Ch. 2

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---Harry's POV---

It had already been 4 days in the new school, I was enjoying it so far, My teacher's were good and I was surprisingly enjoying myself so far, It could change, but I liked this, no one had really made any friends in class yet so everyone was quiet, I liked that.

"look at these boys!" I heard a girl say as she pointed out the window, there were 6 guys who were running across the school yard.

"yeah, that's just JJ and his crew" I heard someone else say, I just noticed the blonde tall boy that was first, I could hear his laugh. Somehow that laugh made me feel happy, why the fuck what that, I don't even know him. But he sure is cute, not like that matters, I'm a nobody, It's not like I could get him even if I wanted to. 

Somehow trough out the day I kept seeing that blonde haired boy everywhere, I don't know why I remember him, I've never seen him before today, but somehow I can't get him out off my head. But I don't even know him, or anything about him. I don't even know his name. There is also no one I can ask either. 

I make my way home from school, I was walking alone, I did that every day, I liked walking by myself, the bus was to noisy, I found it very difficult to be on the bus, the noise and everyone talking at once was something that I could not stand, but also because I hate driving , before the accident I was always at the back off the bus, making probably the most noise out off everyone, so many things had changed for me that day.

"Harry, did you get what I asked for?" my dad asked as I walked in the front door,

"No, I forgot my credit card, I'm going now"

"do you have it written down?" my dad asked me and smiled

"yeah, I wrote a note this morning" I said and smiled back at him, my dad was very good to me, but I did all the shopping for the house, as my father never leaves it, he just puts money on my card and I buy everything, It work's OK that way.

It was to much for him losing my mum and my two siblings in the space off 2 days, honestly it was very hard on me to, but I can't remember much about it. I blocked most off it out and I had a pretty severe head injury to, that is still affecting me to this day, but I still remember the accident it self, I sometimes have nightmares about it, not as often now as I used to. I was in the hospital for almost a week and my dad had to plan 3 funerals at the same time and care for me at the same time to. No wonder that he was emotionally drained after all that, to be honest who would not be. 

I got to the shop and I relies that I forgot the note that told me what to buy, I swear I had put it in my pocket, I thought I did. 

"fuck" I say to myself and I hit myself in the head

"are you OK?" I see the blonde haired boy come up to me and he looked confused.

 Fuck my Life.

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