Chapter Twenty-one

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You wake up in an unfamiliar location, you stretched your arms out to find you were in a large bed, luckily alone. You look around the room and find a bright cream room surrounded you. You kicked your legs off of the side of the soft bed, looking around continuously for a clue of where you were. The curtains were drawn, but it was easy to tell it was the late afternoon. After inspecting different things in the room you find a cute outfit calmly laying at the end of your bed, with a scruffy, handwritten note on top of it.

Hello, Darling!
                 You seem to have passed out so we took you back home to get some rest. I picked out an outfit for you, so get changed and come downstairs when you're ready. There's a surprise waiting for you.

You laugh at how poor the robots handwriting was, then begin to look at the clothes gracefully laid out waiting for you. You found some really cute black skinny jeans that fitted perfectly, with a stylish black, leather jacket to match. Along with it was a (F/C) shirt made of a very rare and comfortable fabric that was brought up to surface by the monsters that came from Waterfall. You quickly got dressed, styled your hair and quickly slipped on your shoes before heading out of the door to walk into what was very close to a mansion, only slightly smaller. You then remembered that Mettaton was a star even before the monsters had left the underground. 

There was a small fountain with a figure of Mettaton ejecting water from their eyes, a plaque showed you the name was, "It'll suck, you'll die a lot." The figure of Mettaton was familiar to you as you had seen them on TV before, this was there old robotic body wearing a clean, blue dress. You continue to walk down the hall towards a staircase, you stood at the top of them and looked down into what was probably the living room but was a million times larger than the one you had back home. Mettaton noticed you standing there and waved, ushering you to come down.

Papyrus quickly came out from the kitchen wearing a bright pink apron, it made his blush so much easier to see when his eyes hit Mettaton. He complimented you on your outfit as you slowly walked down the stairs, holding on to the railing as your legs felt a little wobbly after fainting.

You sit down on the sofa, and sigh in relief knowing you made it without dying. The two love birds over in the kitchen whispered cute nothingness between each other, giggling like school girls. You sit patiently, waiting for them to say something until you heard a loud doorbell sing out around the room, with Mettaton asking you to answer it for them. You sigh as you stand up again and hobble over to the door, you swing it open to find a young man in a stunning dark blue tux. He held a (F/C) rose bouquet, similar to the roses you had fought Chara with, and an echo flower gracefully sitting in the middle of them. Your eyes finally scan up to the young man's face to find it was your one and only.


"Hey kid," He blushed a light pink and attempted to hide it with his arm that was in a cast. "You look to die for..." He says with a smirk, he probably tries to be funnier when he's nervous about something.

"You're not a skeleton anymore, Sansy." You laughed and he quickly looked down at his hands, his face flood with sadness as he realised, but it was apparent that it was all an act as he looked up with a devilish grin.

"Stop Skull-king"

"Really, Sans?"

"Yep." He quickly finished and the two of you burst into a fit of laughter after a short awkward silence until your eyes met causing you both to let out a snicker before your laughing got louder. Papyrus walked to the door and complimented the two of you, saying you both looked very grown up and made an adorable couple, Mettaton stood behind him humming in agreement. Sans took you by the hand and quickly dragged you from Papyrus' and Mettaton's reach, pulling you in for a quick hug.

"Let's go on that date, kiddo." He smiled as he deeply looked into your eyes before planting a soft kiss on your forehead. He threw the bouquet to Mettaton who over dramatically caught it, announcing they'll put it in a vase. Papyrus waved goodbye as he shut the door, followed by Sans wrapping his arm around your shoulder as you walked out of the drive.

"So where are we going, Sansy?" You giggled, leaning into him when his arm wrapped around you.

He smirked at you as you said 'Sansy', "Thought I'd take you out for a nice dinner, then maybe dancing if you're up for it." His arm tightened around you, making you hum happily. You continued walking down the street towards a nearby town when you felt your legs start to wobble again. "Hop on, kid." He laughed, crouching infront of you offering a piggyback, you took it without hesitation, jumping on his back and feeling his body heat radiate on to your chest. He didn't want to use his magic while he was on the surface, he only let Frisk know he possessed it while he was underground.

After a short while of walking you ended up at one of the most expensive restaurants in town. The lights shined brighter than any other store, with beautiful glass windows teasing you by showing off the food they offer. You feel your mouth water a little as Sans drops you back on to your feet whilst taking your hand in his, before leading you in through two glass doors to be greeted by a wave of warmth from inside the restaurant. A tall woman with grey hair smiled warmly at the two of you, welcoming you then checking your reservation before taking you to your table. As you sat down a male waiter handed you both a menu and began telling you the specials, which you easily ignored. The room was glowing a warm orange and soft chatter filled the room along with a piano playing a happy yet graceful tune. After ordering what the two of you wanted, Sans poured you a glass of wine and offered a toast to the both of you because that's apparently what couples do, then took a sip of the bitter wine. 

The night was full of chatter, puns and laughter. You two were the loudest couple in the room which made you both feel a little self concious at first but you soon stopped caring about them because of all the fun you were having. 

"So... How?" You asked, you knew Sans had never been to the surface before and probably had no idea that this place existed, though you had an idea of how this was all put together. 

"Mettaton. They got us a last minute reservation, after I asked where I should take you on our date." He confirmed your theory and let out an embarrassed laugh.

(Time skip brought to you by someone who doesn't know how dates work.)

The two of you stepped back into the cold air, sending a sharp shiver down your spine which Sans replied to by giving you his suit jacket that was amazingly warm, instantly soothing your body. After a short while of walking Sans turned to you, holding both of your hands.

"It's up to you but..." He started, "Do you want to go to a night club for the rest of the evening?" He muttered, you laughed at his cuteness then thought about dancing the night away with Sans.


"Eh.. No, night clubs aren't really my thing. I'd rather go home and watch a movie." You smiled kindly at Sans.

He smiled back, wrapping his arm around you before running quickly then teleporting back to the door of Papyrus' and Mettaton's place, apparently the teleportation thing only counts when you're on the way to places, smooth. He opens the door for you and follows you in when you step inside. 

"You grab the popcorn, I'll choose the movie!" You laughed before darting to the couch. Sans cheated by teleporting to the kitchen, you could quickly hear the microwave turn on, followed by pops which somehow made you giggle. You picked out one of the many movies stacked by the large TV, Papyrus and Mettaton were nowhere to be found. You jumped and sank into the couch again soon to be met with Sans and a beautifully large bowl of popcorn. You turned the movie on and melted into San's arm, and before you knew it you had fallen into a deep sleep.

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