Chapter Twenty-Three

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Your eyes softly open to the familiar sight of Mettaton's guest bedroom. You rub your eyes and sit up slowly, feeling a little bit dizzy from drinking last night. (You drink in both options of the last two chapters) You swing your legs over the side of the bed and stretch out, yawning in the process. Suddenly, a delightful smell catches your interest. Food! You don't even notice, but your legs had started to move towards where the smell was until you ended up in the kitchen where a certain someone was stood cooking. His hair was a soft mess and he wore his regular T-shirt and shorts, his jacket was slung on the back of a nearby chair. You slowly sneak up behind him before wrapping your arms around his waist, resting your chin on his shoulder.

"Good morning, Sansy." You cooed in his ear, then left a quick kiss on his cheek.

"Good morning, (Y/N)." He smiled as your lips met his cheek, his eyes lit up as he turned around to face you, looking a little scruffy from only just waking up but he still saw perfection nonetheless. You began talking about funny events that had happened during your date. You both laughed with each other, occasionally letting out sudden snorts, which only resulted in more laughter. After what felt like an endless loop of laughter, Sans rubbed his cast-covered arm, looking shy as well as adorable. "So what do you want to do today?" He asked, forgetting that today he was supposed to actually get the cast removed.

"I wanted to prepare some things for the trip." You said, mentally mapping out the route the two of you had planned before leaving the Underground.

"Oh." He mutters, "I... I have to admit I forgot about that." You raise an eyebrow, giving him a confused look, worrying about how this conversation was going to end.

"Sans. You said you would come up to the surface to help me research." You reminded him, he let out a sad sigh but quickly tried to cover up his sadness with a fake smile.

"Oh would you look at my wrist!" He said pulling up his jacket sleeve, revealing a watchless wrist. "Time to get my cast removed." He pretended to cheer and quickly headed to the door, you attempted to protest but Sans had no intention of stopping, and was received with a crash coming from the door as he slammed it shut. He had teleported away after that as there was no sight of him leaving the yard.

You decided it wasn't the time to be upset over things like this, as much as you did love Sans. You continued to plan out another route just in case Sans decides to stay with Papyrus and Mettaton, but that hurts your heart when you think about it. You really looked forward to the two of you going on an adventure around the country together, meeting new people and learning new things. You had forgotten the time where you travelled alone doing research by yourself, Sans had managed to take all of your focus away from that. You wanted him to go with you. You just wanted him. You look down at your notebook.

'Is this really worth it...?' You sighed to yourself.

"Don't give up, (Y/N)!" An almost forgotten voice rung through your mind after staying quiet for a long period of time.

"Hi, Chara." You laughed as if greeting an old friend. "Where you been?"

They laughed back, "Oh you know, just here and there in your brain." You could feel then smiling, it was clear that it had been a long time since they had been treated kindly. "I almost have enough strength to be revived. I'll be alive again." They cheered, the child part of her coming into play.

"That's great, sweetie." You accidentally said, suddenly feeling like a motherly figure to them. "Um.. What are you going to do when you're free?" You quickly said, hoping that they wouldn't think much of you calling them 'sweetie'.

Chara stayed quiet for a few moments, she obviously picked it up. You mentally slapped yourself as they continued talking. "I don't know yet..." They admitted, you felt sympathetic, "I hope I can return to my old family... But I don't know if they'll want me back." They sadly sighed when they thought about their family.

You encouraged them, telling them that their family would be overjoyed to see them again. You could feel their smile grow, knowing that if you could really see it, it would be brighter than the sun. Chara sang happily, their soft voice filled your heart and soul with determination.

Sans slams the door shut announcing his arrival, Chara shuts themselves up to make sure you aren't distracted but you couldn't help but worry what would happen to them once they were revived. "Hey, kid." He says, sitting down beside you as if nothing had happened.

"You can't call me 'kid' forever you know?" You chuckled, placing a small kiss on his head.

"Sure I can. You're shorter than me." He laughed back, admiring your height compared to his. You blushed but covered your face, refusing to let him win.

"You're human, huh? That's hilarious!" You said, quoting what he told you he had said when he met Frisk. You attempted to mimic his voice which only resulted in a deep croak as you spoke, which Sans replied with by almost passing out with laughter.

He laid his head down on the table, pillowed by his arms that were no longer in casts. The hospital was only a couple of minutes away so you knew it wouldn't take long. "Two days." He said quietly.

"Two days until what?" You asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"We'll leave for your trip thing in two days." He announced. A huge smile plastered onto your face when you realised that he said he would go with you. You practically jump on to him, giving him a tight hug before sitting back down and continuing to plan.

Human Again ~ Undertale ~ SansxReader {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now