Chapter One

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The weight of your backpack drags you down more and more with every step, you were on your first expedition since the monsters had all left the underground, luckily there was a human with them who explained that they meant no harm and wished to live peacefully among us. What was their name...? Um... Frask or something? You wanted to meet as many monsters as you could and learn about their lifestyles and maybe one day become an expert so you can medically help them where human experts (some prefer to call them doctors) can't. You decide to take a break from your travels and head to a nearby cave. After you set up your small tent you begin to look through your backpack for your notebook, it contains all the information on the Monsters you've met so far, of course it's locked with a strong padlock, you don't want anyone to see all the hard work you've done and steal it. Rummaging through your backpack some more, you find your flash light. You turn it on and discover there's more to the cave than you thought and decide to explore more of it after some sleep.

-Next Day-

The sunlight softly grazes your eyes through the tent walls and you wake up and begin packing your backpack up once again without thinking twice, this had become a daily routine for you as you had been walking for nearly 3 weeks. You look towards the caves exit where the sun beamed and then through the cave which almost completely blocked out any light. With torch in hand, you take a deep breath and begin walking through the cave. The darkness felt as if it would last forever and wanting to find the end of the cave filled you with determination.

It feels like you walked for hours and your legs felt as if they were going to give way when suddenly you see a glimpse of light and feel a soft breeze flow through your (H/c) hair. You begin running faster and faster towards the light and find yourself stood in a garden full of yellow flowers. In the middle sat a large, golden throne. It sparkled as if it were brand new and never touched, you run your hand along the handle of the throne and loved how smooth it felt against your skin. You pick up a flower and gently place it on the throne. It's petals stared up at the light beaming through the pillars.
'Time for a break' You tell yourself as you sit in front of the throne and pull out your notebook and a snack. You unlock your notebook and scatter through the pages until you find a blank one. You picked up your snack and took a bite, then picked up a pencil and began sketching the delicate flower on the throne. It felt as if it were supposed to be there. You felt annoyed whenever a crumb fell on to your page because when you attempted to move it, the sketch became slightly smudged. After a while, you are pleased with your finished piece and close your book before locking it and sliding back into your backpack. You lay down in the flowers and look up at the sky while finishing your snack. You wonder where you are and want to know if there's anyone around that can give you answers. As you take your last bite you sit up and notice a flower had stuck to your shirt. You pull it off and look at it, admiring how beautiful it was, and tucked it behind your ear, then begin walking towards the door determined to learn more about the place you had accidentally stumbled upon.

???? POV

"A human..? Tch." I stare at the person admiring Asgore's throne. They seem a lot like Frisk. I can sense the determination. I stay standing behind the pillar watching them closely to make sure they didn't have a destructive intent. They sigh and sit down in front of the throne and pull out what seems to be a notepad and find myself gazing upon their face, watching their emotion going from happy to angry as they drew. Why were the drawing a picture of the throne...? What were they planning to do, I wonder. After a while, they finally stood up and left deeper into the Underground, leaving a piece of paper behind. I walk over and pick it up, it's a flower...? On the throne? What were they thinking? Did they drop it on purpose? So many questions, I'm dumbfounded why I've taken sudden interest in this human...

Normal POV

You continue walking through endless corridors that felt longer than the cave than led you here. You could feel the petals of the flower brush against your cheek with every step. For some reason it made you feel... Safe? You take as many mental notes as physically possible, studying the ancient looking design of the area.
Without realising, you have ended up outside, it was snowing and you could instantly feel the cold on your skin. You look around hoping someone can help you find your way again.
'I swear I was just in that corridor, how am I here? Did I sleepwalk?'
Confusion built up in your head and was fighting the voice that screamed at you to find a warm place to stay while you figured out where you were. The area seemed so lonely, abandoned in fact.
Suddenly, you let out a sneeze. You must be colder than you feel. You sneeze again and you can feel the flower fall from your ear, you look up and you can see it flying away gracefully with the wind and snow. You decide to chase it in hopes that it could maybe lead you somewhere but the flower only faded more and more from your sight. You looked around and were completely clueless as to where you are. You walk more but realise the cold was only getting to you more each second and before you knew it, your face with in the snow and everything went dark.

Human Again ~ Undertale ~ SansxReader {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now