Chapter Nineteen

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Looking around the café, you found yourself dazing off. You had eaten enough to satisfy your body. Whilst daydreaming, you didn't notice Alphys jump into the seat beside you. Alphys was the one who gave you some information on monsters to help you start your research. They had been a big help. When you noticed that they were sat beside you, you happily greeted them like an old friend, smiling and offering her the rest of your drink. Her eyes shot daggers at you, she was raging inside. Your hands slowly back from her, with a worried look in your eyes.

"Hey Alphys..?" Your voice shook a little, she was really frightening when angry. "Is everything oka-"

"I can't let you use determination like that." She sternly said without stuttering once then jumped off of her chair and rushed out of the room, leaving you alone with an empty plate and your thoughts. You looked at your phone to find that your battery was completely dead, so you decide to head back to Sans.

Along the corridors you overheard two doctors talking, one was a short female with blonde hair who somehow reminded you of Alphys, the other was an average height male, also with blonde hair. You didn't want to eavesdrop but your ears couldnt leave the conversation once you heard them discuss something about Alphys. You sit down, trying to act natural by opening your dead phone and pretending to text someone while listening it.

"I think that monster doctor has gone officially mad." The male doctor laughed out, he didn't seem to care that anyone could hear him when his laughter bounced off of the walls. The female doctor laughed in agreement, which really began to boil your blood.

You quickly get up from your seat and begin approaching the two young doctors. You forced a smile on your face because you didn't want to attract any attention, "Excuse me?" You politely interrupted their bitch fest on one for your friends. "Could you tell me where Dr. Alphys' lab is please?" The doctors scanned you up and down, giving you a look that screamed disgust.

"Sure it's down the hall, take the elevator to the basement then it's the second door on the right." The female doctor had managed to stop eyeing you and actually help you, like she suddenly remembered she was working, the male however had no intent of rudely staring at you as if you were insane. You thanked the lady and began to walk in the direction she had told you to go.

Suddenly, the male doctor called out once more, "I don't know why you're looking for her. She's useless, if you want a REAL doctor come find us!" He hissed, the female laughed with him again, sending a painful ringing down your ears as they cackled. You didn't say anything back and quickly raced down the hallway towards the elevators.

When you reached the elevators an unfamiliar face greeted you. "Yo." They gave you a big smile as they called the elevator for you. "You're (Y/N), right? The name's Undyne." She offered a handshake which you respectfully accepted, though it started to feel like a trap when she took your hand with a harsh grip and a vigorous shake, a handshake most people would be proud of. It was only then you noticed that Undyne was part of the monster race, you had began seeing monsters and humans as the same with all of the research you had been doing. Undyne was a fish, with the body shape similar to a humans. You decided to note her physical features down in your mind to put in your notebook later. She had red hair that really made her stand out in a crowd, knowing she was Alphys' girlfriend, you compared their heights which you found amusing as they had a large height difference. Undyne was atleast 5'10 whereas Alphys was around 4'8. It was extremely easy to picture the two of them together as a couple. They looked cute together too.

After you formally introduced yourself, the elevator had arrived, allowing both you and Undyne to head down to the basement. You figured that she'd also be there to see Alphys, why else would she be here? As you headed towards the lab, you talked about your line of research, which Undyne became extremely fascinated with, offering any help she could. You cheerfully accepted her offer as you reached the lab, quickly ending your conversation as Undyne knocked on the doors. Shortly after, the two doors swing open to reveal Alphys standing in a dress, with a large smile on her face similar to Undyne's smile.

"Hi, Undyne!" She cheered, not noticing you were standing right beside her. Her eyes fixed straight on to Undyne, her eyes would turn into love hearts if that were physically possible. "Are you ready fo- Oh... I-It's you." She mumbled as she finally recognised you.

"Alphys you need to give me some answers..." You begged, trying to maintain eye contact to show how serious you were about this, but she refused to look at you. Undyne stood beside you with her hand on your shoulder, supporting you even though she knew next to nothing about you.

"I-I don't want to." Alphys stuttered.


"No, (Y/N)!" Alphys had snapped and became the stern, terrifying person you met in the café. You stepped back slightly in fear.

"Alphys!" Undyne hissed, Alphys demonic gaze snapped back into her normal self. "They deserve to know." She grabbed you, pulling you back by her side, standing firmly. After that, Alphys gave in and answered all the questions you had to ask. She let you and Undyne into the lab and let you both sit down at a table, which was almost invisible under the anime merchandise she had. 

"It all s-started when Monsters were still trapped underground." She stuttered a little, you listened deeply to every word she said, though. Neither you or Undyne said anything and Alphys sighed once she realised she had to continue. "I was granted the t-title of Royal Scientist, a-after ✋👐✋✋👐✋ died..." Their name was completely blocked from your brain, resulting in you only hearing a loud screech, though it was bearable, it still made you cringe a little, but luckily nobody saw that. Alphys sighed once more, "I tested d-determination on dying monsters a-and..." She looked from you to Undyne and her stuttering suddenly stopped, which was kind of cute. "It just didn't work..." She finished with her eyes staring towards the ground in horror, the memory of what happened was replaying in her mind, making you feel bad for getting her to tell you what happened. Alphys began to panic, her breathing became quick as tears began to build up in her eyes. She asked Undyne to explain the rest as she quickly fled into a nearby room. 

Undyne looked at you as she also sighed, running her hand through her red hair. "Listen, punk. I'm only going to say this once, I need to make sure Alphys is okay after so..." You nod, waiting for Undyne to start. "Alphys found a new power that, even though it was common in humans, Monsters lacked it. It was Determination. She injected it into dying monsters to try and preserve their souls after death, but..." She trailed off, closing her eyes for a moment as she attempted to block out the memory from replaying in her mind, "The injections saved their lives instead. She was going to return the monsters to their families after they all had woken up, she really was! But... before she could, their bodies fused together as a side effect of the amount of determination used... The monsters just melted together, their bodies couldn't hold it, or take it in the dosage size they were given..." Undyne looked towards the door slightly before continuing, "The monsters weren't themselves after that, they were just beasts, erratic, like something out of a horror movie. They all passed away shortly after we broke the barrier." Undyne rested her head in her hands, letting out a loud sigh. 

You looked at Undyne sympathetically, "Why did she give Sans determination, then?" You asked a little suspiciously. 

"He's part human. His body can take Determination without fail... I hope." She stuttered the last part so you couldn't hear it. You thanked Undyne for explaining everything before tapping to the room that Alphys was hiding in, giving her a soft apology for asking so much of her. You heard her stutter and accept your apology, then realised you were outstaying your welcome and decided to head back to see Sans. 

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