Chapter Seven

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Papyrus took you through Snowdin, you eventually reached a homely looking building named Grillby's. Papyrus told you this was once Sans' favourite place, but that changed when all the monsters left for the surface. The two of you entered the building and were greeted by a refreshing wave of warmth from the radiators surrounding the room. The room had a refreshing glow to it and even though it was so empty, you could feel the happiness that the monsters had once shared here together. It filled you with determination. You and Papyrus headed for the bar where a monster stood made of flames. He looked rather strong and wore a white shirt with a black tie, trousers and waist coat that glistened against the glow of his flames. He also wore glasses that somehow stayed on his face considering the... lack of visible ears. 

"Hello, Grillby!" Papyrus said with absolute delight as the two of you took a seat in front of him at the bar.  "This is (Y/N)" he said as he softly gestured a hand towards you. "They're staying with Sans."

"Wait I-" You begin to argue, the way Papyrus said that made you feel... odd. As if you were willingly living with Sans. No. You had a goal. You had to do research! You almost let your dream slip through your fingers without even realising. "Please wait for ten minutes, I need to run home and grab something." you formally announce, looking to the two for approval, they nod and you run through the snow, bursting through the door to get away from the cold attempting to wrap itself around you. You huff and puff as you lean on the door once it's shut. You walk steadily over to the table and pick up your book and two pens, just in case. 

"Hey kid." A deep voice sings, sending a sharp shiver down your spine. "How's the date going?" His eyes shoot daggers towards you. 

You sigh as you turn to face Sans, who is calmly sat on the couch, looking at you as if he had lost all emotion. His eyes were more empty than usual, it made you want to fix him. That was your job, after all. "It's not a date, he took me over to meet Grillby." You explained, though he didn't really believe it. "Look..." you trailed off, sitting next to him continuing your attempt to steady your breathing. "What's bothering you, Sans?" You casually asked, looking up towards the ceiling. You only just realised that the room surrounding the both of you was pitch black. You looked at your watch and found you still had a few minutes before you had to go back. 

"You're gonna leave soon, aren't ya?" He sadly mumbles, the depressing tone of his voice nearly broke your heart into two. "I don't want you to leave, (Y/N)." He whispers, attempting to hold back the tears that had begin to flood his eyes. You had no words, no idea how to reply to him. You had to leave eventually, you had a career you wanted to fulfil. You slide over to him and wrap your arms tightly around him, you quickly feel a warm yet bony embrace in return. You look at his face and notice the tears had already begin streaming down his cheeks. You rub your thumbs against his cheeks, wiping the tears away. He stares into your (E/C) eyes and you stare back noticing something that's almost... alive in them. You pull away from Sans, your hands resting on his chest, though neither of you really noticed that until you felt a soft vibration through his jacket. You focus your ears on the sound that was coming from his chest. You both looked up at each other, you knew you were both thinking the same thing.

"Sans..?" You stare in confusion at him. 

"I have no idea." He answered before you could even ask. 

Sans had a heart beat. You pull away from him and grab your notebook, flicking through the pages until you reached "Skeleton", you noted his heart beat and the speed of it. The rest of the time you had spent was just empty conversation as you tested him. Around 30 minutes had passed and Sans was exhausted when you realised you were supposed to head back to meet Papyrus and Grillby. After finishing up your skeletal research you decide to head back. Sans seemed disappointed that you had to leave, but you started walking out to refuse any drama he'd start in an attempt to get you to stay. You swing open the door to find Papyrus reaching for the handle. He jumped when you opened the door.

"HUMA- I mean (Y/N)!" He yelps, Sans lets out a loud snort trying avoid a fit of laughter. "I came to check if you were okay. Grillby said he'll be leaving soon so if you wanted to talk to him you should do so now." He announced, sounding a little bit like a personal butler. 

"Yeah. I was just heading back now. See you later, Sans!" You gave him a small wave and a cute smile, which triggered his cheeks to turn a beautiful shade of blue. He gives a half-hearted wave back as you close the door and walk back to Grillbys. 

On the way back, you were the only one to talk, Papyrus just listened. You told him about the research you had been doing, and how Sans was helping you a lot. When you told him that Sans had developed a heart beat, you swore you could see tears well up in his eyes. Papyrus was a lot easier to talk to compared to Sans, he would listen a lot whereas Sans would talk back. You felt so relaxed around them both, though. As you reached Grillbys again, you deeply apologised for taking so long to return, and he laughed in admiration for your kindness. You explain to Grillby that you're hoping to become the worlds first monster doctor, and that you're asking monsters for medical information to help you. You proudly show him your book before flicking to a fresh page. 

"Wait!" Papyrus yells whilst you flick through the pages. "Go back a few." He demands, you usually feel uncomfortable showing people your notes but you didn't argue, flipping a few pages back until you reach a familiar page.

"The Goat-Monster Species."

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