Chapter Twelve

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"Morning, (Y/N)." You hear Sans voice but whoever spoke did not have the face to match. A young child stood in front of you. You were unsure of their gender, though their voice was slightly high pitched. They wore a long green sweater with a bright yellow streak across the middle. Their short, dark brown hair curled slightly above their shoulders. Their eyes were a dark red but looked old and lifeless. You stood in awe at the child who almost looked... Cute?

"Hello." You look down at the child standing before you, a little confused. She gave you a cute smile as you spoke. "What's your name?" You smile back at her.

"I'm Chara!" She giggles, looking genuinely overjoyed. "I'm the one who has been talking to you!" She cheered.

"You're the voice I heard?" You asked her, once again inspecting her, trying to pair her current attitude to the dark voice you heard. It just didn't match. The voice you heard sounded like something from a horror movie. Dark, evil, deathly. But stood before you, a small girl who looked overjoyed to meet you. "You don't sound like the voice I heard."

"Oh you met the other Chara. I was talkng through her." She explained quietly, "I have a split personality... The other Chara is not very nice. She hates humanity."

Oh great, so you're stood in the middle of nowhere surrounding by darkness with a cute, sweet little girl who has a split personality with a human hating demon. Awesome.

"It was really nice to meet you uh... Both. But I have to go and pack." You kindly smile, looking for a way out.

"You're dreaming you know?" Your eyes once again focus on the child, sadly that was probably the only thing said in this conversation that was reasonably normal. "Don't leave me. It gets lonely without you and Sans to play with!" They started crying and you could see a flicker go through their body, they appeared dark and dangerous for a moment but soon went back to normal.

Wait... And Sans? Is that why he stayed down here? To make sure Chara didn't get lonely... You blush a little thinking of the two playing chase together, but the thought was so vivid it was almost like a dream. A dream in a dream. Maybe a vision? They continued crying and broke you out of your train of thought. You kneel beside them placing a hand on their shoulder in an attempt to comfort them.

'I told you. Humans will only take what we love away from them.'
The original voice you heard had returned. You look around in search for them but found the continuous darkness and when you turned back to Chara they had vanished, and everything went dark once more. 

Your phone ringing beside you caused you to snap out of whatever you were seeing, you look at the screen and see that Papyrus is calling you, you answer to hear him apologising for waking you even though it was nearly midday. You discussed him bringing a car down to take Sans and you back to the surface with your equipment, and decided that you'd meet while Mettaton was next working. The discussion of staying with Papyrus on the surface for a while came around so Sans could get use to the surface but you believed that it would be better to see all the things it has in store. 

"Yo, kiddo!" Sans jumps through the door yelling. You tell him to shut up and showed your phone screen showing the ongoing call with Papyrus. "AYYY PAP!" He screams, you couldn't tell if he was extremely excited or just flat out hammered, which was shocking considering you noticed instantly when he was playing drunk. You apologised for his behaviour and finished the phone call, as you put the phone down Sans began blabbering on about how 'excited' he was to go to the surface. He seemed to know too much to be drunk, so you just assumed that he was extremely freaked out inside. 

He sighs, placing his hand on his eyes, "I'm scared, (Y/N)... About going to the surface."  You stood up and walked towards him when you remembered that you too had become a skeleton, you hadn't changed yet and you wanted to be a human when you research the other monsters. You didn't want to learn about your own body whilst trying to learn about others, it seemed like too much. Before you reached Sans, all these thoughts flooded your mind, causing you to freeze up, unable to take a step further. You just stood there staring at the bones than had become your fingers, trying to hold back more tears. Your brain had completely blocked out the world around you, Sans included. 

"Chara..." You mumbled, Sans got close to your face to see if you were okay, his hand slowly reached out and touched your cheek, but you refused. You snapped, grabbing him by the wrist and pulling his hand away from your face. "Who is Chara?" You spat at him. Pure shock flood his face and slight fear.

He stuttered over his words, "Chara?" He questioned, "I haven't heard about them since... The last reset." You felt his arms slightly shake but you couldn't tell if he was scared of you or them. His eyes went pitch black, you couldn't stand him looking like that so you pulled him in to your embrace. He instantly wrapped his arms around you and you decided not to talk about it. Maybe you had just read it somewhere and it had played on your mind for some reason. 

He looked up at you, his eyes were softly glowing again, he held your hand and you both noticed something unusual. For Sans at least.

Skin. A soft pixelated layer of skin had began to build on your hands, it was like a hologram in the sense that you could move right through it, but it was still there and it was definitely real. 

Imagine it.

Both of you.

Human Again. 

Human Again ~ Undertale ~ SansxReader {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now