Chapter Four

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"How do we stop it?" You suddenly yell, you didn't want to be like him.

"Kid, you're not happy in life. You have to be in order to stay alive." He folds his arms, you could see he was getting impatient. You had so many thoughts flooding through your mind you didn't know what to say.

"I..." You mumble, Sans looks at you waiting for you to speak, "If I become a Skeleton, can I become human again?" You whimper, but you only receive a bony shrug as an answer. You just want him to talk to you, but you're completely clueless as to how to get him to talk. You sigh, "Sans..." You whisper, "Why won't you let me leave?" Your voice is shaky, you don't want to be trapped with Sans forever, he wasn't bad or anything, but you have a goal and you are determined to achieve it.

"Well, kid." He grits his teeth a little, "I got lonely. I thought maybe you could be my friend." You giggle at his answer but it very quickly became a massive laughing fit.

"That's great, Sans'' You say in-between your laughter, he takes it in a cruel way and his face grows angry. He begins to walk away. You grab on to his jacket, continuing to laugh your heart out. "Saaaaaans! Don't goooo!" You whined, he didn't stop moving and you were ultimately dragged along the cold tile floor, still laughing.

"What're you laughing at?" There's anger in his voice. He had managed to drag you to the edge of the kitchen towards the living room. You wipe your tears and even though he's mad, he doesn't hesitate to help you stand again.

"I'm sorry. It was just so adorable." You chuckle, his face turns a baby blue. He smiles a little and you decide to take the next step to getting to know Sans the Skeleton. You grab his hand and head to the couch, and begin rummaging through your backpack until you find your notebook. You let out a sigh of relief when you find it, safe and locked.
"Let me learn about you. I want to be a Monster Specialist one day. I want to learn all about monsters so I can help them. And then-" You were cut of by a phone screeching out. Sans jumped to his feet and waddled over.

"Yellow?" He says casually, maybe he was expecting the call? Maybe only one person calls... "Hey bro... Yeah... I'm okay... Yep... Umm... Sure. Okay bye." You remember the photo on his fridge, realising that was his brother.
Sans didn't say what happened to him, but you're happy to know he's alive. Sans walks back to the couch and slouches into the cushion, looking at you so you know to continue.

"Was that your brother?" You ask with a smile, completely regarding your research for the moment. Sans gives you a look as if to ask you why you care, but you ignore it. "What's his name?" You twiddle your thumbs feeling the room getting tense again, you try to avoid eye contact but there's something about him that makes you physically unable to look away.

"His names Papyrus. He's my little brother, the one I told you about. He lives on the surface now." You smile that Sans is finally talking to you.

"Why didn't you go with him?" You stare at his eyes, wondering what thoughts were going through his mind.

"I had no interest in becoming a- I mean... I didn't want to go up there. I don't do 'new'." He shrugs what he was going to say off, but you knew he was lying. You didn't want him to snap again, so you simply continued asking questions.

Hours had passed and you learned a lot about the Skeleton, but it ultimately became a Q&A session between the two, you even managed to crack some jokes and have some laughs. You glance outside the window and notice the sun was already starting to rise. You stare at the yellow petals of the flower once again as water droplets shined on the petals. 

"Sans?" You say, "It's morning." You turn to face him but he was fast asleep, you grab the blanket from your lap and place it over Sans. "Good night, Sans." you whisper, then limp into the kitchen with your notebook and begin studying all the notes that you had made so far, not just with Sans but with every monster you've met so far. Maybe one day, thanks to the notes Sans gave you, you may be able to help his brother one day if needed. You flick through your pages and hum a random song you had long forgotten about. The sun was slowly starting to flow into the kitchen, making seem almost like a completely different world. You see the snow sleeping on the ground, looking like a silk blanket. 

After a while, you feel your eyes starting to feel heavy, you decided a few hours but you couldn't decide which would be more awkward, sleeping next to Sans on the couch or sleeping in his bed. In the end, you decide to sleep next to him, it won't be as awkward as him waking up and finding you in his bed. You flop into the couch beside him and curl up into a ball, hoping your body warmth was enough to keep you from freezing. You hear Sans breathing heavily and you wonder if he's having a dream. You slowly start to fall deeper and deeper into sleep hen you hear a groan, it doesn't effect you too much until you open your eyes and see that Sans is behind you, holding you closely to him. It sounds impossible but he was... warm. You try to wriggle out of his grasp but he's holding you too tightly, it's no use fighting it so you peacefully fall asleep, spooning a skeleton. 

Human Again ~ Undertale ~ SansxReader {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now