Chapter Eight

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"Ah! You know King Asgore and his shaved clone, and his smaller clone too!" Papyrus cheers, Grillby was trying to hold in his laughter. 

"Yeah, I met them not long before I ended up with Sans." You blush a little thinking about him, but you're then a little saddened knowing that he's alone. "Shall we start?" You smile at Grillby while turning back to the new blank page. He nods and his hair lets off little fire sparks. 

You begin by asking him your basic questions, he answered them all with ease, as if he knew what you'd be saying. Papyrus sits peacefully beside you with a cold beer in his hand that he drank slowly. Water droplets formed on the glass bottle, making Grillby a little uncomfortable, but he didn't let it get in the way of your research. Papyrus takes a seat on another table to call his spouse, they talked about how their most recent show went. After you had as many medical notes as possible from Grillby, he explained that he had a daughter around my age and that you were very similar. He went to fetch you one last drink as you cleaned up your notes and closed your book. When he came back he gave you a small glass of (Enter favourite drink here) that soothed your throat from all the talking you had just done.

"So, Grillby. Why didn't you go to the surface?" You ask before taking another sip of your drink.

He chuckles, "I did." He walks to the back of the bar and starts cleaning up the counter. "I come down here maybe once or twice a month for Sans..." He laughs to himself. "He use to be really happy when I'd come down, but when I asked about moving to the surface with the rest of us..." Grillby trailed off, picking up your finished glass and putting it into a dishwasher. "He just... stopped coming. I still come down hoping he'll pop in but he never does." He finishes, you feel sympathetic for him, he just wanted to help a friend but he completely shut him out. This made you determined to find out why Sans was so against going to the surface, maybe you could convince him to go. After a few last words with Grillby, he declares that it was time for him to leave. He jumps into a red sports car, decorated with fire stickers on the side, go figure, and heads to the surface. You wave him goodbye as you walk back home with Papyrus. When you reach about half way, more snow begins to fall again. You groan when you realise you forgot your coat, which made you, again, think of Sans and the big warm blue jacket he always had with him. Everything was making you think about Sans. Sans this, Sans that. This crush of yours is definitely something. 

"Will you be staying here for the night Paps?" You decided to try a nickname out, it almost drowned his face with delight.

"No, no." He chuckled, "My brother wouldn't want that. My car is not far from here." He spoke very formally, though it felt as if it went against him. You thought we was completely goofy and fun loving but I guess everyone has their calm and serious side to them. You continued walking in silence until you eventually reached Sans' house again. Papyrus jumped into his car, it looked like a regular family car, maybe he borrowed it from the Dreemurs. He rolled his window down to say goodbye, "(Y/N)," he looks down, almost as if he were sad. You could never picture Papyrus being someone who'd show someone that they were sad, "Look after Sans for me, okay?" He looked up, giving you a hopeful smile that was cuter that a puppy tilting his head. Your heart almost broke. You assure him that you'll take care of Sans, and he goes back to his normal, cheerful self. "Well! Here's my number." He said handing you a small piece of paper, "If he starts acting... more dumb than usual, give me a call." He smiles. 

"I will Papyrus, thank you for taking me to meet Grillby." You said, clutching on to your notebook for a second, "Wait. Didn't you need to talk to me about something?" You asked, Papyrus looked confused for a moment but soon enough remembered. 

"Oh! Don't worry about that. It can wait for another time. Tell Sans I said goodbye." He laughed as he closed up his window and started his car. You waved good bye to him like you did to Grillby and headed back inside once he was out of sight. You sigh in relief when the warmth of being inside embraces you once again, it was still dark just like when you had left Sans before. 

You walk along the wall feeling for a light switch, you slightly tripped over something on the floor but you managed to keep your balance. When you turned your light on you saw an empty living room. You sigh, unsure of if you wanted to see Sans or not right now. You find yourself lost in thought for a moment but you soon manage to snap yourself out of it. You double check your lock on your notebook, then cautiously place it onto the table before jumping on to the couch, slowly sinking into it. You weren't out for too long but it felt like you had been out for hours, non-stop partying. You think over everything that had happened tonight, the fake drunkness of Sans made you giggle. The kindness of Grillby made you feel warm inside. Yes that was a pun. The hilarity of Papyrus made you feel joyful. The heart beat of Sans made you feel... 

"You're back?" Sans walks out of the kitchen, rubbing his eye with one hand and keeping his other tucked into his pocket. 

"What does it look like, genius?" You throw a pillow at him, which hits him right in the face, making you both laugh.

"Welcome home, (Y/N)."

"Good to be hom-" You pause.


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