Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Ready to go, kid?" Sans softly says, offering you a hand. You take it and he pulls you out of bed. Today was the day that the two of you head off on your trip. You bid farewell to Papyrus and Mettaton, who shed a few tears though you both knew you'd see each other again. You thank them for letting the two of you stay at theirs until Sans had recovered and you were ready to continue your research.

Sans took your hand as you restarted your trip, with a new companion by your side. Sans made it a lot easier teleporting you in short bursts so it didn't exhaust him, but you could tell it strained him a little, and often refused his offer, soon enough the two of you reached a familiar town. Sans obviously didn't know where you were, but you knew this was the town where many monsters moved to when they left the Underground, including Toriel, Asgore and their son Asriel. You decided to stay at a hotel for the night, as you weren't ready to completely go back to your old ways camping out every night in the cold. 

After getting comfortable, the two of you hopped into bed, you cuddled up to him and you felt his body radiate with life. "Hey, Sans?" You whispered after a while of silence. 

"Hm?" He hummed, being only half asleep. 

"Toriel and her family life in this town. Want to go see them tomorrow?" You had another motive, getting Chara out of your head and you hoped that seeing her family would trigger that last bit of life she needed to revive into her previous form. Sans grunted in acceptance and you decided to keep quiet now and let him sleep, he was clearly exhausted. 

Morning eventually came and you greeted it with a yawn, Sans was not pleased and decided that the sun was only the enemy of today. He was not in any kind of good mood, definitely not a fan of the sun, maybe that's another reason why he stayed in the Underground. After eventually managing to get Sans up, the two of you ate and went to Toriel's house.

"(Y/N!" She cried with joy as she swung the door open, "What a pleasant surprise, please come in!" She politely sang, stepping to the side of the door allowing the two of you in. Sans kept his hood up, still in a bad mood because he had to wake up, but you couldn't blame him, everyone gets like that. 

The two of you walked into the living room, which shined with life as Asgore and Asriel played video games, sitting on the couch beside each other. Asriel looked up from his game, his eyes lighting up the second he noticed you. "(Y/N!)" He cheered, racing towards you wrapping his furry arms around your legs from being so short. You giggled, picking him up and throwing him around, he laughed hardly, and you could even see Sans crack a smile.

"Sans, why don't you an Asriel play a video game? I need to talk to Asgore and Toriel." You gave Toriel a serious stare and she lead you and Asgore to the kitchen before shutting the door tightly, you could hear Sans and Asriel playing, Sans repeatedly yelling 'Get dunked on!' Every time he won a game, you were glad he had managed to perk up a little. 

You could feel Chara in your soul, they were scared about what you were doing. '(Y-Y/N)... What are you...?" You didn't let them finish their question and began talking as Asgore handed over a cup of tea.

They sadly looked at you expecting to hear bad news, "It's about your other child." Toriel's eyes quickly reflected the tears suddenly building up, she placed her drink down on the table and covered her mouth with her hands in pure shock. Asgore just sat there in completely disbelief. 

'(Y/N)! They don't want me!' Chara cried out, you felt a couple of tears escape your eyes as you felt the same pain that they were feeling, but you didn't give up.

"They're alive, in me. They think you don't want them any more." You clenched your fists as Toriel began openly sobbing but remained quiet enough to remain unheard by Asriel and Sans, as they continued to constantly yell at their game. 

"Chara..." Toriel sobbed, "Of course we want you back, dear. We miss you so much." Her knees wobbled which caused her to collapse to the floor in a mess of tears, Asgore rubbed her back in an attempt to soothe her but it only triggered Asgore's tears to begin flowing. You feel Chara's soul suddenly get a lot stronger, it began to hurt, their determination was much stronger than yours again. You could feel her sobs echoing around your brain. You knew their time stuck within your brain was nearly over, you felt happy for them but also sad for yourself, not having them to talk to. 

"Chara... Come home..." Asgore suddenly cried out, seconds later a concerned Asriel and Sans appeared at the door. Everything had gone silent, besides the sobs coming from the two parents reliving the mourning of their child. 

'(Y/N), I'm ready now.' Chara announced, you excused yourself leaving Sans and Asriel to take care of Asgore and Toriel. You walked into the bathroom that Toriel had kept vigorously clean since your last visit and quickly shut and locked the door behind you. 'I'm sorry, (Y/N)...' They muttered, you suddenly got very concerned until they once again broke the silence. 'This is going to hurt.' They finished, you mentally prepared yourself and Chara began their resurrection. Your body quickly began to ache, but the pain suddenly became unbearable,  you bit on to your tongue trying to hold back your screams of pain as your body felt like it was being ripped apart down the middle. You felt your bones cry as your blood attempted to drown them in stress. Your eyes became tightly shut and everything went dark as you felt a harsh thud hit your head. 

You heard loud banging and multiple voices calling your name, a high pitched noise pierced your ears which was slowly drowned out, bringing a voice into your attention as your eyes opened, you eyes hissed as the light snuck in and you saw someone with dark brown hair standing over you. Your eyes eventually focused on the character before you, revealing the one and only Chara. They smiled brightly at your, tears resting on the corner of their eyes. Your ears were still ringing, and you couldn't completely make out what they were saying but you assumed their were thanking you by the way they hugged you, crying into your chest. You stroked their hair softly, leaning on the wall. The knocking on the door continued and Chara looked at you terrified as they stood up and unlocked it. 

Asgore, Asriel, Toriel and Sans all stormed in the room in total panic, The Dreemurs stared at their lost child but Sans eyes fixated on you. You could hear Chara cry out as they ran to the embrace of their family. You looked up at Sans, who's eyes had been replaced with anger. He glared between you and Chara, clenching his teeth. You weakly tried to reach up and place a hand on his cheek, with a poor attempt of a smile on your face. He quickly snapped moving out of your reach and storming out of the bathroom, leaving you lying helplessly on the cold floor watching a precious moment when a family had reunited.

Human Again ~ Undertale ~ SansxReader {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now