Chapter Twenty

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"Hey, kiddo." Sans coos as you walk into his hospital room. His cast had been put on, it made him look a little silly but he still continued to be cute. You smiled and sat on the side of his bed. Asking him how he was feeling.

"A lot better, actually." He smiled widely at you, "Doc said I can leave tonight." You were overjoyed to hear this and smiled back, though Sans could see that something was wrong. "What's wrong, kid?" His smile faded from a happy to a sympathetic one.

"I went to see Alphys. She told me about what happened while you were all underground, with the determination." You explained, Sans smiled sadly as you spoke, knowing what you had found out wasn't particularly pleasant. He laid a hand gently on your shoulder, continuing to smile at you. The low mood quickly lifted when you imagined Sans' face as he stood out of the hospital, outside for the first time and even under the stars.

"How about that date, then? Let's go tonight." Sans said, changing the subject. You looked at him, wondering if he was well enough to really leave the hospital, but you wouldn't argue with Jamie, he was a good doctor after all. After a while of thinking, you finally agreed to his offer and happily accepted. Soon after, Papyrus jumps in the room along with a tall, purple and pink robot who looked fabulous. Sans subtly face palms when he notices, who appears to be Papyrus' spouse, Mettaton. When their eyes met yours they lit up like a Christmas tree.

"DARLING!" Papyrus and Mettaton squeal in unison, Mettaton seemed to bring a whole new side of Papyrus out, a more loud, confident and slightly homo side. You laughed as their voices echoed through the room and the hallway behind them. "It's SO nice to finally meet you, darling!" Mettaton cried with joy, running up to you and grabbing your hands. "Papyrus has told me so much about you!" They sang, you smiled awkwardly, unsure of how to react to the tall robot infront of you as they continued to hold your hands with theirs, they were cold but you didn't mind it. You looked over to Sans who, undoubtedly looked a little pissed. He avoided looking at you and Mettaton. Papyrus walked over to Sans to check up on him while Mettaton still chattered on to you.

You managed to zone out pretty quickly, even though they were being very loud. You were only out for a short while until you were brought back into reality by Mettaton continuously saying your name as they waved their robotic hand in front of you. "Darling... You look awful." They spoke softly, their voice wasn't so unbearable like this. Sans and Papyrus looked at you, realising how terrible you looked. "When was the last time you slept...?" They asked, sounding generally concerned, though as a robot. You realised you had been doing so much while you were at the hospital that your body was struggling to keep up. Your mind finally realised how exhausted you really were and the floor suddenly got closer and closer extremely quickly until everything went dark.

(Dream Time!)
"Hiya." A kind voice softly spoke out, your eyes opened and were greeted by a warm field, it was a beautiful day outside, birds were singing, flowers were blooming. You could smell the fresh grass. Your eyes slowly looked up to find a lone tree in the middle of the field. On one of the larger branches, Chara sat swinging their legs back and forth. They wore light blue shorts and the regular green and yellow sweater. Their hair would flow back and forth as they swung their legs. They noticed you staring at them and gave you a cute smirk, "The best time to wear a striped sweater is all the time." They giggled.

"Chara, I thought we killed you." You mumbled, but they heard anyways.

"So did I, actually." They jumped down from the branch, perfectly landing on their feet like a cat before they continued talking. "You and that comedian really did a number on me. Turns out I had more determination than I thought, though. So here I am." You prepared yourself to battle again, being kind of glad that Sans wasn't around to get hurt. "Hey, now!" They chuckled as you leaned into a battle stance, "I have no interest in that." You didn't change from where you stood, you had no reason to trust Chara.

Chara sat down, leaning against the tree they once sat on, patting the ground beside them, telling you to sit with them. You decided to sit, but not as close as they had indicated. You kept eyeing them suspiciously. "Listen..." They spoke, as they picked a dandelion out from the grass. "When you... Killed me. Something changed. I don't have the will to kill anyone now. I think it's because you brought me back to the surface. I was trapped underground by a curse, barrier or not, but now..." They smiled in pure delight at you, "Now I'm free. Well... Nearly, my soul is still very weak, I'm forced to stay inside your mind for a while longer while I recover but after a few more weeks I'll be able to regain my true form. I'll be human, just like you and even Sans." A childlike personality quickly began showing in Chara, as if they no longer hate humanity, though part of you refused to believe they had changed. "Just don't tell Sans, once I am human I'll be out of your hair permanently, metaphorically and literally." They laughed. You sighed as you thought about your options, you alone couldnt fight Chara. You could sense they still had the same strength as before, and they only needed some time to get strong enough to actually acquire a body again.

You rub the back of your neck, letting out a loud and annoyed groan, "I can't believe I'm doing this..." Chara's eyes widened as you finished speaking, leaping at you and bringing you into a hug whilst repeatedly thanking you. You didn't say a word after that and forced yourself to wake up, the last thing you remember seeing in your dream was a very happy young child waving good bye, with hope, life, love and determination glowing strongly in their eyes.

Human Again ~ Undertale ~ SansxReader {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now