Chapter Nine

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"Y-Yeah. I'm... back." You stutter, you found it impossible to say home, because even if you did have a home, this wouldn't be it. Not until you were done with the research. 

"You okay, kid?" Sans slowly walks towards you with a concerned look on his face. You didn't reply, you just looked towards the ground trying to think of something to say. He realised that you didn't want to talk about it, and he happily changed the subject. "I have something for you, wait here." He announced as he dashed off to the kitchen, you could hear some clashing sounds followed by a large amount of swearing, which actually cheered you up a little bit. Not long after, Sans scurries back into the living room, his hands sat casually behind his back as he sat next to you, handing you the sketch you made of the flower back on your first day being in the Underground.

"Where did you find this...?" You mumbled with slight anger, assuming he had gone through your book again.

"On your first day here, after you finished this it fell from your book. I got sidetracked and forgot to give it back but... here." You slowly reach your hands out, reliving the moment you came across the flowery garden in your mind. The soft breeze, the sun beaming, everything.

You take the piece of paper from him and sigh, "You know what, Sans?" You smile at him, he looks up at you and blushes slightly. "You keep it." You chuckle at his blue cheeks as you hand him the piece of paper back. "To remember me when I continue my expedition." You knew as well as anyone that you couldn't stay with Sans, not with the future you had planned. He looked really upset as you said that last bit and it kind of hurt to see him that way, but you not being there was a future you both had to accept. Sans reached out and softly took the piece of paper from your hands, letting out a large sigh. 

He stood up and began heading towards the staircase to go to his room, your eyes followed him until he turned around with neon blue tears streaming from his face. "(Y/N)..." He sniffles, quickly walking back towards you before grabbing your hands tightly. "Don't leave me, (Y/N)."

"Sans, I-"

"No!" He interrupts you, sobbing harder with every breath. "I could have left you out there to die. I didn't have to take you in, look after you and... and..." His sobs break up his words, "I didn't have to fall for you... But I did, and I can't do anything about it." He tightly holds on to your hands as he rests his forehead on them, not showing any signs that he will stop crying. His sobs crawled into your heart, giving you a large amount of pain each time until you feel a sharp scratching feeling on your shoulder to find that more skin was breaking off. The glow in Sans eyes had vanished, and his heartbeat could no longer be heard. 

You grab his shoulders and pull him in for an extremely tight hug, you had never hugged someone with so much might before, but Sans needed it. He deserved it. He kept repeating 'don't leave' in between sobs, which only made you hold him tighter. "Sans... This is what I have to do." You mumble, "I need to research monsters, it's my job." You stroked his skull in an attempt to soothe him. "Sans, come with me." He looks up at you, almost in disgust.

"To the surface?" He plainly says.

"Yes." You reply.

"No." His voice got extremely deep and serious, apparently the thought of going to the surface really pissed him off. 

"Well I can't stay here forever, and that's the only compromise I can think of." You explained, his face seemed to get more and more angry with every word you said. 

"I'd rather only have Papyrus' spaghetti for the rest of my life." He spat at you, you felt a little hurt that going to the surface with you seemed like such a disgusting idea to him.

"I'm not staying." You said, getting kind of annoyed at how he was acting. He stands up, his face full of rage. 

"Fine." He said as he stormed off to his room, slamming the door shut with all of his might. You felt like you've had enough with the games at this point and decided to leave to continue your research in the morning.

*Time skip to 5AM*

You sat up stretching, receiving a soothing click from each of your joints. You head into the kitchen, packing some sandwiches and fruit, leaving behind some money behind to pay Sans back for the food you took. You look through your notebook, deciding which way to head once you had returned to the surface. After mapping out the next part of your journey, you realised it was heading for 6AM. You decided you shouldn't stay here any longer in case Sans wakes up, so you scribble down a goodbye note and proceed towards the door. Greeting the cold air once more as you step outside and slowly shut the door.  

Sans POV

I woke up feeling little less angry, luckily. I roll onto my side and glance at my clock.

"10am, huh?" I mutter to myself as I pull myself up, starting to get dressed. Maybe (Y/N) is awake? Well... It's a little too quiet downstairs so they're probably still sleeping. I slump my large blue coat over my shoulders and head out of my room. I looked around as I got downstairs and found that (Y/N) was nowhere to be found, after scanning through the room and kitchen I found a note on the kitchen table. The writing was a little scruffy but still readable.


Thank you very much for taking care of me in my time of need, however I feel it would be best if we parted ways here. I hurt you a lot by staying here, so I decided to leave this morning. I had a lot of fun with you, even if it was for a short while. I know you had said you had fallen for me and well, to be honest I think I've fallen for you too. Maybe it was best that we parted before anything else could happen. I took some food, but I left some cash on the side to pay for it. Thanks again for taking care of me.


As I read the final words I grabbed the letter tightly in my hands, turning it into nothing but a small paper ball, tossing in back on the table. I teleported them to Snowdin, I know that there's no way they'll make it back to the surface alive with the entire Underground to search through first. I run towards the door zipping my coat up, then realising, duh, I'm magic, I teleport to completely random places of the underground, desperately searching for them.

An hour or two passes and I have no luck in finding them, I teleport home hoping that they had maybe gone back but that was only wishful thinking. That was the last teleport I could manage before my magic needed a break, so I continue the search on foot until I reach a familiar forest, hearing a slight echo coming from deep within the trees. I run as fast at my short bony legs could carry me, until I saw them.

"(Y/N!)" I screamed, what an idiot. They got lost and they didn't even get that far. The slowly turn around revealing their body, most of their skin had completely vanished, only leaving small parts of their body with skin. They softly smiled at me and attempted to take a step, but they collapsed into the snow, like the day we met. I grabbed them, wrapping my coat around them. They were breathing but not enough. I picked them up along with their bag, hoping that enough of my magic had regenerated to teleport us home. I close my eyes tightly then feel the snow had suddenly stopped. I open my eyes and let out a huge sigh of relief as I was greeted by my home. I gently placed (Y/N) on to the couch, grabbing multiple blankets, as well as hot water bottles and almost drowning them in it. I felt tears slowly flow from my eyes, what would I do if I lost them? These thoughts of a world without (Y/N) attacked every part of my brain, only causing me to sob harder, until the thoughts were all interrupted by a soft voice calling my name.

I look down at (Y/N) looking up and smiling softly at me once more. My heart filled with joy, I climbed beside them softly stroking their hair. Sending them into a rest that was well needed. I wish I could sleep too, but guilt kept flooding through me every time I let my eyes close. (Y/N) had turned into a skeleton, I made them so empty that their body gave up. This is all my fault.


Word count: 1526.

Human Again ~ Undertale ~ SansxReader {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now