Chapter Seventeen

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When you arrived at the hospital, Papyrus carried a passed out, poorly bandaged up Sans towards the front desk.
The reception lady glared up at you but her jaw soon dropped when Sans came into her flight of vision. "Race?" She said, picking up the phone and dialing a small amount of numbers.

"He's uh... Human, monster, human part monster?" You say, reciving an interesting stare from the lady on the desk.

"I need a Monster and human doctor, now, please." She said before slamming the phone down. After, she lead the three of you behind two closed doors, there were lines of beds with sick patients, humans and monsters alike. She took you over to a separate room, allowing Papyrus to put Sans down on a bed. Shortly after thanking the woman, a doctor bursts through the door, he was human with short brown hair and glasses.

"Where's the monster doctor?" Papyrus asked, his voice was shaky, but it only made you realise how well he was holding up.

"I am. I can treat monsters and humans, though I struggle with caring for monsters a little more than humans." He blushed in embarrassment, Papyrus assures him that he's happy to have him treating his doctor, giving him a quick handshake before leading him to Sans. After checking over him and evaluating the bandages you had coated his arm with. He replaced your bandages as yours had been drowned with blood. You couldn't bare to take your eyes off of Sans, something felt so wrong, but what was wrong was unknown.

An hour later.

You sit out in the hallway with your eyes closed and head resting against the wall. Sans was in a stable condition, which lifted your spirits a little but he was yet to wake up. The hall was completely empty, the walls were a light creamy colour that was strangely calming to look at. The floor was a light blue, to match the temperature of the hallway. Open doors sat to different parts of the hospital, letting cold air in and cling on to any skin that was not protected by clothing. You were the only one there, even though you could hear the doctors in other rooms, you felt like you were only alone with your thoughts, but the only thing that your memory would show you was the fight between you, Sans and Chara. The memory of Chara dying replayed constantly in your mind, filling your soul with guilt but no reason to be guilty. You watched their eyes stare into yours as their life faded from them, you could hear their heart come to a sudden halt and never restarted. Your breath quickly became sharp with panic as the stare Chara held with you in their moment of death only grew more and more helpless, looking like a poor animal stuck in a trap. You felt your heart pace faster and faster in every second until everything was quickly interrupted by a door opening into the hallway.

"Hey, (Y/N)." Papyrus said as he handed you a canned drink before sitting in the seat beside you holding his head in his hands. Sweat trickled from his forehead, leaving his hair a little wet. You thanked him for the drink as you opened it and took a sip, letting it relieve the stress that your own mind gave you.

"How's he doing?" You asked quietly, you put your drink on the floor beside you and began twiddling your thumbs.

"He's okay. He woke up for a few seconds, he was calling your name but he fainted again. He's in a lot of pain, (Y/N). The doctor is struggling to treat him because he has been a human and a Monster, he doesn't know what methods to use." Papyrus looks saddened, this was the first time he let an emotion other than happiness show. Shortly after that, Sans' doctor slowly walks through the door. He sits beside you in complete silence, acting as if he hadn't even seen you. After a few minutes silence, Papyrus let out a cough, making the doctor aware of your presence. "How's he doing, Jamie?" (Named after Jamie Vardy and for Leicester winning the cup! MY CITY!) Papyrus speaks up, asking him very casually as he put his happy front on once again.

The doctor, who was apparently named Jamie looked up at you and Papyrus. "I'm really struggling, I've never treated someone like Sans." He scratched the back of his neck. "Who did his first bandage work, Papyrus?" He asks, Papyrus proudly points in your direction. "I think you might be able to help me." Your eyes lit up, at first it was the thought of actually working as a doctor but that was almost instantly taken over by the determination to save Sans. You stood up, agreeing to help to doctor and you followed him back into the room where Sans continued to lay unconscious. At first you were taken aback at how weak he looked but the desire to save him burned strong. Jamie walked over to one side of Sans, as you walked to the other side. You took a small sample of Sans' blood and examined it, you found different cells which contained what you would find in humans and monsters. They were rather easy to tell apart, monster cells were slightly discoloured compared to humans, proving their inability to hold as much determination as humans. Sans had both human and monster cells, which calmed Jamie down, knowing that Sans was technically a new race, a combination of monster and human. However, this still did not indicate a way to save him, but you had a contact with someone who owned a certain substance that is usually not available in hospitals. You quickly pulled up your phone after Jamie gave you permission to do all that you physically could to save Sans. Not even 5 minutes later, a small yellow dinosaur lady rushes in wearing her signature lab coat, holding something that could save Sans.

"(Y-Y/N)" They stuttered, "This could result in c-complete failure. Are you sure you know the r-risks?" You nodded, explaining that as they had human cells, they could handle small doses of Determination. You take a small amount and inject it into his bloodstream. Jamie stared at each action you made, throwing you off a little but didn't slow your work down. You add a stable amount of determination around Sans' wound, before covering it with fresh bandages. His heart rate quickly returned to a normal pace, Jamie sighed in relief as he began to scan through the monitors, then turned giving you a thumbs up. The room fell silent and Alphys had left a while ago to watch Papyrus, the only audible noise in the room was Sans' heart monitor letting out a smooth rhythm of beeps. You sat in the chair besides Sans, sinking into it with exhaustion. Jamie thanked you for helping and left to continue his rounds at the hospital. You placed your hand on top of Sans', without realising you were quickly drifting to sleep.

Human Again ~ Undertale ~ SansxReader {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now