I'm terrified." I had to admit it, I knew this was going to be really difficult.

"Come on, he needs you. When you needed someone you had Jaxon to take care of you, so now its your turn to take care of Kade." Grayson wasn't wrong, Jaxon was always there for me. It didn't matter how much of a pain I was, he always made sure I was okay. I guess Kade is just my consequence for all the hell I put Jax through.

"I guess you're right..."

He leaned down to my face and kissed me, "We got this babygirl."

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