Chapter Twenty-Two

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The two of you stepped back into the cold air, sending a sharp shiver down your spine which Sans replied to by giving you his suit jacket that was amazingly warm, instantly soothing your body. After a short while of walking Sans turned to you, holding both of your hands.

"It's up to you but..." He started, "Do you want to go to a night club for the rest of the evening?" He muttered, you laughed at his cuteness then thought about dancing the night away with Sans.

"I'd love to." You had never really been to a nightclub before but hey, you've seen what happens in movies, hopefully that's enough preparation. The two of you walked closely together deeper into the town that was glowing with life. Music got louder and louder the deeper in you got until Sans suddenly stopped infront of a colourful building, with a sign saying 'Mettaton' proudly sitting on top of the door, the letters occasionally changing different colours.

"Wait here," Sans ordered as he dived into a tsunami of people trying to get in the club. You looked around you, finding more and more people desperate to step inside the building, you wondered if a nobody like you could get it, seeing as the club seemed extremely high profile, but you were quickly reminded by the flashing sign that Mettaton most likely owned the club and that you would have no problem getting in. Eventually, Sans and a tall, buff woman stepped out of the crowd. She was clearly a bouncer for the club.

"This way." She demanded, Sans took your hand and quickly followed her lead behind the building, revealing a smaller door that granted true entry into the club. "Enjoy your night." She warmly smiled before walking back towards the front to control the crowds. You crawled into the small door, quickly followed by Sans who took the situation to his advantage, giving you a soft but sudden slap on your butt. You yelped in surprise which was only returned with a short fit of laughter from Sans. Eventually a wave of heat greeted you, as you stepped inside the club. The air felt similar to the restaurants somehow. You looked around at all the new faces surrounding the area, drinking, laughing, talking. They all seemed to be having fun without a doubt though. Your hand was met with Sans, who swiftly lead you towards a bar, with Grillby happily humming behind it as he cleaned a glass.

"Sans!" He almost cried with happiness when he saw his friend.

"Whoa, how'd you know it was me?" He asked, taking a seat as well as offering you a hand to help you on to the seat beside him.

"I am made of fire, but that doesn't mean I don't have a brain. What can I get for you two?" He winked at you and you felt your cheeks burn, though you couldn't tell if you were blushing or if it was the heat radiating off of Grillby. Sans didn't bother arguing with him after that and ordered you both an alcoholic beverage. You drank it slowly but Sans had managed to finish two by the time you had finished your first. After chatter between the three of you began to slow down, Grillby offered you a room above the club as Sans was in no fit state to walk or teleport. You took out some money to pay him but Grillby insisted it was on the house. You smiled warmly and thanked Grillby then turned to where Sans would have been, if he hadn't disappeared that is. You give Grillby a hopeless glare but he only laughed as you ran into the room full of people, lights and very loud music.

"Sans?!" You called out, but got no response. People began to give you strange looks as you walked around yelling out a font name. Music sent vibrations through the floor, making your feet and legs feel numb, though it didn't stop your search. "Papyrus isn't cool!" You screamed into the crowd, after remembering a tip Papyrus had told you before you left for your date.

"WHAT?!" You heard a deep voice angrily scream out, louder than anyone in the room, even the music. You laughed as you went over to your date, who looked dizzy from the drinks he had. You pulled him in to a hug and he hummed happily when he realised it was you. "Where ya been kiddo?" He hiccupped, making you laugh as you walked him over to the elevator, you scanned the card Grillby had gave you to gain access to the elevator to go up to the room he and kindly donated for the night. The two of you stumbled into the elevator as the doors opened and Sans stood up straight, hitting the button and watched as the doors slowly closed together. He turned to you with a smirk growing across his face as you leaned against the wall panting from having to carry Sans across an entire room.

"You don't really think I'm that much a light weight, do you?" He chuckled mischievously, slowly walking over to you and tucking your hair behind your ear then whispering into your ear, "It was all part of my plan." You bit your lip as you felt his breath radiate on to your cheek as he slowly leaned into you before softly biting on your earlobe. You let out a quiet moan as he continued to nibble on your ear, he kept teasing you like this until the elevator doors opened, then picked you up, wrapping his legs around his waist, holding you up by tightly holding your thighs. He quickly walked towards your hotel room, and used his magic instead of letting you use your key before kicking the door open as he kissed you deeply. The room was rather small but very comforting though Sans didn't let you take in your surroundings for a second as he threw you on to the large bed before climbing on top of you. He pulled your shirt down, exposing part of your chest to him, to which he leaned in and softly bit and kissed on your collar bones. You grabbed the sheets tightly as you felt his lips graze gracefully against your skin.

After deciding that Sans' had had enough fun with you, you flipped him on to his back, climbing on top of him before mercilessly ripping off his jacket and shirt then leaning in and kissing him deeply. His hands roughly traveled up and down your back and sides as your tongues danced against each other, making you both moan in unison. Sans kicked his suit pants off, then quickly began undressing you, he used his magic to take your jacket and shirt off, which you somehow found rather amusing, then he manually unzipped your black jeans then throwing you off of him so you could swiftly kick them off on to the floor. He leaned over you taking charge again which you didn't have a problem with. The two of you quickly kicked off the rest of your clothes, neither of you wanting to continue playing around, Sans once again got completely on top of you, kissing you deeply as he pushed himself into you. You both let out a loud, pleasurable moan as Sans began thrusting. You held on to each other tightly and held on tighter when Sans began thrusting faster. You both began to moan each others names as you found your nails digging into his back, sweat quickly built on the both of you until you both quickly finished. Both of you panting heavily as Sans dropped off of you, beside you on the bed that was now a total mess. He slowly leaned in and placed a soft kiss on your forehead, you closed your eyes and hummed happily but your eyes remained shut and you both quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Human Again ~ Undertale ~ SansxReader {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now