Chapter Three

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You were unsatisfied with what you know about Sans, you craved to know more about him. It was pitch black outside but you could hear a wild blizzard go on from outside the window. The flower continued to stand proudly, as if it were gazing at the snow outside. You lay down and begin thinking about your options. You could always just leave but not until the weather had cleared up but... Sans told you not to leave.
'Why am I being obedient to someone I know nothing about?!' Your mind cries out. The temptation to leave was strong but your curiosity to the Skeleton was stronger. You kept glancing up to his bedroom door, wondering if he was still awake. You groan and sit up on the couch, constantly at war with yourself.
While you were mentally yelling at yourself, you became unaware of your surroundings. Sans walked out of his room and you only noticed him when he was walking into the kitchen. Without thinking, you follow him. You limp into the kitchen and lean on the wall when you get there, taking the pressure off of your rotting leg. You didn't realise how suggestive the way you were stood looked. Looking around, you see Sans by the sink cleaning a class he had probably just used. He was quite short and had to use a step to reach the sink, you laugh a little before remembering you were about the same height. The fridge stood alone in the corner, displaying a small photo with two Skeletons stood smiling at each other. One of the skeletons you could clearly tell was Sans, but the other one you didn't know. He was a lot taller than Sans but looked younger than him. You never imagined Sans, the Skeleton you met as a grumpy, antisocial soul, being happy and having friends or maybe... A family? Sans turns around, and a light blue tint appears on his cheeks. Is he blushing?! He knew you wanted to talk, neither of you needed to say anything to know that much. He steps over to the table then pulls out a chair and slumps into it, then points towards another chair, signalling you to sit down. You hobble over to the chair, but before you can pull it out from under the table, Sans kicked it out once realising you were struggling.
Once you sat down, the room felt more empty than when you walked in. The silence felt as if it were only going stronger, if that's even possible? Neither of you wanted to start the conversation, and it felt like this would only be an eternal staring contest. You look down and feel your eyes getting heavy, this 'conversation'
"The flower..." Sans mumbles, his deep voice wakes you up, your eyes meet at he says "It's the one you drew."
You look over at the flower and realise you had forgotten all about your book. "My book! Where's my book?" You stand up, but it only gives you shooting pain through your leg. You scream out in pain and you notice the floor is getting closer and closer, but something broke your fall. You look up and see Sans with his arms wrapped around you. Your cheeks burned bright red when you realised how close your faces were, when he looked at you, he suddenly realised what he was doing and didn't hesitate to drop you. You fell on your butt and could hear the impact as you hit the floor.
"Saaaaaans!" You whinged. This was the most relaxed you had been around him.
"Sorry." He whinced, trying to hide his face because he was blushing again but you could clearly see the blue through those bony fingers. You slowly went over to him and touched his hand to see if he was okay. You reached out and touched his hand, giving him a sympathetic look, which he responds to by flinching. "Look (Y/N)." He snaps, he knows your name? You remember him saying that he wasn't interested in knowing your name. You stare at him waiting for something to come out of his mouth, Sans rubs the nape of his neck and looks away, "forget it."
"No." You instantly retaliate, Sans stares at you in shock, one of his eyes glow a little and it sort of creeps you out. "I won't forget it. I'm scared, Sans. I don't know who you are, why I'm here. I don't know anything. I'm so afraid and you won't tell me anything!" You clench your fists in an attempt to hold back the tears flooding your eyes, but it was no use and you notice your tears drip silently onto the kitchen floor. You hear Sans sigh and you notice a sharp pain in your hand again, looking at it you find more of your skin had fallen off.
"Sans..." You whimper, "What's happening to me? You know, don't you?" You look up at him, allowing all of the tears to flow from your eyes. Sans nods and reaches down to help you stand. He leads you back into your chair and you stare at him patiently waiting for an explanation.
"It's a little confusing so if you need me to stop, say so." He starts, his voice sort of soothed your soul, you enjoyed listening to him speak. "I use to be a human too." You stare at him, your mind is already jumping to a million worst case conclusions. "My brother and I were abandoned as a kid, we would live in forests, beg in villages, we were broken." You could see in his face that he was replaying the memories in his mind. He seemed focus, but sad. "One day, we fell into the Underground. Our souls were weak, and we were dying inside... We noticed our skin was fading, we didn't mind. We had nothing to live for, anyway. Eventually, we became skeletons and I became this handsome devil you see before you." You giggle at the remark, his eyes soften up to the sound of your laugh. "It was hard to live at first, but someone took us in and looked after us. We became Skeletons because we were empty. We were abused and beaten in life until we became nothing and..." He pauses and you notice a tear trickle down his face, you give him a sympathetic look, but then you realise that same thing is happening to you.

Human Again ~ Undertale ~ SansxReader {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now