Chapter Eighteen

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"I'm alive?" A voice echoed in question through your surrounding darkness.
A soft glow entered your vision of sight and you met the Chara you had first met. They were clean, and innocent looking with a familiar yellow flower in their hand. "(Y/N)..." They stared at you in utter confusion, "Are you on the surface right now?" They looked around as if they could see your surroundings from your eyes. You nodded, breathing a little uneasily as Chara had still not been defeated, even though they left Sans in such a state. Their face glowed with happiness as you nodded, and everything quickly faded to white.

You wake up to the hospital room's light piercing through your eyelids. You sat up and stretched your arm, though the other was still peacefully resting on Sans, you couldn't bring yourself to move away and found yourself staring at it.

"Kid, you gonna keep staring like that?" A refreshing but deep laugh echoed off of the walls. You look up to find the same, human Sans staring at you with a wide smile. You yelped with joy, practically throwing yourself onto him, bringing him in for a tight embrace. He laughed as you jumped at him, causing him to fall back a little. His arms wrapped around you and you felt that one of them were still bone, though it didn't bother you.

"So uh... What happened?" He looked at you with both of his arms still wrapped around your waist. You looked at him a little confused, assuming he would have remembered it. As you begin to explain, you mention the name Chara, and his eye flickers a bright blue, bringing your words to a sudden halt. It appeared Sans had forgotten absolutely everything from the moment that Sans had joined your dreams to fight Chara along side you. You sat beside him on his hospital bed and thoroughly explained through everything that had happened. The fight, his arm, even you treating him with determination. After that he thought you had finished explaining, making you unable to explain that Chara may have returned, even after him killing them.

Jamie and Alphys quickly walked in after, Jamie with a thin book full of Sans' medical details, and Alphys with a small vile of determination. "Hey, Alphys. It's been a while, how's Undyne?" Sans spoke up almost as soon as he noticed her. Alphys spoke a lot more comfortably with Sans than she did with you, and you had no idea that they even knew each other. You swing your legs on the side of the bed before lifting yourself back onto the floor, allowing Jamie to do a quick, regular check up on Sans while he and Alphys chattered about Alphys girlfriend. After the check up had finished, Jamie quickly left without saying another word. Alphys handed you the vile, with permission to treat Sans once again.

As you prepared the determination, you looked over to Alphys and could tell she had something to say, "You're very good at handling that." She intently watched the petite glass vile of glowing determination.

"Yeah, when I'm finished with my research on the monster race I'm hoping to be able to have determination used as a regular medication for monsters." You answered as you began unwrapping Sans' wound for the small injection. He flinched a little bit, which made you jump but he quickly apologised and explained it was a little painful. You looked over to Alphys to ask to get Sans' some human pain relief but she was stood there in absolute terror, nervously twitching as well as her legs shaking furiously.

Suddenly, the door swung open revealing Papyrus. "HELLO!" He sang, making Alphys jump into her regular self. You suddenly realised you hadn't seem Papyrus since you left to take care of Sans last night. You finished unwrapping Sans' bandages, then looked over to find Papyrus sitting alone, Alphys had left. As you continued to treat Sans' wound again, Papyrus happily explained that he went home for the night, after seeing that Sans' condition had improved. You were happy to hear that he got to go home to his spouse, instead of being stuck in the hospital worried sick all night.

You finally began to inject the small amount of determination that Alphys gave to you. Sans' qqa reacted in a weird way, by almost sregenerating a new part of his arm. You decided that his body had enough of added determination and asked Papyrus to ask Jamie to request a cast for Sans' arm to avoid infection and allow it to heal properly.

"Give it to me straight, doc." Sans joked as you finished his injection. "How long have I got left?" He laughs, wiping away a fake tear. Papyrus laughed with him as he left the room to talk to Jamie.

"It's not looking so good, I'm afraid." You joked back, "The only way to cure your condition is to..." You bit your lip trying to think of something, "Take me out on a date." You blushed a little, but smiled at him. He laughed at you but joyfully accepted to take you on a date. You decided to sort out your date plans later, simply because neither of you could be bothered to plan it out now, you were both tired, you because you were basically Sans' full time doctor, not that it's a bad thing. Sans was exhausted because his body was trying immensely hard to heal his wounds, hopefully the added determination will allow his body to rest.

Later, Papyrus and Jamie walk in to fix Sans' cast. Papyrus asks you to head down to the hospital's café to get something to eat, reminding you that you hadn't eaten in almost 24 hours. Sans didn't hesitate to agree that you should eat and you kissed his forehead goodbye to get some food.

The halls were long and you could feel your body getting weak due to the lack of food, and your head began spinning. Luckily you got to the café unharmed. Sitting down at a table with some cheap junk food and quickly digging in.

Human Again ~ Undertale ~ SansxReader {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now