Chapter Ten

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Normal POV

You slowly open your eyes to a familiar sight, Sans. You nudge him softly to wake him up, when you notice your entire hand and arm was complete bone. You sat up, scanning over your entire body, noticing your clothing hanging loosely off of you.

"Hey." Sans says so casually as he sat up beside you. You look at him in pure shock due to your new body. "I know it's different but it'll be okay. Papyrus changed back and so can you." He assures you, you sigh in relief and lay back down. "You know, kid..." He stumbles over his words a little. "You look really hot as a skeleton." He looks at you with a large blue tint growing across his face.

You stare back and bite your lip to hold in a laugh. "Sans! Are you saying you have a bone-r for me?" He snorted in response which really brightened your mood, despite all of the arguing.

When the laughing slowly came to a stop, you found the two of you staring deeply into each others eyes. His hand softly caresses your face to your chin, and slowly starts to pull you towards him. His eyes had started glowing with life again, the second you notice that you quickly lean in to kiss him, Sans used magic to stimulate the feeling of lips between the two of you. You slowly wrapped your arms around him, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss. You take the closeness to your advantage, pushing your self on top of him. Your hands began travelling around his body, stroking on different bones, which he seemed to enjoy. You pull his shirt off and continue exploring, watching his reactions each time you touched a different part of his body. He let out soft moans as you slowly and gently ran a finger down the inside of his spine.

"S-Stop." He moans quietly, but you refuse and continue to run your finger lower and lower, until you reach his shorts, finding something was glowing a shimmering blue. You look at him in question, but he only replies with a gentle shrug as he pants. You slowly pull down his shorts and find that the glow was in fact, a penis. A giant blue penis. You look back up at Sans, blushing furiously but he only shrugs again in response. You run your hand up and down his member, making him shudder suddenly to this new feeling.

"I guess you could say you really wanna bone me right now?" You chuckle, his eye lights up suddenly and you find yourself pinned down on his bed. You didn't think too much of it as Sans popping up in random places had become a regular thing.

"I guess you could say that." He laughs with an evil feel in it. You lift your head up and bury your head into his neck, softly biting on it. Sans body relaxes and melts into yours, he softly pulled at your shirt to indicate that he wanted it off. You don't hesitate to stop him so you stop nibbling on his neck allowing him to lift himself up and pull your shirt up, leaving you feeling exposed. He decides to take this to his advantage and quickly pull your jeans off, leaving you in only your underwear. He slowly lowers himself back on top of you and you can feel something push against your lower region. You bite your lip which seems to only fire him up.

Refusing allowance to continue teasing him, he softly leaves the sensation of kissing on your neck. You let you soft moans, which triggers him to softly grind against you. The feeling causes you to blush insanely. You began feeling extremely hot underneath Sans as he let out soft grunts and moans on your neck. His breath ran down your spine, giving you a tingly sensation.

You decide that you've had enough of playing and quickly kick off your underwear. "Are you sure, kid? It might hurt..." He looks at you sympathetically, the last think he wanted to do was hurt you. You nod at him, knowing that this would have happened sooner or later.

"I'm sure." You tell him, he leans down and kisses you once more, softly sliding his tongue into your mouth as he slowly inserts himself into you. You try to let out a moan but it was blocked off by his tongue. He holds you closely, as if he was apologising for the sudden pain. He doesn't move once he was in, he waited for you to tell him it was okay to continue. You pull away from the kiss and nod at him and he begins to go deeper inside of you. You wrap your arms around him tightly, holding him as close as possible while you cry out in pain, the routine continued on for a while until he was completely inside of you. You pant and gasp for air after the shock. He sadly looks at you, but you assure him you were okay. He leans down and deeply kisses you once more as he slowly begins thrusting in and out. You hold each other closely, constantly letting out soft moans between thrusts.

Once you had gotten use to the feeling you whisper, "Faster.." He stares at you with a slight smirk on his face and gladly takes this order as he picks up his speed. The two of you pant and moan in unison, gradually getting louder, though it wasn't like anybody was going to hear you anyway. You begin moaning his name, to which he responds by thrusting harder into you whilst moaning your name in return. This went on for quite some time until you were both completely worn out, Sans falls off of you on to his back, desperately trying to catch his breath while you tried to catch yours. A soft substance sat over you and Sans, though it was quite obvious what it was, the writer is laughing too much to actually say what it is.

You exchange loving looks before slowly drifting into a deep sleep in Sans' embrace.

Human Again ~ Undertale ~ SansxReader {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now