Chapter Six

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A tall, young man stood before you, he was at least 6'5 and had light brown hair and eyes to match. He wore a cream coloured sweater, with a dark blue jacket that looked as if it had outgrown him. A bright red scarf cheerfully swung from his neck. He was rather skinny but looked very muscular. You could at least tell that he was a very energetic person. He happily walked through the door and gave you a very warm, welcoming hug before taking off his gloves and scarf and hanging it off of the coat rack. He looked at his hands and found that, like you, he had parts of skin chipping off, which confused you a little but you decided not to look too far into it. On one of his fingers sat a golden ring that sparkled in the light coming through the windows.

The three of you sat in the living room, you and Papyrus shared the couch while Sans set cross legged on the floor facing towards you. It made him almost look childlike.

After talking to Papyrus, you notice so many differences between the two siblings. Papyrus was extremely fun loving and cheerful whereas Sans was more laid back and chill. Papyrus had enough energy for the both of them and more. Sans asked Papyrus about how the world was treating him, he replied with an extremely excited manner and told him all about his friends and spouse.

"Mettaton and I have been looking to adopt, we think it's time." He proudly said whilst reaching into his coat and pulling out a small photo of a robot, Papyrus explained that they had been updated multiple times by someone named Alphys. Sans said their new form looked a lot more detailed and realistic. They had short black hair that was tipped with a hot pink, they wore a very cute white top embraced with a ribbon. The shirt was cutely tucked behind some high waisted black shorts. You began to wish your fashion sense was as interesting as theirs. Similar to Papyrus, Mettaton also wore a golden ring, though it was slightly thinner, it shined just as brightly.

"Why didn't your wife come with you, Papyrus?" You asked curiously, Sans shot daggers at you, indicating that you were maybe asking too many personal questions.

"Metty is sort of famous, they'd never miss a show. Plus... Sans doesn't really like them." He chuckled, Sans groaned and announced he would make everyone some drinks, before slouching his was into the kitchen. "(Y/N)?" Papyrus says almost as soon as Sans was out of sight, you look up and see him smiling at you as if you were his God. "Would you mind if I took you out for dinner tonight? I need to talk to you about... Things." He trails off.

You give him a confused look, "Sure, do you want to ask Sans if he ca-"

"No," You were interrupted "I need to talk to you away from Sans." He gave you a reassuring smile, "I give you my word that this is nothing weird so please do not worry yourself."

"If it's nothing like that then... I guess there's no harm in dinner." You smiled at Papyrus, and he nodded his head confidently. Sans strolled back into the room with a tray of mocktails, he happily gave you one being proud of his work, and did the same to Papyrus. You could tell that there were no alcoholic content in the drink, but for some reason Sans wanted you to believe otherwise.
'What is he planning..?' You question him but decide again not to look too much into a Skeleton that tells you almost nothing. The drink he gave you was a light red and tasted of cherries, you could tell that there was a lot of added sugars due to the sweetness. It tasted delicious either way.
After about an hour of drinking, Sans started to act drunk. This was extremely concerning.

"Sans," Papyrus speaks up in Sans 'drunken' rambling, "I'll be taking (Y/N) out for dinner tonight and we need to be leaving soon."

Sans looks at the two of you with an almost angry expression on his face, his fake drunk aura faded for a second until he realised, then went back to playing drunk. "Aren't you married, Paps?" He laughed out continuing his act, he was clearly trying to avoid something.

"It's nothing like that Sans..." Papyrus replied, speaking softly, you were unsure if Papyrus could see through Sans' act or not.

"Suuuuuuure." He cooed, whilst standing up and falling right back down in an attempt to make his act more believable. Papyrus' patience began wearing thin, and he asked you to take Sans up to bed while he cleaned up. You agreed though you would rather have him take Sans to bed. You helped Sans up from the floor and wrapped an arm around him to help him keep his balance. His face was furiously blushing a light blue that almost reflected off of his whole head. Sans leaned into you as you attempted to take him into his room, it took a lot of effort to not kill him for acting this way. When you eventually arrive at Sans' room, you look around realising this was a completely new room to you. There was spinning garbage. Literally. A tornado of crap. It interested you more than grossing you out, though. A lonely treadmill sat directly in the centre of the room embraced in dust. It was obvious that this hadnt been used for a long time. After avoiding all of these obstacles you managed to reach Sans' bed, he lazily collapses in to it, pulling you down with him. You instantly stood up as Sans began whining.
"Come baaaaack!" He moans attempting to reach out for your hand.

"Sans." You snap at him, his face goes back to normal. "You're not drunk, there was no alcohol what-so-ever in those drinks. Why the fuck are you acting so childish?" You rant at him, he looks ashamed.

"I didn't want him asking me about going to the surface again. I don't want to go up there." You sat on the edge of his bed, sighing in relief that the act he was playing was over. You decided not to ask as you heard Papyrus calling you down to go for dinner. You said good night to Sans, which made him look devastated for some reason. You head out of his room and greet Papyrus, and you head out for dinner.

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