Chapter Fourteen

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Your hands grip tightly on to the flower, it glowed an enchanting blue, continuously whispering the words you heard. Your eyes relax and a small smile grows on your lips. You chuckle softly to yourself, holding the flower to your chest. You slowly walk to the car where Sans had run off to. The flower continued to repeat Sans words. You felt your heart beating strongly and your skin felt stronger. You were completely human again because Sans said that he loved you?
Your legs began rushing towards the car, your cheeks turning a bright red when the car was in sight.
You swing the door open to find Sans sat in the car seat blushing a furious blue, holding another flower matching the colour of his face. He gently held the flower out to you, attempting to cover his face with his other hand. You smile cutely at him, happily taking another flower from him. You put your ear close to the face of the flower and it gently whispered.

'But I don't know how to tell them or even ask them out.'

You chuckle at the flower whispering Sans' shy words into your ear. When you look up, Sans had disappeared again. You climbed through the car, going through the other side. You follow small shoe prints on the floor, finding different jewels buried into the ground and wall.

Eventually, you find Sans sat in front of a shimmering Waterfall, the colour reflected light over Sans making him almost seem angelic. You (E/C) eyes shined in the light as well, you felt free as the light hit your face.

"Sans..?" You questioned him, feeling your cheeks burn up. "What's going on?"

Sans stared deeply into your eyes with a cute smirk growing on his face. He took your hands and his hands began to flood with life. Skin grew pale but strong quickly travelling towards his shoulders, they sparkled against the light from the Waterfall almost as if by magic.

"Turns out," He laughs awkwardly, "I've fallen for you, kid. I want to know if uhh..." He stutters, handing you another echo flower. You smile and take it from him and it whispers,

'Will you be mine?'

You smile widely and whisper to the flower, before joyfully handing it back to him, he hesitates as he takes the flower from your hands, but a huge smile grows on his cheeks as he listens to your response.

'Yes.' Your answer seemed to echo around the room, and the world almost turned an entirely new shade of blue that you hadn't seen before. You pulled Sans in for a loving embrace, you could still feel his skin reforming, you laughed as he held on to you tighter.

When you pulled apart, but still in each others arms, you saw the Sans you didn't come to know. His skin was almost pure white, with light hair to match, that fell gently by his ears. He had a blue and green eye, but the blue eye had much more detail and shined brighter than the green one. His lips were thin and pure, but perfectly hid a goofy smile. He was a lot skinner compared to how he was as a skeleton, his shirt and jacket hung loosely from his shoulders. He was still taller than you, but his height didn't change. He looked deeply into your eyes with the same smirk on his face. His eyes looked different but felt the same, the only change that really felt odd was that his cheeks flooded red instead on blue. You placed a hand on his chest, feeling a rushed but constant heart beat. You were filled with joy to the feeling. Sans was human again. Sans was alive.

He looked down at his hands covered in skin, "What just happened?" He giggles, his voice remained exactly the same as before. You were happy that he still had the soft soothing voice you came to know and love.

"I don't know but daaaaaamn, Sans!" You chanted, "You lookin fiiiine!" The two of you laughed in harmony at your remark, then Sans pulled your face in extremely close to his, you could feel his breath flowing on to your cheeks.

"I love you." He said in a serious tone whilst staring deeply into your eyes. His eyes glowed softly.

"I love you too, Sans." You hummed peacefully as your lips met, it felt cold but it also felt perfect. The kiss deepened as you both let out joyful noises to each others touch.

When you managed to pull yourself away from him, he spoke up. "Maybe we should head back, Papyrus will be waiting." You smiled and took his hand on yours, before walking off towards the car. You leaned your head on his shoulder as you walked, he smelled like fresh blossom.

When you reached the car Papyrus was still nowhere to be found, Sans gave you your notebook and the flower he used to ask you out. "Draw this." He smiled lightly before sitting back into the car, resting his head along the back but still looking towards you. You sat on the ground, leaning the flower against a wall covered in what looked like shimmering jewels and began sketching the flower. You hummed softly and Sans harmonised along side you. You outlined the jewels and petals, following their design in detail almost embracing their beauty. After a while of drawing, Sans sat beside you wrapping his now warm arm around your waist as you drew. You rested your head on his shoulder and continued to sketch after giving him a loving smile. When the final details were added, you smiled at the final image of your work. Sans laid a gentle kiss on your head, making sure not to break the relaxing silence of your water embraced surroundings. You let out a peaceful sigh, allowing you to take in all of your surroundings with your new not so skeleton boyfriend, Sans.

Human Again ~ Undertale ~ SansxReader {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now