Chapter Two

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You wake up on a couch, with a raging headache that made your brain feel as if it had been turned to stone. You gather the strength to sit up and take in your surroundings. A TV sat in front of you, it looked old and scrappy but still looks like it would work. The room around you was clean and smelled of... Lavender? Through the window you can see the snow still bombing down outside, but something sat by the window caught your eye. A yellow flower sat sadly in a glass vase full of water. It was missing a petal but it just appeared to seem more pretty that way. Like a perfect mix between broken and happy. Not perfect, not destroyed, a beautiful middle between the two.

You realise you had been staring at the flower for far too long and decide to move. You sit up and swing your legs over the side of the couch and run your hand through your (H/c) hair and feel a weird texture go along your scalp. You look at your hand and stare silently, bits of skin had chipped off of your fingers, there was no blood, but you could see your bones through the chipped off skin.
'What the hell is going on?' You practically scream inside of your head.

You look around the room some more, you can see a staircase leading up to two different rooms and probably a bathroom of some kind. Besides the staircase you see the kitchen, it's a mess especially compared to how clean the rest of the house is. Suddenly you hear a loud crash followed by a deep voice yelling.
"Fuck!" They yell. You jump to your feet which makes you feel light headed, you're stuck between wanting to check if they're okay and running before they hurt you. You don't even know where you are or why you're here. You attempt to take a step, but your left left was significantly weaker than your right, causing you to fall flat on your face. You cry in pain on impulse, then cover your mouth realising that whoever brought you here probably heard you. Wait, probably? He definitely heard you, no doubt about it. While thinking through all your options you completely fail to notice two pink sleeps head in your direction, you look up and find a short skeleton staring down at you. It wasn't a good stare either, he looked at you as if you had killed his entire family. He rolls his eyes then gives you his hand to help you up.
"You okay, kid?" He smirks at you, waiting for you to stand but you were too busy studying him to notice you were staring at him, "You gonna get up?" He raises an eyebrow at you, he must think you're a total creep.
"Oh! Excuse me." You say softly while taking his bony fingers and standing up. You were scared his entire arm would just fall off as you stood up but it luckily remained intact. You brush your clothes down in case you got anything on it from where you fell, then you hear a cough, you look at the Skeleton who looked impatiently at you, waiting for you to say something. You stare blankly back at him, not knowing what he expected you to do. In a response, he simply groans and adjusts his blue coat and walks grumpily back into the kitchen. The hood had a fluffy outline that made it look so warm, no wonder he's able to live out here. You sit back down on the couch, knowing that you wouldn't be able to leave with your leg in the condition its currently in. You roll up your jeans to find, like your hand, your leg had began chipping off bits of skin revealing the bones underneath. The only logical reason you could think of was the temperature having an affect on your skin, though you had never heard of it before. Maybe it's some kind of abnormality in a gene of yours? While you were rambling on to yourself, trying to convince yourself you're still normal, you didn't notice the same skeleton watching you from the entrance to the kitchen as you inspected your rotting leg. When you look up your eyes meet. He stares at you and your hand and leg, he walks over to you and kneels down beside your leg, inspecting it closer.
'Jeez at least buy me dinner first...' You joked to yourself, you let out a short chuckle, which made the skeleon shoot dagger eyes at you. You look away awkwardly, but watch him from the corner of your eye. He licks the tip of his finger and gently slides it along the open skin, waits a few seconds, then stands up and stares at you.
"What did you do..?"
"Huh? Oh. It should have healed but..." You watch him waiting for an answer but you never received one, he just walked off again with a face that showed he was deep in though. Did he know what was going on?
"By the way, kid." He starts, your eyes follow him as he continues to talk, "The names Sans. Sans the Skeleton. Don't bother telling me yours, I don't care." You keep your mouth shut, hoping you don't make him mad. He walks back into the kitchen and you hear a load of rattling, he walks back in throwing a bag of chips/crisps at you, then the remote.
"Do what you want. Just don't leave." He didn't even bother to look at you as he spoke, which you felt was rather rude. Before you could reply you hear his door slam shut, he clearly has no interest in holding a conversation with you so why on earth did he tell you not to leave? What the hell was he planning? You lay back on the couch and begin flicking through the channels, eating the chips and slowly fall asleep in a strangers house. A stranger named Sans. Who was a Skeleton. There's a story nobody would ever believe.

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