Chapter Fifteen

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"HELLO FELLOW HUMANS!" Your eyes shoot open as Papyrus bellowed. You and Sans turned your head around to meet the tall human smiling widely at the two of you. "I see it worked!" He cheered, offering you a hand each to stand up.

When you both got up, you head to the car with Papyrus complimenting you on your human appearances. As you reached the car, Sans opened the door for you, showing you that he could be a gentleman. You giggled at his gesture before thanking him and sliding into the car seat. Shortly after, Sans got in beside you, wrapping his arm around you pulling you close into him.

"Whatever's scaring you. I'll protect you from it." He says out of the blue, quietly enough so Papyrus didn't hear him. You look up at him, questioning what he was talking about. "I promise." He states, staring back into your eyes before leaning in, placing a soft kiss on your forehead. Your ear wasn't that close to his chest but you could still feel his heart raging with life. You rest your head against him without realising you were going to fall asleep again.

"Ding, dong. I know you can hear me."
An evil tune bounced around in your head, your eyes met nothing but darkness. You only had one sense, sound. No taste, smell, sight and no feeling.
"Open up the door, I only want to play a little..."
Right in front of your eyes, a door appeared, which continued to create a familiar room around you. You were stood in Sans' house, right in front of his door. You hesitantly followed the instructions from the voice that now echoed off of the walls.
"Ding, dong. You can't keep me waiting. Its already too late for you to try and run away."
Your hand flinches away from the door handle as the voice sang out once more, attacking your brain. You look around but find nobody.
"I see you through the window. Our eyes are locked together."
Your head whips around staring out of the window, expecting to find someone staring at you but your eyes were only greeted by darkness.
"I can sense your horror, but I'd like to see it closer."
As they spoke your hand slams onto the door handle, pulling you into Sans' room. The voice continued to sing out, their volume didn't change despite the room name. You look around to find a pile of dust laying on the ground beside a familiar blue coat. Your head began to ring in unbearable pain. You kneeled down beside the dust knowing exactly what it was. The door slammed shut behind you with full force but having nothing to actually close it. Then the voice began to get even louder. You hear a soft knock against the door causing you to instinctively run towards the closet, pulling the door shut and holding it to ensure that it couldn't be opened. The door slowly creaked open and the voice sang out some new words.
"Knock, knock. I am at your door now I am coming in. No need for me to ask permission."
Your breathing became quick and sharp, tears of horror started to flow down your cheeks.
"Knock, knock. I am in the room now. Where is it you've hid? Our game of hide and seeks about to end."
The voice became angry as they continued singing, you could hear ruffling as the singer searched around the room for you.
"Could you be inside the closet?"
Your heart drops when you hear her sing that final line. You fall back making a noise as you hit your head against the closet wall. The room went dead silent. You hoped that they hadn't heard you trip but it was obviously that your hope would not be enough right now. They sang again, you could hear footsteps edging closer to where you sat helplessly.
"Ding, dong. Finally found you, dear. Ding, dong. Pay the consequence."
You prayed that when Sans said he'd protect you from whatever was scaring you, he really meant it and would save you from this living nightmare. They repeated those final two lines as the footsteps grew louder. Your only thought was of Sans, wanting him to save you, to keep his promise.

"Listen, kid." A familiar voice soothed your fear, you lifted your head in shock. "I'd really appreciate it if you didn't attack the one I love, got it?" Your sunken heart was lifted as he spoke, but it was then followed by a large crash and finally, dead silence. You creeped out of the closet into am empty room, the dust and coat was gone and nobody was in sight. The room surrounding you quickly faded to white and your eyes shoot open.

You were still in a moving vehicle, driven by Papyrus as he happily hummed being occasionally broken by bumps. You rested your head back and sighed happily. You were safe. You looked to where Sans should be and found him laying there, he looked extremely pale, almost dead. Your heart felt as if it had just been ripped out from your chest and burned. In a panic, you began shaking him to wake him up. Eventually, he came around and you threw yourself in his embrace in relief.

"Whoa, kid! What happened?!" He shouted out in surprise. You told him that you had another nightmare. He smiled and pet your head gently, "I know." He whispered, he leaned back smirking as if he had won a bet. "You're welcome, but the way." He winked at you, but your mouth only gaped open in awe. It wasn't just a nightmare, it was real. Sans actually saved you but it was clear he knew more than he let on. You smiled and let out a sigh, resting your head against him again, wondering about what Sans actually knew. The thought of finding out the truth fills you with determination.

Human Again ~ Undertale ~ SansxReader {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now