Chapter Sixteen

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"We're nearly at the surface now, fellow humans!" Your eyes look towards the front of the car, you can see the castle you were in when you first arrived in the Underground. You and Sans had been discussing your nightmares and he had finally given you some information that could be useful.

"So is Chara going to come back?" You asked, turning your attention back to Sans.

He lifted his hand and flinched it, a sudden blue spark appeared in his palm but it soon vanished after a few seconds. "Yes." He sighed, "We are going to have to fight them, but my magic... It's weak." He looked at you with a depressed look in his eyes, you kept admiring their different colours.

You took his hand and placed a small kiss on his knuckles, "We can do this." You smiled. He seemed to be determined by your words, giving you a confident nod.

Sans told Papyrus to pull over and see if there were anything Metatton had left behind before leaving the Underground with him. He gasped at the thought and quickly scurried off towards a large, hotel-like building, leaving the two of you alone in the car. Sans didn't hesitate to start working the second Papyrus was out of sight, he rushed through a bag he brought with him, pulling out a small box that clearly had the words 'Sleeping Medication' on the front, written in marker.

You questioned what he was doing but he reassured you, "It'll make you sleep long enough for me to beat Chara, and..." He trails off before snapping his finger creating a blue aura around the pill. "It'll give you a small amount of magic, just in case I screw up at all." Without saying anything else, he throws one of the pills in his mouth before laying back and closing his eyes. You stared at the pill in the palm of your hand, laughing at Sans' words as they repeated in your head. You leaned over and kissed his forehead, then took the pill, almost falling asleep instantly beside Sans.

It was almost like blinking, you shut your eyes but when they reopened you were in a completely different place. Fresh grass surrounded you, leading to Castle-like walls. You look up and see the sky is plagued with dark clouds. Your eyes set themselves on the sky, staring into the depressing darkness.

"Pretty creepy, huh?" Your eyes snapped out of their daze and happily turned to Sans. He waved his hand casually to say hi, his hair was softly flowing around his head, you smiled in response before he took your hand and began wandering around, hoping to find Chara.

'Ding, dong..." The same creepy tune echoed through the walls. Sans prepared himself into what could only be described as a battle stance. Sans quickly explained to you how to use what magic you absorbed when you took the pill. His hand tightened around yours and you felt a heap of energy flow through your veins, triggering a (Soul colour or favourite colour) flame-like glow to form above the palm of your hand. You couldn't help but stare at it, despite the possibility of being killed by Chara at any given moment.

Chara appeared simply in front of you, no games. They stared at you with red soulless eyes. "Finally here to finish me off?" They chuckled, reaching behind their back and pulling out a shiny, sharp knife. It was tinted red, so it was obvious that this wasn't the first time that had used it.

Without the chance to reply, Chara flew towards you, knife in hand pointing directly at your abdomen. You found yourself breathless, lifting your arms to cover your face from damage, awaiting the weapon to come into contact with your stomach, though it never happened. You look up and find a radiant wall of (F/C) flames, you could see Chara standing in pure confusion through the flames. They mumbled a few words then simply dashed around the wall, continuing to run at you full speed. A similar wall had once again appeared, only this time it was blue. You glanced to your right to discover Sans holding his arm up, causing the new wall to stand strong. At this point your wall had vanished into nothingness.

After a while of running in circles and building walls, Chara leaped back, wiping the sweat drenching their face. "Really, Sans? Giving the human magic? Unfair!" They wined, jokingly, of course. Though, in reality you both knew that with your powers combined, you had just enough power to level with Chara's. Neither of you had anything to say to the child demon, when they realised this they only rolled their eyes and scoffed at you. Preparing her next attack. Mirroring Sans, you took a battle stance, you could suddenly feel your magic flood through each of your veins. You focused, taking a deep breath, creating a small, (f/c) rose, covered in deadly thorns. Sans copied your routine, you saw his blue eye light up as a bright white bone appeared in his hand in a similar style as your rose. "Wow, bones? Very funny Mr.Ex-Skeleton." Chara spat at Sans, anger began to swim through your body, combining itself with the magic you had been given, the thorns on the rose became significantly sharper, even the slightest touch would cut you.

Refusing to mess around any longer, you edge your rose-holding-hand towards Chara, generating a swarm of similar roses to storm towards them, they managed to avoid most of them but deep red cuts clearly sat on their arms, as your roses continued to race at Chara, Sans followed your lead, creating a stampede of bones racing towards them. Chara found themself cornered. They looked up at you hopelessly, with tears in their eyes as if they were begging for your mercy. Your heart wanted to save them, and it carried your legs toward them though they were quickly brought to a halt by a skinny, pale arm holding you back. You looked at Sans, who clearly was not planning to have mercy on Chara, he shook his head and you took a step back, refusing to make matters worse. Sans, with his hands tucked into his coat pockets, walked up to the child, they were trapped in a prison with bars made entirely of bone, their hopelessness had vanished into a pure dark smirk. You wanted to turn away but every fibre of your being refused, making you stare blankly at the scene in front of you. Sans muttered some words to Chara, making them laugh with rage. You couldn't hear Sans but you could clearly hear Chara's last words.

'Ding, dong. Looks like you have won.'

A bright red slash cut through the child's body, leaving them lifeless on the ground. Sans turned to you drenched in sweat, his hair was wet and covered most of his eyes. You scan him to see if he was okay but you notice something sadly familiar, his arm had become bone again. Sans was turning back into a Skeleton.

"(Y/N)! Wake up!" The voice of Papyrus flew around, bouncing off of the walls. Sans had faded from your vision, following everything else around you. You woke up to find your face inches away from a concerned Papyrus, you sat up reliving the memory of what had just happened in your mind causing you to shudder.
"Are you okay?" He asked, placing a hand on your shoulder for comfort.

You nod, trying to find your words. "Y-Yeah, I'm okay. Where's Sans?" You said before realising he was passed out on your arm. Like in your sleep, Sans' arm was stone again but it was more gruesome. Blood tricked from his mouth as well as streaming from his arm, forming a red lake across his bones. You gently shook him, praying he was still alive.

"H-hey kid.." He attempted to give you a smile but it was so weak it caused you to tear up, jumping onto him into a tight embrace. After that he had passed out again, but was still alive. You and Papyrus agree to bandage him up and take him to the closest hospital you could find, which was conveniently in the direction you were headed. The surface.

Human Again ~ Undertale ~ SansxReader {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now