Chapter Eleven

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You wake up to what could be the best smell in the entire universe: Food. It was only as the gorgeous smell hit your nose when you realised how long it had been since you last ate. You lift your hand up, scanning it intensely. Running your other hand along your fingers, inspecting the new form you had taken.

"Sans?!" You cry out, the cold was starting to creep into your soul. You wandered desperately in the forest looking for him. Almost all of the skin on your limbs had completely worn off.
'Keep going forward.' A voice whispered, echoing around your brain. You decide that, even though you were certain you were going crazy, the voice probably had a better chance getting you anywhere. You keep walking feeling the skin around your stomach fade and crumple off, it gives you a slight stinging sensation but it did not hurt as much as the piercing cold. You sneeze repeatedly as the wind crawled into your nose, the way your body shook as you sneezed eliminated all remaining skin on your body. You felt nothing for a short moment, but the cold continued to attack you. You suddenly hear a sharp scream.
"(Y/N)!" They called. You turn around and softly smile at the Skeleton you have fallen for. Literally. You fell to the ground, the entire world went dark.

You gather some strength and lift yourself up onto your legs. You went light headed for a moment as your body was extremely weak and your legs were pretty much nothing but sticks. You sigh in relief as you find your balance and as you look up Sans was stood in the kitchen doorway, with a cute 'kiss the cook' apron on that looked way too big for him. You give him a smile and he looks in a different direction, you could see a cream coloured blush appear on his cheeks. You still wanted to talk about going to the surface together, though. Sans walks over, staring a very basic conversation, he takes your hand when he notices you were struggling and guides you towards the table in the kitchen, pulling the chair out for you. You smile at him and nod in thanks. Sans continues cooking what you assumed were pancakes. He hummed quietly as they cooked.

"I'm glaD... YoU'Re... SafE..."

"Did you say something?" You stare at Sans with slight horror filling your eyes.

"Uh... No?" He replies, placing one of the finished pancakes on a plate and slides it across the table to you. You thank him but he turns away, making his own. You dig into the meal that Sans had made for you, it melted in your mouth and was fluffy and light. Your body relaxed to the taste and you let out a happy sigh. Sans chuckles to your reaction, but you didn't notice, all you could think about was the voice inside your head.

'dO yoU reALly HAve tO leAve...?' The voice returned, sounding more broken than the first time you had heard it. Were you going... Sane?

"I do have to leave." You plainly reply, forgetting that Sans was still in the room. He turned slowly with the same depressed look growing on his face. "Wait..." You mumbled as he stared at the stared at the ground.

"You really do have to leave, huh?" He asks quietly, your eyes suddenly build with tears again, leaving a light (F/c) glow along your cheeks. "I'll go with you. I'm not losing you again." He mutters but you struggled to hear him. You ask him to repeat himself and he snaps his head up with a sudden glow in his eye. He quickly stormed towards you, grabbing your shoulders and pulling you in for a hug. Though it wasn't as comfortable as when you were a human, it was still comforting and warm. "I'm going with you to the surface." He whispers into your ear, your cheeks light up, "I'm not losing you again." He finishes, holding you tighter. After the short moment shared between the two of you, Sans pancake started to burn. He dashes over and saves it from destruction and you both sit and eat together, discussing your plans for your new adventure.


"Hello?" A cheerful voice sings through the phone.

"Hey, Paps. It's me, (Y/N)." You say, he almost screeches with excitement when he hears your name.

"Huma- Shit! I mean-"
'Papyrus!' an unfamiliar voice shouts as Papyrus swears. You didn't think he'd be the kind of person to swear but... You don't know what to expect anymore. He yells out an apology to who you assume is Mettaton before you hear ruffles through the line as he picks back up.
"Hello (Y/N)! How have you been?" He happily asks, as if nothing had happened.

"Um.." You giggle and the chaos, "Well Sans is joining me on my research expedition!" You sing, but theres no response, just silence. "Papyrus?" You call out through the phone, wondering if the line went dead.

"Oh, sorry. You managed to convince him to go to the surface?" His voice suddenly became extremely serious, he almost sounded as if he was trying to hold back from crying.

"Yeah, isn't that great?" You ask, trying to figure out where he actually stood with this.

You hear a soft sniffle come through the line, "That's amazing news..." He cries in joy, "Someone finally convinced him." You could almost feel the smile on his face, it fills you with delight. "I have to go now, (Y/N). Sorry for cutting this short, Mettaton and I are going for dinner." You hear an excited voice yell multiple "hello's" to you, which makes you giggle.

"Don't worry, Paps. It's my fault for calling out of the blue, but I do have a surprise." You giggle, glancing once again at your new skeleton figure. "It can wait, though."

You hear a calming sigh, "I can't wait to see it." He says so sincerely, it warmed your heart.

You say your final goodbyes and decide to spend the rest of the night continuing your travel plans with Sans.

The thought of a new adventure fills you with determination.

Human Again ~ Undertale ~ SansxReader {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now