Chapter Thirteen

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3 Days Later.

"I think everything's packed!" Papyrus shouts, it echoes through the, soon to be lonely, underground. You step outside offering him a drink as a thank you for helping you pack away for your expedition. "Where's Sans?" He asks, looking through the open door into the house. You shrug and he storms through the door, slamming it behind him, giving you a sudden shudder. After a lot of muffled yelling and noise, Papyrus came through the door once more dragging Sans by the hood of his coat, making you laugh when you saw Sans sitting on the floor with his arms crossed and an amusing look on his face. You help him up and he smiles at you in return, opening the door for you knowing that your body was still weak.

Your body had very quickly started to change back, obvious differences were occurring everyday but it drained your energy extremely quickly. You were a few layers of skin away from being a full human, which filled you with delight. Sans, however progressed a lot slower. Probably because he had been a skeleton for a lot longer than you had.

"Alright! Let's go!" Papyrus sang as you two jumped in the backseat. The ride to the surface was a lot longer than you had thought. A few hours at least, but it had become a regular thing for Papyrus so he was use to the long drives.

Sans stared out of the window sadly as his home slowly grew out of sight, you hated that you made him feel that way but at the same time you were overjoyed and excited to show Sans what the world outside of the Underground had to offer. You reached your hand over and rested it on top of his, giving him a caring smile when he turned to you. He smiled back with a mix of blue and pink blush on his cheeks.

"Here." You hand over your notebook, unlocked and open. "Learn a little bit about what I do. I'm gonna get some rest." He nodded and began reading deeply into your notes. You were happy when you noticed how interested he was, and that was your last thought and sight before drifting to sleep.

"Told you she was gonna leave. She even took Sans with her." Your eyes scanned another pitch black room, you realised that you're dreaming again. A white light caught your eye and you slowly walk towards it to find Chara. "She betrayed us."

"Chara?" You stuttered, her appearance had changed. She had red liquid on her fingers, roughly running her hands across the wall creating a picture that was yet to be completed. Your voice echoed through the void of darkness surrounding you and in the blink of an eye, Chara had turned to you, her face and torso were also covered in red. A creepy smile plagued her small face below eyes of pitch black, even darker than the room around you.

"Y O U R E L E A V I N G US, (Y/N)!" Their voice screeched, piercing your ears. You screamed out in pain despite knowing that nobody could help or even hear you. The noise made you feel physically sick, causing you to shoot your eyes open from dreaming before dashing out of the (slowly) moving car and throwing up in a nearby bush whilst attempting to hold back your tears.

Sans rushes to your side, rubbing his hand up and down your back. "What happened, babe?"

You couldn't react to him calling you babe, you were panting heavily with tears escaping your eyes. "Ch... Chara..." You muttered under your breath. You turned to Sans, rushing into his arms holding him tightly. "I'm so scared, Sans." You sobbed into his coat. He stroked your hair whispering soothing words into your ear until your breathing calmed. He picked you up bridal style and walked you back to the car, Papyrus looked extremely worried but Sans nodded his head to assure him that you were okay. You closed your eyes, tucking your head into Sans jacket, only focusing on the noises around you. You heard Papyrus scurry back into the car before Sans laid you down in the back of the car, your head resting on his legs as he stroked your hair. You kept your eyes closed, enjoying the moment you had together despite being utterly terrified about what happened. The memory kept replaying in your mind, you saw the sweet young Chara that you wanted to help to a demon that only had the desire to kill and torture. You were afraid that you were her next victim.

Sans softly hummed a tune to help you calm down, he almost knew the image had kept replaying, making you shudder a little everytime. You felt the car come to a halt once more. "I'm just going to find something." Papyrus said, Sans let out a soft chuckle as you opened your eyes.

"Follow me." He said, getting out of the car whilst offering you a hand. You took it without hesitation and stepped out of the car into a world glowing with blue. Your mouth opened in awe at the scenery surrounding you. A lake softly flowed around you, along a bed of beautiful shining flowers. "They're echo flowers." He explained as you rushed over to them, closing your eyes and taking in their smell.

'Frisk saved us! We're going back to the surface!' A voice cheered from the flower. Your eyes widened in shock, but Sans only laughed at your confused state.

You walked towards another flower, slowly edging your face closer to it when it also spoke out, 'We can finally go watch the stars, just like we always wanted!' Followed by multiple voices of overjoyed laughter.

'Our wish will finally come true.' Another flower spoke.

Sans walked over, with an echo flower in his hand. You looked at him in confusion took it as he handed it from you. He pointed to his ear, indicating that he wanted you to listen to what the flower would say. He quickly walks off after you smile and begin leaning your head towards the flower. With Sans' voice, it whispered into your ear;

'I'm in love with someone. Their name is (Y/N).'

Human Again ~ Undertale ~ SansxReader {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now